Is it normal i'm fat?

I am overweight, ever since I was a baby I've always been big, (I was actually the largest baby to be born in the hospital that year)

It didn't help being raised by my mum, she was also overweight and as a kid always bought me n my sis junk food and gave us too much to eat.

I live with my dad now though and we eat much healthier, I actually don't eat that much these days (i usually only eat dinner and maybe a snack or two later) my dad hates junk food so we hardly ever eat it, he never even buys candy/chocolate ever.

I don't do much exercise though, I don't go out much because I have really bad anxiety and because I think I'm really ugly and don't want people to look at my fat body. I weigh around 91 kilos, I feel like if I got a treadmill it would help me because it's indoors but we are too poor to afford one. I realky like animals to and I've always asked my dad to get me a dog because I could be more active by playing with it and walking it everyday because I feel safer when around them but my dad hates them.

Is there anything else I can do to lose weight? Or am I doomed to be a whale forever and forced to return to the sea and join my whale family under the ocean to save everyone from looking at my ugly body :'(?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 24 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • RUCKUS42

    This is probably going to sound really fucking stupid, but consider going vegetarian.
    I went vgtn when I was 15 and lost 30 pounds in 5 months.
    Also, you love animals, right? That may encourage you even more.

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  • Bonjour224

    Calorie trackers are a great way to lose weight. If you stay under your calorie allowance you can eat whatever you like, within your allowance and you'll start losing weight. But take your time, a little bit at a time will go a long way.

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  • bittermayonnaise

    Give up sugar.

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    • I don't eat that much sugar tho

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      • bittermayonnaise

        Carbs are sugar, your pancreas can't tell the difference.

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  • sandnigga

    Fastest way to lose weight is to exercise that shit.

    Just do it. Lose the weight now, and you'll feel better.

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  • sandnigga


    You gotta stop caring what people think, go out and exercise and just do it

    Looks also arent the most important thing in the world.

    Do it.

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  • _Jesus_

    Jump rope. Simple as that.


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  • riffraffy

    Exercise is great and healthy but really not that effective for weight loss. Losing weight is all about how much you eat.

    If you're at all serious about getting into shape, then you have to count your calories. By writing what you eat down you'll become more aware and naturally start eating less. Same goes for what you drink.

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    • But I already don't eat much, I usually only eat 1 main meal and maybe a snack or two and that's it. These aren't unhealthy meals either, I think the only unhealthy things I eat/drink is sometimes orange juice or ice cream a few days a week.

      I've tried going on a special diet where you only eat vegetables/nuts/lean meat and some fruit but it didn't work and I went back to my old diet

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      • riffraffy

        It doesn't matter how much you eat. Just start counting calories, or nothing will change.

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        • wigz

          Right. Most people have no clue about portion sizes and calorie content. You need to weigh, measure anx log everything you eat and drink to get a handle on it. Shit, I've known people who didn't count drinks because 'it's not food so it doesn't count'. Or people who think juice is good but are clueless about how much sugar is in it or that a lot of 'juices' are really basically just kool aid.

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  • Azaman

    Lol damn, that last sentence was rough.

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