Is it normal i'm afraid of peter pan?
I know it's supposed to be a fun children's tale, but I find Peter Pan to be absolutely terrifying. The thought of some guy's shadow creeping around my room is terrifying enough but the thought of some elf like (whatever he is) guy sneaking into my room at night and taking me to an alternate world far away from here is petrifying. When I visit my grandmother and my little cousins are watching the movie, I have to leave the room. It gives me nightmares. The first time I saw Peter Pan I was 8 and while other kids enjoyed it, I couldn't sleep at night because of how much it frightened me. I've had nightmares where Peter Pan would come into my room and take me away. Funny thing is, I love horror films and they won't bother me at all, but I simply cannot do Peter Pan. Is this normal? Does anyone else find a children's movie or story to be horrifying?