Is it normal i'm scared to step on a small dog?
Small cute dogs seem like less work, but I'm scared that while walking them I might step on them. I'm a woman 5'9 136 lb size 8 feet.
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Small cute dogs seem like less work, but I'm scared that while walking them I might step on them. I'm a woman 5'9 136 lb size 8 feet.
I think this is just an anxiety.Don't worry, it's actually really difficult to accidently step on small dogs
I have a dog that weighs a little over 2 pounds. I never worry about walking her. I took her to training school and she walks perfectly beside me, so I am not worried about her getting under my feet. Besides that she is very aware of her surroundings and always keeps out of the way of people walking. She is delightful!
I personally prefer a dog that's about 20 lbs. Hurray for Shetland sheepdogs!
Sadly, I don't have a Sheltie right now, because we're in a small apartment, and the pet deposit and fee are too high for more than just my Siamese dream.
*single tear rolls down cheek*
if you are 5'9" how is your size 8 feet? where did the extra 2'3" come from?