Is it normal i'm obbsesed with this website?
Like whenever I have free time I go staright on this, I LOVE THIS SITE!!!!!
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Like whenever I have free time I go staright on this, I LOVE THIS SITE!!!!!
Congratulations! You have coined the second word in the English language that starts with "obb".
Obbligato is the other.
Obbsesed - the sixth obliged (combination form).
Staright, I'm still trying to figure this one out. Do you mean the star on the right?
I love this site and I pray that the management won't put a time limit on here. It would break my heart.
Yay! Everyone loves this website. The crazy stories, the rants, the characters, the frisson of excitement when TheManagement replies to you, the stories about cats, the jokes, and that person who wrote a post about incest that turned out to be written in the hand of Luke Skywalker. Too bad it didn't get approved. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen here. Wish I knew who wrote it. I'd thumb up every comment of theirs for the rest of my life.
That post was truly
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You saw it? Wasn't it amazing? I wish I know who wrote it. I was reading it and believing it all (like about working on a farm and about having a moment with his sister but her going off with someone else). Then it said Darth Vader and I was like all, "What the frick?" and then I was like, "This is Star Wars" and then I was like (sorry about all the "likes", I've just been watching a show with a lot of people saying "like" and it's rubbed off on me), like, I was like reading it again and it is so totally was the story of Star Wars and I didn't spot it first time around.
I know it was never going to get approved but it was pretty much the perfect post. Someone did a great job there.
Boo! It got approved, at least, cos I saw it.
It was awesome.
What humourless individual decided it needed to get taken down and reported it? Surely the OP wouldn't have deleted it.
It got approved? Honestly? That, at least, makes me feel a bit happier. I know it wasn't a true IIN question. It was obvious from the way it ended. But it was so incredibly well-written and so funny. I wish more people had seen it. I also wish I'd written it myself.
I think it is sick but since I obses with it I try not to cast stones, unless I am asked.
"Obsessed" and "straight."
Anyway I agree that this site is quite addicting. I like to give advice, and of course read the hilarious posts lol. But if this site gets shut down eventually I won't be devastated. I mean I'll miss it, but at least I'll still have social networking and YouTube. :]
I'm sorry...I know this is going to make me sound petty but I's not personal, I love your posts and I agree with everything you said in this comment...but...
"Addictive" not "addicting".
Sorry, it's just one of my pet peeves. I don't understand why so many people say addicting nowadays. It's just not grammatically correct.
Sorry again, I don't mean to have a go.
I'm on here all day while I'm at work, but only on my phone. Takes longer to check out stuff and always a hassle to comment, but I'm here lol
I used to be in your shoes. Then I got bored of the same stuff over and over again.
Yes, but just because I'm intelligent doesn't mean you have the Upper Hand.
Geez louis, there's more of them?
OP you should read my Thread on this which can be found in my Public Profile.
It's time to open your eyes.
I don't see how It's any of your business or concern on how long people can use the site,worry about yourself first if people wanna be obsessed with the site let them.
Why are you so insistent on setting a time limit? How is this website detrimental to anyone's health if they go on it in their free time?
Do you want me to let people believe in Misinformation?
I know you would like for me to believe that not having a Limit wouldn't be detrimental to someone's health but I am not Biased for the Regulars or anyone else.