Is it normal i like to "slut around" but afraid i might get something?

I'm a 20 year old woman, but I love sex. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and have been "slutting around" lately, and basically having sex with random guys because I can.

My parents have been lecturing me about slutting around so much and say I will get HIV. Is that a real concern, or just over concerned parenting?

Slutting around is fine 19
Your parents are exaggerating the risks to scare you 5
Your parents are right, you are going to die 11
HIV is an 80's thing, and is rare now. 2
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Comments ( 116 )
  • Hang in there girl! Us sluts are not very you can see! Of course it's a concern, buy as I said in a previous comment, even going to school now is risky. I wish you the best.

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    • Alichael

      What do you mean not very popular? Don't most young women your age sleep around with many random guys?

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      • Jeni18

        I do.

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        • Alichael

          Do most girls your age do what you do? Just curious.

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        • Me, too!

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          • Alichael

            Do most of your girls your age do what you do?

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            • Jeni18

              Some do. I really don't know but a lot of us go out sure.

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          • Jeni18

            It's fun. I really don't care that much about who I fuck.

            Sometimes I do all sorts of depraved sex acts on snap. I like it.

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            • I'm with you! I did things at my gangbang that would make any porn star blush! But it sure was fun! I think I could love you!

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      • Jeni18

        She means we get called whores and bitches and stuff. Even on here.

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      • Probably not to the extent that I do!

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      • Dumbteengirl

        I sleep around. I have a boyfriend but he isn't enough so I find it elsewhere.

        I don't really care.

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        • Get it where you can,when you can!

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          • Dumbteengirl

            I do. Every chance I get. It's easy really. I could fuck a different guy each day.

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    • lonewolf1253

      One in 5 women have herpes. 1 in 3 black women. Look it up. Don't get me wrong. I love sluts! But HIV and all the other diseases are still around. And many can't be cured. You get them for life. I'd be careful if I were you. Women are more likely to get STD's because of their anatomy. Has nothing to do with morality. It's simply a fact.

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      • Yes. I know the statistics and the risks involved. Believe it or not, I had terrific parents that taught me about choices and consequences. You go out into the rain without an umbrella, you get get the idea. My choice is riskier than some, yet I understand the possible consequences and am willing to take that risk. I'm sorry if that offends some people, but....I am a slut!

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        • lonewolf1253

          I have no problem with it. Long as you know the potential risks. Sex, politics, religion or anything like that is up to the individual and is nobody's business but theirs. Unfortunately, the faultfinders love to judge other people. "The faultfinder will find faults. Even in paradise." A famous quote by Henry David Thoreau.

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          • Thank you for your kind comments. That's becoming kind of rare.

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            • lonewolf1253

              Your very welcome.

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          • Alichael

            The bible is nothing but a book written by men filled with fictional stories and made up quotes.

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            • lonewolf1253

              That's a quote by an American writer in the early 19th century. He was an atheist as am I. Where do you see the bible mentioned?

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  • No guy I've been with wants to wear a condom, so no sex according to you?

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  • So sounds like slutting around is ok, and I should keep doing it!

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    • YES!

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    • nikkiclaire


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  • Cesar91

    Be careful, most almost all STDs are incurable. Once you get one, your blood and whole body will be corrupted for ever. there are graphic images of stds like, just look them up and thats enough to get you out of this. Dont take chance/risk, dont let temptation for momentary pleasure ruin your life, one mistake and you suffer for the rest of your life, that is if at all you live. Dont trust condoms, they break, and many stds are increasingly getting drug resident and unmanageable, you might end up shamefully disfigured and have to hide your face, your whole body would be covered in rashes and blisters in many cases and never go away not to mention you can never give blood to a close person in need of it, as yours will be corrupted forever and dying of blood loss is better than getting such corrupted blood and living a wretched life (if the infection from the blood doesnt kill the gut right away). Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, and so many deadly diseases. Even the hiv patients on HAART have to live like a leach depending haarts for the rest of the life, without haarts it its rather to die than suffer the effects of aidds and have a slow, painful and shameful death as each and every part of your body is literally destroyed. I would personally have qa heart attack and die right now than get any of these. a slutty life style is most certainly dangerous. Also hiv leads to many dangerous fatal dieaseseasees, including the disgraceful kaposi Sarcoma (look that up on google image). Some might make aids sounds like a flu like disease, but its much sinister and destroys every part of your body. STDS are common in both heterosexual and homosexual relations, straight, gay or lesbian it doesn't matter as long as it involves sink contact for some while fluid exchange for others. Dont let momentary sexual pleasure ruin your life or kill you. Once you get it, there is no way back to a normal healthy life and health is greater than any wealth or pleasure there is in the world, if you dont have a good health, you will never enjoy anything no matter what you have (just one day with a random high fever will tell you that) Best to practice monogamy, but if its too much, always get yourself and your partner tested before engaging in safe sex. Goodluck!

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    • I love to slut around, and people like you just run around and try and scare sluts like me, because you just think it's wrong. For thousands of years, women have been slutting around just fine without your input.

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      • Good for you! Us sluts are not few in number! SLUT POWER!

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        • Tiffany2016

          Yeah! SLUT POWER!!!

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        • I'm a major slut since I broke up with my boyfriend!

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          • I'm proud of you!

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      • nikkiclaire

        Its ok to be a slut. Welcome to our team. 😙

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      • nikkiclaire

        Yes we have. I love slutting around tbph

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  • CozmoWank

    Have you considered the more guys you have sex with the better the odds you'll encounter some psycho with jealous rage issues. That shit always seems to be in the news.

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    • Yes I have. But that's a risk I'n willing ro take

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      • CozmoWank

        Some people like to play in intersections but who am I to judge.

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  • EnglishLad

    Huge difference between being a complete slut and being a sexually open minded lady.

    If you're now single, it shouldn't matter how many people you sleep with or what you're getting up to between the sheets, provided you protect yourself.

    Going bareback is not cool, though.

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    • Well, I REALLY AM a complete slut! No shame or regret there for me. I don't like using condoms, if you get fucked as much as I do, it's like using sandpaper. I suppose that's selfish on my part, but the guys always know, so if they want, they can back out. Plus, I just like the feel of cum squirting in me. I do appreciate your comment and respect your opinion.

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      • I agree with Jen1998, if we all had to use condoms, you guys would not be getting much sex at all, and ofcourse, our species would die out, and you wouldn't be here to complain out us. Do you think your dad used a condom to conceive you? Did your mama always use a condom?

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  • Boojum

    Don't know what the incidence of HIV is where you live, but in the UK (population about 65 million) there are around 100,000 people living with HIV. Just on those statistics, the probability of having sex with someone who's HIV positive is pretty small. Of course, the incidence is higher is some sub-groups (gay men and intravenous drug users, for example), and you may not have sex with people in those groups. Also, the odds of acquiring the virus through unprotected vaginal sex is lower than other forms of sexual activity.

    As with many things in life, unprotected sex is a lottery. Sensible people take a careful at the odds, make an informed choice and accept that, if the chips fall the wrong way, they will be responsible for the consequences of the decision.

    Personally, if you were my daughter, I'd be more concerned about the many other more common infections - some serious, some just annoying - that you're likely to acquire via unprotected sex.

    It's good that you enjoy sex, but it's not a necessity of life. Maybe you'll be lucky and have only good memories of your slut phase. Maybe you won't. Only you can decide if the risks are worth the pleasure.

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    • Best response I've seen here. I always read your responses to posts in the forum because of your reasoned, rational advice. I, too, slut around. I realize unprotected sex is a lottery as is so many things we do in life. Driving a car is a lottery. Today, just going to school is a lottery (I'm a student in a major university and we have "active shooter" protocols to follow if such an incident occurs). I actually worry more about walking to class than I do having unprotected sex. Is that foolish? Probably. Am I willing to accept the risks and possible consequences of unprotected sex? Yes. But that's MY decision. And yes, I may have to live (or possibly die) with those consequences.

      Thank you for taking your time to give such knowledgable advice. You are truly a wise and decent person.

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      • Boojum

        Thank you, Jen. That's very sweet of you.

        I see myself as the old coot down the street sitting on his front porch sipping his ice tea and just waiting for someone to be stupid enough to wander over for a chat. Most of the neighbours just give me wave from the other side of the street because they don't want to listen to me drone on for an hour.

        Having read about your St Patrick's day adventure, I'm in awe of you. A woman who's open to exploring the full potential of her sexuality is one of the natural wonders of the world.

        Perceived risk versus true risk is an interesting and very complicated topic. Most people have unrealistic ideas about the risk of the things they do. Agency plays a role in this. A shooter appearing on your campus is something you have no control over. When you have unprotected sex, that's a situation you have chosen to be in (I hope) and you have some control over what happens. And, of course, a random bullet in the guts has immediate and very drastic consequences, while the _possibility_ of picking up something that _might_ affect you at some point in the future is very different.

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        • I thank you for taking YOUR time to invest in me! My grandfather was a lot as you seem to be. He died when I was really young, 6 or 7, but I remember sitting on his lap while he told me stories or sang to me. His house was in an old part of town and had a crawl space to get to an old floor furnace, plumbing, etc. When I was about 4, I remember he was going under the house to fix something. I was scared to death for him to go into that dark place and begged him not to. I remember he squatted down on one knee, sat me on the other, and calmly and sweetly tried to explain what he was going to do. Being 4, I didn't understand. I watched him as long as I could see him, then ran crying into the house. I don't remember this, but they said that for months I would talk about my "other papa". One day I said that and he sat me on his lap and asked what other papa. "Sweety, I'm the only papa you've got!" I had thought that other papa was gone forever. He would take me fishing and always made sure I got the biggest fish ever caught in that lake!

          You seem like just such a man. Thank you for understanding, papa. I would love to be able to sit on the porch with you and listen to your advice for hours!

          Best wishes!

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          • Boojum

            Nice story. It's good when kids grow up with positive, loving male role-models around.

            Hope it doesn't ruin your image of me, but this old man is dirty-minded enough to be intrigued by your mention of a website.

            Strictly from a research point of view, obviously... (I write dirty stories.)

            It'd be different if I really was your papa, of course, but I'm certain that I ain't...

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            • I LOVE dirty-minded!

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      • By the way, I DO get tested regularly for STDs/STIs. So far...

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        • Dustyair

          Testing is meaningless, that only tells YOU when you finally have caught something. STDs are skyrocketing around the globe stupid fucker.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    All these options are dumb. HIV isn't the one thing you can get, and it's unlikely you will die. HIV is not rare. Slutting around is not fine, especially in your situation. Your parents aren't exaggerating. Getting an STI and having it develop into an STD is your biggest concern.

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  • Its fine but you should use protection or you could likely get stds or pregnant with someone you wouldnt want as a father of your child.

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  • Does Putin control this too?

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  • BleedingPain

    You do you, just be aware of when to pass on someone.

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  • Whatintarnation

    Sister works for Mayo. She schedules young people for HIV related test all the time. Be smart or you'll regret it.

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  • STDs/STIs, are at an all time high according to the CDC.
    No safe sex = Russian roulette.

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  • Bailey_Rose

    Did you even complete junior high? Were you never taught ANYTHING about STDs? Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, HPV, H! I! FUCKING V!

    If you want to go whorring around, that's fine. To each her own. But at least don't be stupid about it. Insist that your male partner wears a condom and for additional safety measures you should use a female condom also........AND GET TESTED EVERY 3 MONTHS. Some of these there are no cures. HIV.....will ultimately kill you.

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    • So you are saying I can't have sex ever?

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      • Dumbteengirl

        Don't let him shame you. It's fine to be a slut. I am. I'm 19 and have already been with 50 guys give or take. I love it.

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        • I'm 19 and already lost count. Probably at least 50. Just had a gangbang with 26, best day of my life!

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          • Jeni18

            Wow. I would love to do that. Usually I just let guys fuck 1 or 2 at a time. The most was 5 in one night.

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            • Before the big event, we had "practice" sessions. The first was with six guys, then either 10 or 11, can't remember. Each time I learned a lot in terms of what I was willing to do, how many at a time (dp is very uncomfortable if you do it very long), and how much time it takes. I had good coaching from a porn star, so that really helped. If you want to try it, I'll be glad to give you some tips.

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        • Jeni18

          Omg me too, I'm only 18 tho.

          I love just fucking random guys.

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          • You're getting a good start! Keep up the good work! SLUTS RULE!

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            • Jeni18


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      • Dumbteengirl

        You should have lot's of sex with as many guys as possible. I do.

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        • Absolutely!

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          • itachi_uchiha

            Why do I sense you both are same person with fake acounts

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            • Because you're right. Most of this thread is commented on by the same loser. It’s also the same person who made the post and they make this post about once every two months because they don’t have an original thought in their fucked up head.

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      • Bailey_Rose

        No! I'm saying if you are going to go around having sex with random strangers, or even people you do know, make sure you use all available methods of protecting yourself.

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    • Bailey_Rose

      Seriously......where is the WHAT THE FUCK option for this poll..........

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  • Dot123

    Real concern. Slutting around is fine if you use safe sex. condoms, plan-b. Use protection.

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  • Jeni18

    HIV isn't that common I guess. Who cares.

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    • Cesar91

      It was common in the US 80s-90s-, leading cause of death in 1992 which the Regan-Bush administrations neglected, but The Clinton administration fought hard, and whith the development of HAARTS it became manageable, and with awareness and safe sex and sex education people became more aware and staretd to play safe. By the 00s it declined in the US and most of North America, but is still there with over , look upo on the net "An estimated 13,712 people with an AIDS diagnosis died in 2012 in the US with over 100,000 infected). It is however a massive killer in Africa and it is still the largest pandemic in the world with over 40 million infected. Untreated hiv is dangerous, some might think of it as a flu like disease, but its way more sinister and graphic, destroying every part of your body as it progresses to aids, (look up images of Kaposi Sarcoma an aids condition, I rather have an hear attack right now that that), causing multiple deadly conditions and leading to a slow painful death. Never take the chance, stay safe and always get yourself and your partner medically tested...

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      • Jeni18

        Right, so I basically have more chance of being killed every time I drive. Like I said, not common.

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    • Emokate


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    • Arrissot

      Tbh I wouldn’t mind giving you a shot if you where willing to try me out for sex, I have no STDs

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      • yet

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  • Yennifer_Of_Vengerburg

    It depends if you care if you get diseased or not I got 2 perminate STDs from slutting around and I used protection most of the time I mean I have sex with women also and I always have unprotected sex with women I got Herpies and HPV no-one would ever even know and most people have it without even knowing they have it, honestly you probably already got the shit because condoms don't protect against these two STDs but if you get AIDs I think the warts and sores start exploding outta your cunt and gonareas I think you oooze green and your shit falls off I'm not sure all the porn stars have herpies and HPV they only test them for HIV and Hep C but hep C is curable now so have add it

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  • MisterPapaya

    When my wife and I were at the hospital a few months back she was sharing a room with a girl in exactly your situation. The curtain between the two beds didn't prevent us from hearing her entire conversation with the doctor.

    Basically she was recently single and enjoying the single life y sleeping with a different guy almost daily.

    Long story-short? She caught something and that's why she was in the hospital.

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