Is it normal i'm confused with feelings for a guy & a girl?
I am 21f and dated my driving instructor for a bit...I was attracted to hid mind.
When we kissed I didn't feel any sparks like you're supposed to immediately? I thought maybe give it time but he said something at one point that seemed like a red flag so I stopped seeing him. He has recently contacted me though & we have made amends.
On the other hand...I actually feel something towards my cousin but I'm still trying to work these feelings out.
I always miss her like mad if we go a weekend not seeing each other. As a matter of fact I could easily talk to her every day and miss her voice if I haven't spoken with her for few days. When I'm around her I have this strong pull to want to hold her hand, hug or kiss her (not sure if I'd like to make out)...
So I'm confused? I feel my feelings are stronger for my cousin and they should be for the guy I was seeing. What does this all mean ? Help?