Is it normal i'm muslim and hate being one

I hate Islam, I don't believe in it, and I want to stop being a Muslim but something is stopping me and I just don't even know what.

I hate being Muslim, being judged because of it, wearing hijab, fasting, praying, reading Qur'an, people thinking I'm a terrorist, people looking at me like I have 3 heads or something because I wear hijab, etc.

I just want to be free of religion but something is stopping me.

Btw; I'm a 19 year old woman

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83% Normal
Based on 71 votes (59 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I can't for the life of me understand why ANY woman would put up with the muslim chauvinistic lifestyle. No faith could possibly balance the life of servitude and disrespect that is required of a muslim woman.
    What may have been important rules and guidelines as put forth by Muhammad 1400 years ago, are so out of date and irrelevant in the modern world as to be laughable.

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    • Ellenna

      Well, obviously a lot of people, not just Muslim women, put up with oppressive conditions because they are afraid of the consequences if they rebel - for example, ostracism, physical attacks, total alienation from family and community, brainwashing into submission since childhood, murder ......

      Your first sentence reminds me of the people who ask why battered wives don't "just leave".

      That this young woman is even thinking of rebelling is amazing and wonderful

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  • PoppaSmurf

    Maybe I'm wrong, but you seem ashamed. Why do you care about what ignorant people think? There's nothing wrong with being a Muslim. What will happen if you dress differently and stop fasting? I know plenty of Muslims that look like white people and still acknowledge the religion of Islam without heavily practicing it. But it's your life. Live it how you want.

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  • TheDudeAbides

    Probably the only comments you will find on your thread that are realistic, neutral and objective are that of PoppaSmurf and (s)aint. Beware of false knowledge on forums, especially regarding a topic as sensitive as Islam. People seem to speak with confidence about things they don't understand completely, if at all. While others spew hatred because of bigotry, or simply for the sake of bashing religion, a lot really have no clue what they are talking about because they learned about the religion from the news, from extremist examples, or just assume hijabs are the opposite of feminism.

    I dont claim to understand Islam completely myself. I think the concept of religion is so fictional, that I struggle to wholeheartedly believe anything like that. But if EVER there was a religion that made sense to me, and I would follow, it is Islam. It all depends how you interpret the religion. I won't call myself a Muslim. I have put a pin in religion for a few years now. I dont pray, or read the Quran. I'm muslim by birth but more of an agnostic now.

    But a lot of the beautiful Islamic traditions still exist in me. And will forever. I treat women around me with respect (as it says in the Quran), and dont cuss around them, nor do I see them as submissive, but equals. (But I admit I do believe in order for a successful relationship the man needs to lead. Not all the time, but mostly) I eat healthy, have hygienic habits (such as peeing sitting down being a man), eating halal meat, refraining from pork because my non-muslim Microbiology Professor revealed how unhealthy and disease-prone pig really is. I still do fast, because it has great health benefits, great way to clean the body of toxins accumulated when most of people's diets contain greasy and processed stuff. I have a few American/White friends who are of different faiths but fast along too, out of respect, health benefit or just sentiment. Voluntarily. It honestly matters a lot where you live. I'm in Florida where people are bloody open minded and respectful, or at least in the city I live in.

    What I do understand is that your guilt is stopping you from changing your ways. And you care about what people think or see you as. If you walk around paranoid that you're an outcast, you will reflect that in your body language and interactions. My friends and I joke about me being a terrorist, that's how much we think of that stereotype. My most overused joke is dropping bombs every morning in the toilet :P I know in my heart what I am, and what I will ever be. Who cares what some closedminded people think? I am not here to please the world. I have enough people around me who love me for who I am. We also ask a Mexican friend for knives assuming he would have one. And then she has her own sassy remark, and we laugh. Stereotypes are for jokes, not to be taken seriously. You should wear a hijab because YOU want to. Either for yourself, your man, or God. No other reason.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh you see women as equals and not submissive but you want to "lead" them most of the time? How generous of you ...

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  • (s)aint

    If I had been you, I´d take the time to really stop to think what I want to do. You can be a Muslim without the hijab, as an Atheist woman i cannot grasp how anyone would even want to live controlled by a religion :l There's such a thing as moderation.

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  • suprtung

    Just remember that all religions on earth are man made and thus subject to error and flaws. Go with your inner feelings they are the only true connection to the spiritual.

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  • Miller18

    I'm Christian A catholic by choosing and I truly hate to see you battling with you religious beliefs I hope with pray and you study of the Qur'an you gain the enlightenment and the religious knowledge you need to grow in your faith I personal would never want seen any man of any religion lose faith to he calls GOD YOU have some much to share with people teach and show people no to fear Islam Only with open minded people will we ever bridge the gap between Muslim and Christian

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  • CreativeThinker

    You need more sex ........ :) just get over it :)

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  • green_boogers

    Remember that religions hijack God and the concept of a Diety for their own purposes. You can have your own quiet faith in God while you reject all the non-sense of Islam, Christianity, Judiasm, and all other societal institutions designed to control and pacify the masses.

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  • Robot_Ginger

    Do what makes you happy. Don't follow the path of fear!

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  • Avant-Garde

    You could always convert or practice moderate Islam. However, Islam in general doesn't view converts or Moderates favourably. You may find more hate flung your way. It's a lot to think about.

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  • WhiteStallion

    Don't listen to the atheists lol... I strongly suggest you find out what is 'inside of you' holding you back... maybe it's that 'thing' which is most important to you and needs to be nurtured. I think the Islamophobia going around isn't a reason why you should leave your religion. Its a really weak excuse, I don't see Jews leaving their fold for what is called Anti-semitism. I think they stick closer to their faith. You also have to consider if you're not Muslim, then what will you be? I also don't see how you aren't 'free'... You decide what you want to do in life, make an informed choice, not a cowardly one.

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  • and_stuff

    As a Christian, I can't pretend to understand Islam, or the Qur'an, but I do understand questioning your faith. Pray for the answers you seek, and your faith, or lack thereof, will prevail.

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  • nodirection111

    I hope you will find in yourself a decision that will make you content. As a fellow muslim I would like to think that I know what you are going through. I had disregarded mainstream religion most of my life, just believed in god, up until about four years ago, when i saw the light. Ever since then, it's as if something is preventing me from going back to atheism or agnosticism. I have even tried to convert to christianity, buddhism, etc... except it seems like being a muslim is in my bones and flesh. I cannot hide it. Even though I live in a predominantly christian society, I feel like I HAVE to oblige and read namaz.

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    • Are you desi..?

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      • nodirection111

        no, sorry

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        • Oh. Because desi people call prayer namaz.. I think...

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          • nodirection111

            want to chat?

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          • nodirection111

            actually, reading muslim prayer five times daily is reading namas

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