Is it normal i'm 22 and struggle with energy?

I'm only 22 and most days I'll get energy slumps where I'm just really tired & cbf doing any more work. I also don't know how people cope everyday with the amount of things someone has to do in one day is ridiculously tiring!
My life- Get up early in the morning, go to work which is lawn mowing or gardening. When I get home there's housework to be done and ALL the animals to feed and sometimes clean. Don't forget , all the errands in between eg- Shopping, filling up the gas tank, picking up or dropping off something . The list can really go on. I'm only 22f and I find this so tiring. Is this normal? Do others my age get tired of every day things to do??

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 19 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    What does cbf mean?

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    • jsnpq

      Can't be fucked.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Are you pregnant.

    if yes Normal

    if no there is probably an underlying issue and you need to see a doctor.

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    • Nope, so you're saying u never get tired ?

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      • Terence_the_viking

        I do but i have diabetes

        when i was 22 i was awesomely powerful.

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  • jsnpq

    Not normal. A number of things could be the issue. How much sleep are you getting? Is it good sleep? Do you snore? Snoring deprives you of oxygen and can leave you tired in the morning. How about your diet? If it's lots of bread, protein and sugar but no veggies or fruit ( especially veggies ) that may be your problem. Perhaps there is something wrong with your metabolism, maybe. It could be your thyroid or diabetes, things easily checked by a doctor. More unlikely but possible is anemia for some reason or your body is fighting off something nasty that your going to need a doctor to get rid of. Your 22 so you probably eat like shit lol. Eat a fucking carrot or something!

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    • Ipooprainbows

      I doubt I'm anemic as I have been on iron pills & when I last had a blood test, it showed my iron levels were fine...Besides, how come majority of young people don't suffer from low energy levels/feeling tired?? Considering majority of youngsters have a crappy diet, party (drink, do drugs e.c.t) & stay up all hours of the night! I find it hard to believe one wouldn't be tired u know? We live in a fast paced world that's highly stressful. Bills, money issues and the list goes on....

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    • Ipooprainbows

      I dont snore, I don't have a shit diet, I eat reasonably well. I an getting over major anxiety, could this be a contributing factor? I personally feel I have a fast metabolism as ever since age of about 17, I haven't really been able to put on weight. Does this cause thyroid issues?

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    • I don't have much of a shity diet.
      I'm trying to eat more healthier lately. Last time I got my iron levels checked they were all fine so I doubt I'm anemic as I have also been on iron pills. I dont snore, never have! I am getting over (and still have a bit) of anxiety. Can anxiety cause thyroidthyroid issues? Ever since the age of about 17 , I've found it hard to put on weight. Personally I feel I have a fast metabolism, can this cause low energy levels? Majority of teens and in general, young people eat crap food, drink or take drugs these days including late nights! How do these people not suffer from being tired ??

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