Is it normal i'm not sure whether to declaw my cat or not?

Unfortunately I have to get my cat declawed because she scratches up the leather sofa. The vet has tried to tack on an extra $140 for anaesthesia but is this unnecessary? I don't think I can afford it. Should I go to a different vet? They don't seem very nice.

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39% Normal
Based on 46 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 59 )
  • NothingSpecial

    I don't exactly agree with declawing an animal. It's their natural defense mechanism. It's pretty cruel to take that away from them.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I am extremely against declawing animals, you're condemning your cat to death or horrible injury if they ever get outside and get in a fight.

      Maybe you should have thought more about your responsibility as a pet owner if you'd hurt your cat to save your leather sofa. There are sprays, air fresheners and all kinds of products to discourage marking behaviors. Do you have a scratching post? Is it tall and sturdy enough for your cat to use comfortably? Have you tried any other alternatives or did you just up and decide "wellp, better rip his claws out"

      You should see my leather sofa. However I care more about my living, breathing pets than I do about a few strips of dead cow.

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      • mviglianese

        95% of the time, people don't like cats because they scratch. if declawing was not so frowned upon, there would be a lot less cats in shelters, because more people would want to keep them. They would want to give them a forever home because they don't have to worry about the 98% infection rate from a cat scratch. would you rather cats find a good forever home, or have them keep their claws so they can act like savage animals, not just towards threatening entities, but their owners as well.

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      • scumfuck

        this ! if you can't handle it don"t get a fucking pet !

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        • I handled it

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    • davesumba

      if you can't handle a cat doings its perfectly natural and beneficial behavior of scratching things, or can't train them to only scratch a scratching post, then DON'T GET A FREAKING CAT.
      it's extremely cruel to declaw a cat, you are taking away their only defense / sense of security, you are cutting off the ends of their 'fingers' at the knuckle (not just the claws), and all of this can mess up your cat in the head. Especially doing all this with no anesthetic?!

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      • mviglianese

        that's complete bullshit. declawing only takes the claw off, it doesn't affect theknuckles in any way. you need to read up on your cat anatomy.the claw is a seperate structure that grows independent from the knuckles, so there is no reason to remove the knuckles. I agree with declawing because it opens up a lot more possible homes, especially for people with weak immune systems due to a disease like me, who are terrified of getting a dangerous infection from a cat scratch. my cats love me and I love them. I am not cruel to them. I want to keep them and give them a loving home, but I also don't want to fucking die. there are justifiable reasons for declawing

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  • Terence_the_viking

    How about someone chops your fingers off without the any form of pain relief.

    That is cruel.

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  • BathoryBeauty

    Declawing a cat is not a nice process for the cat, especially if no anesthetic is used. This would be why no vet will do it without it, and for the love of all that is holly DO NOT do it yourself. How would you like to have your finger nails pulled out with pliers and nothing to stop the pain? They basically rip the claws out and then the poor cat has it's paws bandaged and tied to the cage door so it can't walk on them until healed. Poor thing. If you choose putting it down as your only other option I think you shouldn't have gotten a cat (or any other pet) in the first place. If you have the patience you can break them of this habit by using a simple squirt gun filled with water or placing double sided tape on the edges of the furniture it is scratching. Or you could have a heart and find it another home instead of resorting to killing it.

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  • ICanNotThinkOfANiceUsername

    So the cat should be defenceless? Its claws are its weapon. Train it not to claw (already mentioned by someone else). Imagine if someone pulled your nails out without anaesthetic! I'm cringing just thinking about it! Poor cat, leave the claws alone!

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    • It tried to scratch me.

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      • ICanNotThinkOfANiceUsername

        My cat has scratched me. Your point is? That's its defence - you probably, unknowingly, pissed it off.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        My cat Lilith bit me in the hand 3 times, I couldn't move it properly for a week. Know what I did? Realised she doesn't like being picked up that way because it scared her and never did it again.

        You are a sad, sad excuse for a human being. There's no humanity in you. This post has made me so angry, I'm usually much more polite...

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        • I'm sorry, I was just fucking with you. My cat is happy and safe and I would never declaw her with or without pain killers.

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      • davesumba

        You were probably trying to force yourself upon it and it didn't like it. With some cats ( at least until you have fully gained their trust), you have to let them come to you, and then you can play/pet them all you want. But if they are minding their own business and all of a sudden a person is pestering them and they don't want it at that moment, yeah, it's going to scratch you.

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        • ICanNotThinkOfANiceUsername

          ^ This! I've had my cat for about 8 years (he was a rescue cat), and he still scratches me on occasion! But then he nudges me and says sorry. ^^
          Cats have their off days, too, OP!

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  • disthing

    That's the thing about domestication of once wild animals; we expect them to exhibit all the positive traits natural to them and inhibit all the nasty stuff like shitting anywhere and clawing at things. Then if they don't adapt to the situation we force upon them we blame them.

    It's our expectations that are often too high, why should an animal suffer because of that?

    In my opinion you should either explore alternative, less debilitating options to declawing, or find a new owner for your cat who doesn't mind its scratching habits.

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  • alv1592

    Declawing cats is considered cruelty. They need their claws to defend themselves. Plus it's uncomfortable for them. And if you're serious about wanting to have her put down because she scratches the sofa, sorry but that's a stupid and cruel idea. Animals are only supposed to be put down due to illness, and wanting to scratch things is not an illness. Give her to someone else, you don't sound like a very good owner.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    Honestly, you should have thought about this situation before you got one or the other. Cats always scratch at things, it's natural. It's uncomfortable for them to not stretch their claws once in awhile. That's like asking someone to sleep in one position all night without moving. It gets so uncomfortable eventually you wouldn't be able to sleep.

    I'd prefer if you gave away your sofa, but in this case, I prefer you give me your cat because you don't seem to appreciate the poor animal for what it is. Putting down an animal because it's an inconvenience to you, shame on you.. SHAME.

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  • flax

    Buy the cat a scratchy thing, they're like cylinder shaped things with some kind of heshen or wire based on a square pad. That is how your cat will stop ripping into the sofa. What's wrong with you declawing your poor cat? How about you declaw yourself first.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Hmm, seems like the PETA visited today.

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  • MissClaire

    Mine are declawed.
    This topic seems to be taboo. I understand that it must be painful, however, I pay alot for my furniture, and I dont want to give my cat to a shelter.
    Weigh the pros and cons - do what works for your situation, people dont have to agree with it and I respect their opinion.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I wish I could say I respect yours, but declawing is straight up cruelty. What kind of world do we live in where money outweighs the suffering of others?

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      • MissClaire

        You have the right to opinion - I struggled with the decision, but I dont regret it - they are happy and healthy plus I dont have to get mad at them when they 'scratch' the furniture, or try to scratch children.

        Also, a statement like "What kind of world do we live in where money outweighs the suffering of others?" suggests to me that you are a teenager and dont pay for your own ..... anything, your probably dont even have a cat, and you basically know nothing about the situation. Until you live it, you cant judge - you will learn that.

        I agree that money shouldnt outweigh suffering, however, there are so many instances in which you would be proven a hypocrate for suggesting that.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Assumptions assumptions. I'm almost 23 years old, in college wracking up massive student debt, and I have 3 cats because I'm a stupid bleeding heart and have rescued too many animals.

          Trust me I know financial struggle, I'm gonna know it even worse when I'm out of school. It scares me, hoping I'll have enough to take care of my cats when I'm out of school, but I'm working hard to start up selling my art independantly until I get my master's in art therapy, whiich is going to take a while. >.<

          There are ways to train your pets that don't involve a painful surgical procedure. I had a lot of problems with my cats pissing on everything and they're still clawing my couch. I worked with them and stopped the marking problem, tried all kinds of different boxes and litter, and now they don't do it anymore. I'm about to tape up the edges of furniture so they stop scratching those and am working on building a scratching post myself to save money. (gonna put carpet on an old traffic cone :P)

          I've had hard time financially, went through a month of squatting with friends and eating only a pack of ramen every day to save money. I still hold to my opinion. Money rules our lives so much and it's one of the most meaningless things in the world. You'll probably just sit there and call me immature, so sorry I think there are more important things in the world and that our society is fucked up.

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          • MissClaire

            I think you will do very well in life. You sound like a very creative person - I checked your profile :)
            I am sorry that your cats are peeing everywhere, that smell is .... well ..... you know it forever once you smell it once. Things will get only better, and the fact that you have remained resilient and strong through this tough times is admirable - too many people just give up.
            I know the de-clawing is not kind, and before I was placed in the position, I was totally against it. I suppose my point is that, the decision was tough, but due to the circumstances at the time, it was necessary.
            Take care of yourself and do your art!

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            • shade_ilmaendu

              I know you mentioned children in the post, do you have kids? In such a circumstance I could understand doing it, you've gotta consider the safety of your kids before anything.

              Ugh that smell... I had to sleep with it for a short period of time until I could move and get a new matress. I washed it so many times but something so thick and absorbent? Doesn't stand a chance. I don't let them in my bedroom at the new place, just in case, though I think it was mostly because they didn't like the litterbox I had at the time. Enclosed box = sauna of cat stink.

              And thank you. :) I'll definitely do my best.

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    • You are evil, I was only trolling but you have actually done this? I hope they bite you in your sleep.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Were you doing this to piss off animal lovers or to see how many people were actually okay with declawing?

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        • I was bored and I am a dickhead. I thought of the most abhorrent thing I could. I was genuinely surprised to get any support. I can't believe people actually do this.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Hah, fair enough, you definitely got me. XD I'm such a bleeding heart. I'm usually really good at responding to a thread calmly but this is just one of those things that hits me I guess.

            I find it really funny that certain people think I'm ignorant for thinking the comfort of my cats is more important than a stupid sofa. I have 3 already, and people have tried to push more on me. x.x I better never find a cat in need or it'll be 4 and I'll have to have a word with my landlord about the lease... we wrote it in that I could have the 3 cats cause most of his properties don't allow pets.

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      • MissClaire

        LOL - ok

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  • dirtybirdy

    I don't agree with declawing either.

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  • bigfatpoo

    Don't declaw the animal, that will just make things worse as it will be scared, and it wont be able to defend itself, are you an idiot?

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  • mviglianese

    95% of the time, people don't like cats because they scratch. if declawing was not so frowned upon, there would be a lot less cats in shelters, because more people would want to keep them. They would want to give them a forever home because they don't have to worry about the 98% infection rate from a cat scratch. would you rather cats find a good forever home, or have them keep their claws so they can act like savage animals, not just towards threatening entities, but their owners as well.

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  • capcrunch6


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  • lmh

    Try regular nail trims (not cutting into the quick-inner part of their nail with veins). Provide a scratcher (the cheap cardboard ones are pretty good!). And spray a mix of vinegar and water to the area your cat scratches- cats hate that smell and you can easily wash it off when the cat stops the behav. Also try burning a lavender candle or rose/flower smells for your room. The cat usually overscratches when stressed and these scents deestresses them- catnip does too. It's like marijuana for cats LOL

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    • Thanks, I was only trolling but your post was insightful.

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  • BopBop

    Put the cat in the shed u mongrol lol or make it an outdoor cat or get rid of urself to kennels and let ur cat run ur house :D

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  • briebrie

    Don't declaw your cat that cruel just getting it a mother fucking scratching post or think whether or not to buy a cat web u have a leather sofa!

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  • beautywithapast

    DON'T DO IT YOU IDIOT! omg, how could you do such an awful thing... your cat will live the most painful life. they can't use the litter box any more..... or strech the muscles in their hands (causing them to be weak, and sometimes even unable to walk as they age) ITs the worst thing that you could ever do... as owners we should be able to cut off your toes for cutting off your cats little fingers.... you suck!

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    • Too late

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  • Moonbow

    Get the cat one of those scratching polls and keep the damn cat out of the room where the leather couch is located!

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  • HauntedDarkness

    You can purchase stuff to spray on the furniture than humans are unable to smell. It keeps cats away from it generally.

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  • AznSnowBunny

    I bought these amazing things called "Kitty Caps" for my kitten because she kept scratching my couch also. They are SO amazing! They're like little nail covers you glue over your cats nails. They last for 4-6 weeks I believe and they fall off naturally once your cat's nails have grown in. They remind me of acrylic nails. I recommend them to everyone. They sell them at Petco and they come in a bunch of colors(:

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  • caity202

    I have 3 cats and I'm so happy they're declawed. Before they would scratch everything and things would just get ruined, but I would definitely make sure there was pain reliever for your cat. But they start to feel better in a couple of days. Try a different vet to see if you can get a better price though

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    • You are evil, I was just Trolling.

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  • wibamuftw

    Step one: Do not scare your pet, if you wanted something that would like you to do whatever you wanted to it, a cat is not one of them
    Step two: Buy scratching post
    Step three: Spray couch with orange citrus oil, cats hate it
    Step four: Do not de-claw your cat, it is a waste of money, it removes their most valuable defense mechanism, and it can cause pain for them the rest of their life especially in older cats.

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  • Imposturously_yours

    Declawing is a controversial issue for cat owners. I don't really take a side, since I think it's the owners choice and that's about it.

    However, it's a surgical operation, if you already own a cat -do it properly!! Find a good vet, pay the cash it takes to make sure your pet doesn't suffer and treat it well. You own a pet -it's your responsibility!

    If not -find your cat another home, please. Don't try to find a cheap/easy way around it.

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  • This story has been edited by someone other than myself and approved.

    Moderators, I am disappoint.

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    • Darkoil

      Is disappoint your name? Cool I'm darkoil by the way.

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  • Y'all don't know shit. She already has a scratchy thing so the claws have to go or she is getting put down. I spoke to another vet and he won't do it without anasthetics either so is this something I could do myself?

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    • howaminotmyself

      Find your cat a new home now. You are a bad pet owner. Who kills a pet because it destroyed a piece of furniture?

      Declawing a cat is like cutting off the tips of your fingers at the first knuckle. Would you want to be amputated without anasthesia?

      I'm sorry about your sofa but get over it. It's a stupid piece of furniture.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Does anyone know how to track an IP address? I'm seriously about to make a phone call here...

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    • De-clawing is cruel and will cause them extreme anxiety. Also, cats that are de-clawed end up biting as a defence because their claws are gone. They end up with behaviour problems because of being maimed in this way.

      You can trim the very tip of their claws, but it won't stop them from scratching things.

      Your best bet is:

      1) Get a couple of carpeted scratching posts and sprinkle them with a quality catnip to encourage scratching.

      2) Get a repellent spray and spray all the fabric furniture that they scratch the most.

      3) Get some double-sided carpet tape and stick it on the hard surfaces that the cat scratches.

      4) When you see them approaching their usually favourite scratching target: Use a deterrent like a tin can with some pennies inside (shake it to make noise), spray them with a water bottle, or buy one of those compressed air ssshhh-noise makers that are sold at pet stores.

      Do those four things for a month and you will have trained the unwanted behaviour from your cat. Cats are trainable. It helps if you pet them after they desist or when they make the right choice (using their scratching post).

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    • dirtybirdy

      you know, I just remembered, i have seen packs of these little plastic things in the pet store that you put on the cats claws. Maybe try that. It was at petsmart if you have one near you check it out. They look stupid but its better than declawing.

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      • Nope, that won't work. She is booked in for her appointment today.

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        • beautywithapast

          just wait till she shits on everything of yours... cats that are declawed, DONT USE THE LITTER BOX! get rid of her, save your money.

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          • mviglianese

            that is bullshit. all four of mine are declawed and they do use the litterbox. it all depends on the cat. sometimes even cats with their claws don't use the litter box.

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