Is it normal i'm 27 & still spooked of the dark and don't leave closet door ope

I am 27 , I have a kid and I still run from my bathroom to bed at night and never dangle my foot off the side of the bed. Spooked that a monster will grab my foot and drag me under the bed or that someone/ something is watching me if I leave doors open at night. I know that there is no monster or anyone watching me.

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73% Normal
Based on 79 votes (58 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Hyper576

    If you're 27 and scared of the dark and monsters (not being direct, MONSTERS), I wouldn't say that's normal, it isn't. Normally, from what I've experienced, you aren't supposed to be scared of the dark by the time you're 9, maybe even 7... Most 7 year olds I've met are scared of the dark. I'm getting off subject. Anyways, if you're 27 and scared of the dark I would recommend doing the opposite of keeping yourself "safe" from the freaky monsters in your closet, for example, put your leg over the side of the bed and wait. Nothing will happen. When I was scared of the dark I had that problem. I put my leg over the side of my bed and waited until I passed out, my leg was still there when I woke up and I was alive, lol. Trust me, do the opposite, scary or not.

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    • Kit1vkat12

      Thats a good idea! Honestly I know its gonna terrifying to do but our fears take over ourselves, god ima try this but I know its gonna be freightning!!

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      • Hyper576

        How did that work out for you?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm the same way. I can't sleep with the closet door open and if I'm in the basement or downstairs then, I'll run like a bat out of hell until I get all the way up the stairs where Ido I victory dance of escaping the creatures that were following me.

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  • leo96

    Being afraid of the dark is perfectly normal. It's natural for humans to be afraid of the unknown, and in most cases, that's exactly what fear of the dark is

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  • Fidgety

    This kind of reminds me of the beginning part of Cujo, the book.

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  • thatmuffinman

    20, not so much the dark I'll walk through the dark house without turning on the light with ease, but god forbid someone turn the lights off on me when I'm in the basement, will sprint upstairs as if I heard there was a suitcase with 12million dollars in it. Also my basement isn't furnished.

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  • blueizbabe07

    Im 21 and i have been the same way my whole life! I did a similar post and got half snarky remarks, and the other half was ppl w the same prob. My prob with the dark is so bad tat i cant even sleep alone. lol

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  • Kit1vkat12

    Lol it good and kinda sucks to know that when im 27 ill still be irationally be scared of all that too! Dont think its normal but im scared of the exact same shit and im 20

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  • Well you see getting changed in a locker room really isnt as simple as its made out to be, I mean lets say you put in a hard workout and you just wana relax in a steam room or hot tub, but there is this older dude with an extremely wrinkled ass and large, disproportionately sized testicles. Now he comes over to you and starts talking to you, completely naked, about the weather and politics and other meaningless nonsense while you cant take your eyes off just how hairy, and how low hanging his scrotum really is. He notices this, and starts scratching them in front of you, then suddenly switches the topic of conversation from whatever it was he was talking about to how wrinkled his ass is, and he even turns around to show you how much it resembles a golf ball after Tiger Woods used it for 18 holes. At that time it would NOT be normal to start spanking him, though if he turned around again and started swinging his nuts around in a circular motion while singing "when the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, thats amore!" At that time it would be appropriate to start spanking him.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Oh my god!

      I experienced something somewhat similar in a ladies' locker room at the YMCA. These girls were on a laptop while we were waiting for the others to change. When all a sudden, this tall, heavy, naked, older woman with long silver hair waltzes in. She turns to the wall and then turn around and starts looking over their shoulders. Then, she tries to have a conversation with them about the internet and starts causally moving her towel to reveal her old crotch and proceeds to stick up her leg on the bench and dries herself. We couldn't stop looking at her! The audacity of this woman to reveal herself to us. Everyone was staring at her, then she asks this girl about the stick (bluetooth). The girl can't stifle her laughter and the woman get seriously offended. She takes her leg off the bench, get angry at them and then leaves.

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  • smilebee21

    lol , thanx , potato dude !

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    Doesn't matter if you hide they can see you!
    When you sleep they are watching you...
    They're gonna get you!


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    • RaveRave

      Lol. Thats so fucked up

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  • joybird

    Parents teach children to be afraid of the dark by playing boo and jumping out from behind doors etc. Children then learn that not all rooms that seem empty actually are.

    Right, there is no monster and are you so weak that you couldn't fight one off!

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