Iin, i'm a girl but think i'm a guy?

Growing up all I can remember is acting and doing everything a boy does, (not saying every boy did this but it was more unusual for a girl to do things I did.) Literally as a baby everything had to be blue, my room, my bed, my clothes etc. otherwise I'd throw a fucking hissy fit.

In school and kindergarten I only had friends that were boys, I did everything they did such as taking football lessons after school and being outdoors climbing, walking through the woods, beating each other up, etc.

Because of this I literally never knew how to act feminine or around girls, I use to tease them and poke/hit/annoy them. My mother hated this and always tried to get me to wear dresses, be nice, get me girly stuff, etc. but I'd hate it. In primary school I even tried to use the boys bathroom.

I always rejected everything feminine and honestly I hate it when I'm called she/her/etc. I find girls attractive (I "married" another girl in the playground at school when I was like 7 but we broke up the next day and I chased her around with a spider and threw it at her) I do find guys attractive too but I find it more weird and I feel embarrassed for it and I don't know why?

I kinda tried making friends with some girls in high school but they were really boring and we didn't have anything in common so I stopped seeing them. There was one time a guy asked me to be his boyfriend and I told him to fuck off and that he was gay (I don't hate gay people though my friend is gay and he is cool.) Idk why but whenever a guy tells me he likes me I think he is gay and I start to hate him and get angry

I also kind of look more like a guy than a girl, my body is more bulky (not fat, like muscles because I workout) and my hair is usually short (long hair is stupid and it's fucking annoying)

Is this all normal? Am I actually a transgender? It's pissing me off that I'm confused about this. (also go fuck yourself if you're gonna post a hateful comment or some shit I'd wreck you in real life)

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44% Normal
Based on 50 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Ellenna

    You are delusional: there's no way a baby knows which colours are traditionally "masculine" and "feminine"!

    So you don't fit any feminine stereotype: so what? That doesn't mean you're male. You can be whoever you are, including short hair if that's what you prefer, without going on the transgender surgery/dangerous hormones for the rest of your life.

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    • I know that, I'm just saying from birth I rejected everything feminine without being taught what it even was.

      I never said I wanted to go on hormones or anything because I'm okay with my body, the only thing I'd actually consider is removing my breasts because their useless and get in the way

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      • sebastian2013

        I domt think your breasts are useless, just saying.

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        • Well I'm never going to have children (I'm infertile), and a breasts purpose is only for feeding your young, so why have them when there not being used for there purpose?

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          • Ellenna

            Breasts have other uses than feeding babies!

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    • Bobdole69

      Yeah don't go transgender people do and regret it, it's a very sad trend. Young people get tattoos they dont like when they're older, think about it op

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      • Zonfire80

        I'm a transman and I am happy with my life. Not depressed that much and have a hott girlfriend who loves me for me. Never have I've been this happy. Transitioning as made me a happier person. It's even made my bipolar disorder better. I take meds for it, but I'm more comfortable taking my meds every scence my transition.

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    • Zonfire80

      Yea but why does that matter what they do with their life. If they were transgender so what, it doesn't really matter. They also could just be a tomboy, still why does it matter. Live life and don't worry about other people's life's.

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  • mysistersshadow

    You may be transgender but I could be wrong as I really can't fathom what that would be like. All of the FtM trans ppl I've met didn't read as male to me even tho they seem to think they are. Even your topic you don't sound masculine the way biological males are. If its something your really interested in exploring you should

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    • Zonfire80

      What makes you think their not read as male woman? You know not all men are a like. Some guys act fem some dom. I'm not saying op is transgender but they do seem to suffer with their gender identity. That doesn't make them trans. Op could just be a lesbian or bi tomboy.

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  • Lorenzito

    You *may* have gender dysphoria, but you sound like you're probably just a tomboy. You are also just conditioned to the life style of men because of your childhood. Unless you genuinely believe that you are the soul of a man in the body of a woman, you don't have gender dysphoria (transgender).

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    • Zonfire80

      I was born female and had lots of female role models in my life. Never once did I feel comfortable in my body. Always hated the fact I wasn't born with male genital. I wanted to fucken pee just like my dad or brother. I hardly hanged out with my dad and brother. I loved sports like football but never felt comfortable in my own skin. When I was in middle school going in the gym was hell. I felt embarrassed seeing girls changing. My fucken crush was their. She was so beautiful and I couldn't stop staring at her changing. I felt like I was violating her privacy. Nobody thought that because they saw me as female. I actually got kicked out because I tried to smack her ass. My urges took over. I felt ashamed of myself. I felt like I didn't belong in the girls locker room. This is every guys dream and I lived it. Only because they had to put me there. So here I am now happy for becoming the man I always knew I was. I'm a transman who's life is so much happier. Thanks to transitioning. I have a girlfriend who fully supports me. She's made my life so much better. I have propose to her to be my wife. She has accepted me and I'm so happy. We're thinking about adopting a girl and a boy. I don't really like kids but I know how much it means to her. Still I have commitment issues I need to work on, well that's what my girlfriend says. She doesn't want me leaving her to become a single mom. I would never do that, but I do have a fear I might do that. My bipolar disorder can mess things up. The point I'm coming across is transitioning has made my life better. I'm finally confident and comfortable in my own skin. It's not for everyone but it's helped me.

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      • Zonfire80

        This is a post about me happy about my transition just letting you know

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  • HalfInsaneFemale

    I think it's not normal per se, but understandable what is happening. You probably just have gender dysmorphia, and you would be classified as possibly transgender which is perfectly fine. A ton of trans people describe what you are describing

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  • DuHast

    How old are you?
    What you're describing used to be pretty normal; you're a tomboy. Maybe gay/bisexual, maybe not. But it's fairly common.
    Now, throwing the transgender thing into the mix, because it's all the rage now (!) - I would be hesitant to jump to that. I think you would *know* if that was the case, I don't think you'd be unsure.

    Just because you associate with masculinity and have always rejected femininity, doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea to surgically change your body - and there must be downsides to gender reassignments, would you be that committed?

    Stuff's complicated sometimes, and it may take you a while to figure out. You're definitely not the only one who's figuring this stuff out. You don't need to slap a label on yourself or fit into a rigid box.

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  • fluffy1uv

    It really doesn't matter if you are or not. The only thing you now have to decide is whether or not you'd want to get the surgery etc. If you do not have a yearning to be a physical man then the answer is no. There you go. That may change down the line but as of now you have nothing to worry about. What does it really matter if you choose to label yourself one way or the other?

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