Is it normal i'm sick of americans complaining about how terrible america is

If you don't like the US... fine. Whatever, I don't care.

But if you LIVE in the US, openly despise it, hate everything we stand for, hate our government, hate our president, hate every single aspect about it... then LEAVE.

If you really hate the US that much, then LEAVE THE FREAKING COUNTRY. I'm so sick and tired of people bitching and moaning about how awful it is to live in America, and how awful of a country it is. How about you live in a country in the Middle East for a while and see how "awful" living in the US is.

If you hate this country so damn much, then fucking LEAVE. You're not going to be missed.

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 129 votes (88 yes)
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Comments ( 78 )
  • thecoldhardtruth

    Is it normal to hate people that hate people that hate their country? Hateception.

    Meh, complainers are annoying.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Part of what makes America great is that we are not afraid to talk about issues that ail our society. That's what our forefathers did. If they had just left, then our country would not be the country you regard so today, my good friend!

    That said, I see the point that you are making. It annoys me when people say that this is a horrible country, by comparison, that is not true. Maybe, the answer that you are looking for is not so much that they leave, but that they cease complaining so much and channel that anger into more constructive forms.

    America HAS problems and America NEEDS solutions, and blind complaining will not bring the solutions to the problems, but bringing the problems into the limelight WILL. And that's what propels countries into greatness, higher standards.

    I just wish we all could have higher standards for ourselves, as a country... once patriotism dies, tendency to feel enough pride in one's country ceases to exist, and why bother to solve the problems of a country you care nothing for?

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    • Allistalla

      That anger as you put it is them trying to blow up there country to run off to another country , protest saying how we should kill the militery and how they are not getting free money for sitting on there asses and doing nothing . Protesting blocking the road ways till goverment give them 20$ a hour for a minumum wage flipping pattys in a fast food joint . If they did anything more than complain theyed blow us up because thats just how these type of Americans are . So I think they should be shipped to a vacant land no one lives on and just let them die there and see if they can survive with there own goverment they must create themselves and force them to do whatever they think is good .

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      • VioletTrees

        Protesting to raise the minimum wage isn't the same as hating America or wanting to blow it up.

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        • Allistalla

          I am not saying it is . I am saying the poeple who are doing all this are the same kids saying they hate this country and we should all die and I know these type of kids and they are infuriating to listen to also when they have the Dullusion they are not American and start looking down on the Americans who like being American and saying I am better than you becuase they have the idea they are something else even though they were born and riased In America . Also minimum wage is minimum wage for a reason they are not going to pay you 20 -30 dollars a hour to any old job a highschooler not yet graduated could do .

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          • VioletTrees

            To my knowledge, nobody is asking the minimum wage to be raised to $20 an hour. We just want it to be a living wage.

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    • Allistalla

      I have known these poeple they take everything they have for granted . They are rude to any born in america who does not want to blow America off the face of the earth . They claim they want to blow up america like America blew up japan and go live with the the asains or some Europe country , they kiss up to the foriegners and foriegn exchange students we get in and say " Oh we are so unworthy we love you will you marry me " . It is so sad when poeple from a country are so petty they would glady bow to the foriegners coming in .I mean its one thing to want to freinds with them thats the whole piont of America but when you are kissing there feet in Absolute worship I find them a pathetic human bene . If someone did that to most other countrys I know they would die rejecting the invaders saying THIS IS MY COUNTRY . you are not suppose to voletueer to be taken over so willingly than they grow up one day and realize how truly stupid they were for thinking this .

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  • "If you really hate the US that much, then LEAVE THE FREAKING COUNTRY"

    I agree, but there wouldn't be anyone left....and besides, most Americans would not survive in other countries due to their intellects, nasally voices and inability to avoid serial killers.

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    • Allistalla

      inability to aviod serial killers ? Thats a trait ? LOL

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      • Are you serious? A guy with an IQ of 84 killed nearly 50 people in America......84.......I guess that's some kind of genius to most of them though bwahaha.

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        • Allistalla

          I get your piont I just find it funny you would add that as a triat .

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          • That's why i added it. Because it's hillarious that they catch heaps of American serial killers because they're dumb...only to find out they killed heaps of innocent Americans because they are also dumb. It's just a big cycle of dumbness.

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            • Allistalla

              Yes because what would a smart man have to kill for ? what does a smart man have to steal for ? The smart ones that do are very few because they have better things they could be doing . Also I completely agree with your statement .

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  • Dizzee

    "If you hate this country so damn much, then fucking LEAVE." Okay, if you hate those people who complain so much then pay for their tickets, their rent, learn the different language for them (depending on where they're going) not to mention find a job in a different country that may or may not have a bad economy or may have a bias towards their own people and would hire them over the person from a different country and try to get used to culture shock (again, depending on where they're going).

    K, I'm ready for random people to post arguments and thumbs down.

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  • Mentioning the negatives of something is how you get those negtives noticed so they can be fixed and turned in to positives, if we don't criticise about things we see as terrible, how are we to acknowledge what things that are terrible need changed?

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    • belbel000

      That's true, but most people who complain are doing nothing about the things they want changed. Sometimes it almost appears as if it is "cool" for someone to hate their own country in USA.

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      • I think that's my major point that I probably should have mentioned.

        I feel that the majority of people who complain about the US complain about because "It's cool" to hate their own country, and it pisses me off.

        When in the history of the US has it ever been perfect? When in the history of the US has it truly been better than it has been now? There is always something wrong with the US, there's always something wrong with every country. It will never get any better in our lifetime and if it will, we'll be too busy complaining about the president and the government to see it.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Quit bitching, start a revolution.

        (protip: the organization that coined that slogan doesn't exactly practice what they preach... but it's a damn good slogan)

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        • Nick'sTardis

          no one starts revolutions any more man they all died years before the internet

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        • RoseIsabella

          You say you want a revolution
          Well, you know
          We all want to change the world
          You tell me that it's evolution
          Well, you know
          We all want to change the world
          But when you talk about destruction
          Don't you know that you can count me out
          Don't you know it's gonna be all right
          All right, all right

          You say you got a real solution
          Well, you know
          We'd all love to see the plan
          You ask me for a contribution
          Well, you know
          We're doing what we can
          But when you want money
          For people with minds that hate
          All I can tell is brother you have to wait
          Don't you know it's gonna be all right
          All right, all right

          Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...

          You say you'll change the constitution
          Well, you know
          We all want to change your head
          You tell me it's the institution
          Well, you know
          You better free you mind instead
          But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
          You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
          Don't you know it's gonna be all right
          All right, all right
          All right, all right, all right
          All right, all right, all right

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          • Nick'sTardis

            no such thing as evolution. I'm sorry but they've tried to prove it for years and it all points to the bible. so they keep trying anyway.You can call me an ass but its true.

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        • Avant-Garde

          It's pretty hard to start a revolution when the government tries to shoot down the common man's attempts. This country is hypocritical. They say that people have a right to gather for peaceful protest, but every time it happens the authorities get sent in and people get hurt. Look at the Wall street Protest or the infamous Kent State Shooting. "The Freedoms" let bad things like hate speech/prejudice go unpunished! In european countries open racism isn't tolerated. The last I checked, in Britain they'll kick you out of the country if you're openly a racist. France put John Galliano on trial for his anti-semitic remarks. This country should enforce laws like that, but too many cowards/racists are in control. If you read the news with these supposed bills, it's like this already "extreme" country is turning into a dictatorship. It's insane what these politicians are being allowed to do! Then there's the Monsato and it's GMOs which are helping to destroy our planet more and we all know what the settlers did to the Natives Americans. >_<

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Shit is getting pretty scary. People are literally disappearing without a trace after the government takes them in. Recently this happened in Chicago to a group of people who were planning a protest at some NATO event. No one knew where they were for 3 days.

            I've even read that riot police have started using sexual violence against women to egg the male protestors into getting violent.

            But as far as what you're saying about the Occupy protests, they need to help themselves too. In every video I've seen of police brutality at Occupy, I've seen just as much violence from the protestors. They resist arrest, they shout "fuck the police" and "fuck you pigs", and just curse and spit.

            The kids at the University of Davis in California did it right... they were entirely nonviolent and it got them national attention. If the other occupy protestors want to get people to take them seriously, they need to.
            1. actually make a list of demmands, which they still haven't done.
            and 2. Be so radically nonviolent that people can't help but see the police brutality.

            At the same time as things are gettin scary over here, we have to remember that we do still live in one of the most free places in the world. This is terrifying to us because we've lived in such relative safety, but think about all the countries still ruled by dictators. We aren't there yet. We can still assemble, still have internet, still have due process for the most part.

            But we may not have that shit for much longer if we don't fight for it

            *edit* And this is kinda bothering me too. I hate that groups like the Neo Nazis and the KKK are allowed to freely protest in this country. But if we took away their right to assembly, couldn't that set a precedence that you can try to bar the free speech of any group of people who are considered "offensive?"

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  • Abqgringa

    Live ONE month in another country and live according to their laws and restrictions, and I guarantee those complainers who SHOULD leave here, will come crying about how awful they had it. Try Thailand. If you get too mouthy or disrespectful, they will put you in line! Remember the guy who got caned because he sprayed graffiti on a wall? No wonder they have the lowest crime rate in the world!

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  • dappled

    I'm going to have to disagree. I would hate to live in a country where you weren't allowed to criticise that country. It sounds like a lot of the Communist regimes.

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    • But what's the point in living in a country that you don't like? Why is someone living the America if they don't like living here?

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      • Antir0b0t

        Do you have any idea how expensive it is to move to an entirely different continent? If it was affordable SO MANY people would have left already.

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        • There's always Mexico and Canada.

          Last I checked, both countries are on the border.

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          • Antir0b0t

            Mexico? Really? That place is freaking dangerous, especially because of the drug cartel bs. Just a few weeks ago there was over 40 corpses found on the side of a high way. Random victims, all spliced up, decapitations. Brutal. Anyone in their right mind would stay in the US.
            Canada, never been there but I'd like to visit.
            Even though they're on the border, uprooting your whole family or even yourself would be expensive regardless.
            Last I checked, moving was costly.

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      • dappled

        Maybe they just want to change certain things to make it even better? Nowhere is perfect, after all. There's always some improvement that could be made.

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  • I dunno, I never heard a Canadian complaining about Canada... yeah, I don't think it's normal, either there's a problem with the U.S., or people just gotta stop whining and do something about things that bother them.

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    • HammersKiN

      We can't do shit about our government. And our representatives are all the same. We don't really get a choice, or a vote, or freedom. This shit isn't a democracy anymore. They just say it is for purposes of not upsetting the herd.

      Our politicians are figureheads to make us think they aren't all the same corrupt bastards.

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      • I don't wanna sound like an idealist, but there's always something that could be done. I seem to have an idea who reigns America. You're right, it's not the people or the politicians anymore. But the people still have power if they'll stop this "herd" behavior". of course it's easier said than done...

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        • HammersKiN

          Yes you are right, it is easier said than done. It's a message we have to send to 350,000,000 people while our national media and powers that be cover everything up.

          Also, there are a lot of dumb fuckin people. America is no exception.

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          • True, but still.. it just seems wrong to me, people going around saying how much they hate their own country.

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            • HammersKiN

              I don't hate the country I hate our representatives. Trust me we aren't the only ones in the world.

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  • Imsupernormal

    I smell a Republican.

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    • belbel000

      Not only republicans think this way. Why does everything in USA always have to be boiled down to two political parties?

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      • Allistalla

        I know ! LETS SUPPORT THE INDEPENDENT ! Im on the gate about everything Im a blend .

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    • Allistalla

      I smell a hippie and boy do they smell .

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  • crazogirl

    That kind of thing is why I don't say I'm a liberal to anybody. Because it's mostly liberals saying that shit! And I love America!

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    • Allistalla

      Amen to that ! happy 4th of july .

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    I completely agree with you! Granted I love living in a place where we can criticize without fear of death, but I hate that there are so many people who bitch and moan about how TERRIBLE it is to live in America, and they don't do a fucking thing about it. They just bitch and moan. Or protest. Protesting is such a lazy way to try to get what you want. Nobody gives a shit if you go on a protest. And whining's not going to accomplish a damn thing either. If they think they are so oppressed here, they should move to a country where REAL oppression occurs, and they're not allowed to do anything about it (or else they'll be killed).

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  • Allistalla

    Thankyou so much ! thankgod someone says it . It pisses me off too ! Defeintly aproved good piont It disgusts me someone would hate themselves so badly .

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  • matthewjf67

    complaining is stupid. there's no point. one could spend that time planning on leaving the country and never coming back. thats what im doing.

    i apply this to everything. work, women, acquaintances, residence...

    if you dont like it-leave and dont subject yourself to it anymore.

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  • Riddler

    I could see where this would annoy you. However currently US seems to be having a lot of issues.

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  • bananaShit

    I hate it when people say that we have nothing to hate in America. We have to be mad at, just different kinds.

    Ok, I'm not making any sense...

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    • Abqgringa

      Yeah you are..

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  • Gale90

    Not all people can just pack up their things and leave. The processes of gaining citizenship in a new country are long and tedious.

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    • Crapper

      Then be thankful where you are? Sorry there aren't more handouts for you. Maybe it's time to get to work

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  • cretor2617

    No thank you, I was born here and don't really feel like leaving just because our government is crooked, and plus where would I go!? Other countries don't want us, and I only speak English.

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  • HammersKiN

    I hate the US.

    If only it was just so easy to pack up and leave right. It's a nice theory, but hardly plausible especially for middle and less than middle class citizens. When they economy is destroyed and no one can get a decent job.

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    • Crapper

      Here is a canoe, row to puerto rico

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    • Then tell me this: if you had the money, would you leave the country?

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  • Avant-Garde

    But this country is fucked up and some people sadly aren't in the position to leave!

    Okay, you don't agree with it, but don't go complaining about other people's lives...

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  • Enizzle

    This country has fallen so far from what it wa originally intended to be that it's almost unrecognizable. It's the duty of an honest American citizen to point that out and bring it to the forefront so it can be recognized and dealt with.

    If you don't like it, put on your rosy colored eyeglasses, strap your shotgun to the back of your barely operating 4x4, make sure your confederate flag is adjusted properly in your back window, get in the truck and get the fuck out of town.

    Honesty hurts sometimes, asshole. Welcome to America.

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  • FruityGoofyFaggot

    America is awesome man. The freedom to do anthing(including trolling) makes me proud.

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  • nAt2017

    Just moving away, as you said, would not solve any of America's problems. You could argue that neither does complaining, but at least complaining raises awareness.

    Most people complain that Americans love America blindly, and you seem to think that they're too aware. Make up your mind.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    I don't hate my country... I hate my government.

    They're a bunch of idiots out for money and easy living.

    The president is a fucktard.


    But no, seriously, I am really concerned about the direction my country is heading in and it's economic stability. If you think we are "the greatest country on earth" then you will be sorely mistaken when all hell breaks loose.

    The federal reserve notes, um, I mean dollar bill is dying, buddy. And who's to blame? You. And me. And a whole line of presidents. And all the Congresses. And all the SCOTUS's. Nearly everyone. Either because of ignorance, apathy, or just plain stupidity.

    The latter seems to be your case.

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    • Allistalla

      I agree with you . However I do not know if we are speaking for the same country but my country is the same and we all doomed .

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      • MissyLeyneous

        US? Happy Independence Day...

        Oh wait...

        WE AREN'T FREE!!! <__<;;;;


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        • Nick'sTardis

          I feel free i can say what ever i want in public and no one ever cares

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  • belbel000

    I love America. I know it has a number of its own problems, but what country is perfect?

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    • Allistalla

      So true .

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Hell you won't hear me complaining about living here. I want to travel the world and see it all, but it is pretty nice here i'm not going to lie.

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