Is it normal i'm tired of 'equal opportunity' and reverse discrimination
As a white male, I'm tired of seeing an agenda of minority groups being given a free non-merit based leg up in society. I'm always irked when I see a company claim they're 'Equal Opportunity.' For example, on a career website, I saw an employer state that they 'actively seek diversity in their staff.' What that says to me is you'll hire someone over me because they are a minority, not because they're necessarily the most qualified candidate for the job.
This reverse discrimination seems to slowly bleed into every facet of life, from employment, to school, to court, to politics, and everywhere in between. Look at the recent Trayvon Martin case and notice how most of the people in the rage-riots are black, despite Zimmerman being legitimately acquitted by his jury. Let's not forget about several incidents after the ruling where innocents were beaten and robbed by groups of blacks shouting 'This is for Trayvon!' Not enough? Research the percentage of the black-vote that went to Obama in both of his elections. The whole situation is born of ignorance.
Then there's minority-only scholarships, or programs that promote and help minorities and/or females get free advantages. These are REVERSE DISCRIMINATION. Can you imagine the uproar if there were to be a scholarship program exclusively for white males only? How about an employer that actively seeks to hire more white males?
Even in the military these days, (I think I deserve a voice here as a vet of both the Iraq OIF/OND and Afghanistan OEF campaigns) some women act like they are excluded from combat positions just because men are too conceited and selfish to let them in. Yes girls, we want you to suffer and die in arduous austere combat. We'd love to see more of you go home permanently maimed, or in a coffin. We want our wives and daughters to have PTSD from seeing their friends die or be blown up by mortars and IEDs. OH WAIT, OF COURSE WE DON'T. Do you think the women back home in WWII felt this way? Excuse men for PROTECTING AND SHIELDING you from the horrors of combat! What assholes. Now we're finally beginning to cave in anyway to a feminist agenda that disregards even the physical, mental, sexual, and privacy related implications of females in combat positions, purely on the basis of being inclusive and open. Oh, but of course this won't mean women have to register for the Selective Service...They want to keep their perks open still.
I don't even like it when a big deal is made about 'first woman to XXXXX' or first anything related to sex or race. If we're truly equal, it shouldn't be such a big fuss. After all, they're just like everyone else, right? Pointing these things out like milestones further divides us and highlights us as different, not equal and neutral to race and gender.
Bottom line is, stop using historical race or gender mistreatment as a crutch for today's world. I'm tired of paying for what SOME of my race's ancestors did decades, or even 100+ years ago. (Everyone forgets about the ones who fought against racism) I'm not saying no one is prejudiced today, but I think the race and gender 'cards' are way overplayed and exaggerated to the point where reverse discrimination is disadvantaging majorities like we're all pretentious dirtbags keeping others from succeeding. You don't see Jews and other groups with such a giant chip on their shoulder against Germans or Italians for the Holocaust! All advancement should be based SOLELY on hard work, merit, and qualifications.
Anyone else frustrated by this? I just wanted it off my chest.