Is it normal i'm scared of finishing my novel?

Is it normal I'm scared to finish my novel?

I'm currently writing a horror novel that I'm hoping to upload one day, thing is, it's actually frightening me putting the words to paper.

I feel like I'm bringing the horrors I can see to life. It's gotten to the point I'm getting nightmares from it and I'm not sure if I want to continue.

Sounds silly I know, but has anyone else heard/felt this?

So, is it normal I'm scared to finish my novel?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 28 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Freedom_

    If it's kind of personal to your life, I can understand that. But if it scares you so bad, it must be a pretty good novel, am I right?

    Some people believe that thoughts, in a way, can manifest into reality. I don't think you will manifest an actual monster into the world, but maybe perpetuate fear in your readers. However, if your readers didn't want to experience such fear, they wouldn't be your readers.

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    • Best answer ever, thank you :)

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  • Springfurmich

    i'd understand if you are scared of critics but really, why did you even start if you are actually terrified of the supernatural?

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    • I'm not terrified of the supernatural, I'm terrified of what I'm bringing to life on paper.

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      • Springfurmich

        you are terrified of your reader's terror? are you suggesting that you've created a monster that most people won't like? forgive me for my lack of understanding.

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  • Arm0se

    Let me know what it's called if you do end up uploading it btw. I'd love to read a book straight from the mind of an IIN user ^-^

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    • It will be uploaded to fanfic once I'm done, I will send you a link :)

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  • Arm0se

    Think of it this way, as soon as you're done, you can start on the sequel! :D

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  • Short4Words

    I know the feeling. I write too. My mind goes dark places and I wonder if some of things I think should ever see the light of day. Chances are you are right. But you are writing horror. That's the nature of the genre. It wouldn't be good horror if people hesitated about turning the lights of at night, would it?

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