Is it normal i'm tired of 'equal opportunity' and reverse discrimination

As a white male, I'm tired of seeing an agenda of minority groups being given a free non-merit based leg up in society. I'm always irked when I see a company claim they're 'Equal Opportunity.' For example, on a career website, I saw an employer state that they 'actively seek diversity in their staff.' What that says to me is you'll hire someone over me because they are a minority, not because they're necessarily the most qualified candidate for the job.

This reverse discrimination seems to slowly bleed into every facet of life, from employment, to school, to court, to politics, and everywhere in between. Look at the recent Trayvon Martin case and notice how most of the people in the rage-riots are black, despite Zimmerman being legitimately acquitted by his jury. Let's not forget about several incidents after the ruling where innocents were beaten and robbed by groups of blacks shouting 'This is for Trayvon!' Not enough? Research the percentage of the black-vote that went to Obama in both of his elections. The whole situation is born of ignorance.

Then there's minority-only scholarships, or programs that promote and help minorities and/or females get free advantages. These are REVERSE DISCRIMINATION. Can you imagine the uproar if there were to be a scholarship program exclusively for white males only? How about an employer that actively seeks to hire more white males?

Even in the military these days, (I think I deserve a voice here as a vet of both the Iraq OIF/OND and Afghanistan OEF campaigns) some women act like they are excluded from combat positions just because men are too conceited and selfish to let them in. Yes girls, we want you to suffer and die in arduous austere combat. We'd love to see more of you go home permanently maimed, or in a coffin. We want our wives and daughters to have PTSD from seeing their friends die or be blown up by mortars and IEDs. OH WAIT, OF COURSE WE DON'T. Do you think the women back home in WWII felt this way? Excuse men for PROTECTING AND SHIELDING you from the horrors of combat! What assholes. Now we're finally beginning to cave in anyway to a feminist agenda that disregards even the physical, mental, sexual, and privacy related implications of females in combat positions, purely on the basis of being inclusive and open. Oh, but of course this won't mean women have to register for the Selective Service...They want to keep their perks open still.

I don't even like it when a big deal is made about 'first woman to XXXXX' or first anything related to sex or race. If we're truly equal, it shouldn't be such a big fuss. After all, they're just like everyone else, right? Pointing these things out like milestones further divides us and highlights us as different, not equal and neutral to race and gender.

Bottom line is, stop using historical race or gender mistreatment as a crutch for today's world. I'm tired of paying for what SOME of my race's ancestors did decades, or even 100+ years ago. (Everyone forgets about the ones who fought against racism) I'm not saying no one is prejudiced today, but I think the race and gender 'cards' are way overplayed and exaggerated to the point where reverse discrimination is disadvantaging majorities like we're all pretentious dirtbags keeping others from succeeding. You don't see Jews and other groups with such a giant chip on their shoulder against Germans or Italians for the Holocaust! All advancement should be based SOLELY on hard work, merit, and qualifications.

Anyone else frustrated by this? I just wanted it off my chest.

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Comments ( 70 )
  • Jfdp

    * Applause* I love this. If you really want a non racial, non sexist society you should have one where your race and gender don't even have to be filled in when applying for a job or education. THATS equality, not this kind of PC paranoia where everything must be diverse beyond the point of relevance (Just for the sake of it) And lastly, pro minority laws are good and all but what happens in Europe, Australasia and North America when whites become the minority in 30 -50 years? They'l in affect become discriminatory laws, And they wont be removed from the law books, why would they? when non white ethniticies become the majority of the voting base? For proof of this, just look at Zumbabwe and South Africa and what happened their after the collapse of the white regimes. A country has to be forward thinking about this kind of thing

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    • slutzombie

      At least in America, when filling out job applications, they specifically tell you not to include information that would give away your race, gender, religion, etc..

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    • Yes, I completely agree. Race and gender should not even be asked on application forms when it has no relation or bearing to what a candidate is being considered for.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        You know people are going to be mad about this and some would be mad at you for saying it but I agree with everything you just said. People care too much about colour, religion, gender and none of that should really matter. If someone can do the job they can do the job. Yet the racists are going to want it to stay like this since they enjoy the perks.

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  • "I have a dream...that one day, my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin...but by the content of their character."

    I doubt the man who said this would be impressed if his children were given a job, an education, or social status based on their ethnic origin.

    One could speculate that Martin Luther King might have agreed with you.

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  • StarTeddy

    Oh, please. That's like complaining about how unfair it is for disabled people to have reserved parking spaces instead of working hard and waking up early to make sure they grab the closest parking spots.

    Racism and sexism exist, and being part of a minority is like having a handicap when it comes to jobs. It's not an unfair advantage, it's more of an "I'm sorry you have to deal with so much BS. Here, let me make it up to you."

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    • You're comparing skin color to being unable to walk or having a mental disability? Get a grip man. I acknowledged they exist, but if we want society to ever equalize, we need to stop giving perks to either side. To compare being physically or mentally handicapped to being 'of color' or a woman is probably much more insulting on your part that anything I posted.

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      • StarTeddy

        In terms of getting the things they need, yes. If you give no additional "perks" to either side, the majority ends up winning anyway because being white comes with white privilege, which many people aren't even aware that they have. Do you think that without diversity quotas a racist business owner would hire minorities at all? Of course not, they'd fill all those spots with white people and look over all of the perfectly qualified people of color.

        Just like the parking lot would be full of able-bodied people people taking all of the best spots unless facilities are built to accommodate people with a handicap.

        But if you're not aware of your privilege, you don't notice this at all. Everything is fine for you so why should you? You don't see anyone struggling or facing hardship around you. On the surface, it looks like everyone gets the same opportunities and consideration. Except they don't. And until you're aware of all the little ways other people are biased to favor you instead of minorities, you won't understand why these opportunities are necessary.

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        • Those things may or may not be true, or might happen some places much more than others. But, let's not put a band-aid on a bullet wound, here. We need to attack the problem, culturally, and perhaps in other ways. It seems fair to me and several other posters here that race and gender shouldn't even be required on a job application to begin with if they won't affect the position being considered. That might be a problem if you have to go to an in-person interview with a racist...but the current system isn't really a great solution. If a business owner is that rabidly racist he's probably going to make working there pretty terrible for them even if they are hired. I don't think that so many people, especially business owners, are discriminating against people of other races or the opposite sex that a diversity quota is necessary. Certainly not any place I've lived.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I have my thoughts on this issue but will leave it alone. I have two points to add though.

    The first is that one only needs to ride around the backwoods of rustic America for a short while to realize that there is absolutely nothing special about the white race.

    The second is that (and it's kinda been done to death on this website) a merit-based breeding program would make the world a better place.

    ...and thanks for your service. Agree or not with the politics of what went on, you volunteered and went out and put yourself in harm's way in a horribly difficult situation. You're a far better man than me.

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    • iEatZombies_

      OP didn't state anything special about the white race, quite the opposite. OP stated that nobody should get special treatment based on skin or gender.

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    • SuperBenzid

      "merit-based breeding program"

      I can see why people would think this but eugenics tends to breed unexpected negative characteristics in animal populations it has been tried on. It seems like a logical system that would work but real world data would tell us otherwise.

      Though I do think more could be done to prevent children being born into poverty by the lower class the world over. Would be better for everyone involved really but the religious would never go for it.

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      • NotStrangeBird

        Well maybe I worded it wrong. Yes, it seems like the folks with the least means have the most kids, that's all I'm saying.

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  • iheartu2013

    I agree with you discrimination is becoming mostly against white men in general. All citizens should be given equal rights. No one should be given more, just because they are of a 'minority' group, or a woman.
    As to women in the military, I agree, many women are not capable of being in is a biological fact, like you said; but there are the few that can. So tests should be given to make sure they are qualified canidates. And women can do other things in the military, other than combat. Women are just different from men. And I am gonna say the 'G' word now! God made us that way for a reason. I say all this as a women. I am not totally against the feminism movement, it's just, come on, you have to admit when you are biologically different. Anyway that's my rant.

    God bless you and yours!

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  • Couman

    There's no such thing as reverse discrimination. It's just discrimination, no matter who it's directed for or against.

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  • dom180

    "On a career website, I saw an employer state that they 'actively seek diversity in their staff.' What that says to me is you'll hire someone over me because they are a minority, not because they're necessarily the most qualified candidate for the job."

    Some employers actively seek racial and sexual diversity because having a more-or-less equal balance is more appealing to customers. In a management job, having diversity gives a wider range of perspectives so it's more likely that a good decision will be aired. If you have a large majority of white men (or women, or black, or Asian... people) you don't get that diversity of input. In "professional jobs" white men are already in the majority, so deliberately seeking them won't improve that all-important diversity. It's just good sense to have diversity in management.
    You also limit your pool of recruitment if you only look for white men - white men are less than a quarter of the population in some areas. The idea of actively seeking diversity is to appeal to the other 75% to avoiding putting them off applying, rather than to actually put off white men (the success of that idea may be another point entirely, of course).

    "Yes girls, we want you to suffer and die in arduous austere combat. We'd love to see more of you go home permanently maimed, or in a coffin. We want our wives and daughters to have PTSD from seeing their friends die or be blown up by mortars and IEDs. OH WAIT, OF COURSE WE DON'T."

    Even speaking as a man... how embarrassingly, cringe-worthily paternalistic :/ You can't claim there is true equality if men and women don't have the same freedom, you just can't. If men are allowed to choose to fight for their country and women aren't allowed to make that same choice, you can't claim there is equality. It's all about freedom and choice. Believe me, you aren't saving any women by restricting their freedom no matter how much you like to think you are.

    "Stop using historical race or gender mistreatment as a crutch for today's world"

    But it's not historical, is it? :/ You've just given but one example of how it's happening right now, today.

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    • I understand your points, but I don't think that a person's racial background or gender means they will be more likely to make level-headed decisions. White male or otherwise. This should not be a factor in determining (or favoring) employment. Affirmative action is real.

      Secondly, I'm mainly taking irritation with the fact that a feministic agenda is what drives certain people to fight for women being in combat positions, while simultaneously disregarding the problems associated, and going so far as to act like men are being selfish for it. I personally don't care if they want to serve much either way, but putting this feminist spin on it pisses me off. Like increasing the odds of taking a bullet is an exclusive club. I know what it's like to be in a mortar and rocket attack, it isn't fun, or something I want to keep like a privilege.

      Lastly, again, it's not eliminated, you're right. However, many blacks point to past slavery in the US and use it as a crutch, often while simultaneously adopting a life style which would make MLK roll over in his grave.

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      • dom180

        It isn't about making level-headed decisions necessarily, but about having better instincts in different situations. Having a range of people with different experiences will mean you're more likely that one of those people will be able to draw on experience to solve a problem. Greater ethnic and gender diversity creates a group of people with a wider range of experiences, so greater diversity is a good thing.

        If it's something that a certain group of people are barred from doing (regardless of their merit, which you seem so keen on), it is an exclusive club: the exclusive club of people who are allowed the freedom to choose. I'm sorry if that's offensive to you, but it's just true. Again, it isn't about it being fun or enjoyable; it's about *freedom to choose* your role in society so long as you have the merit to fulfill that role. To turn your point on its head, aren't we letting down armed forces by rejecting perfectly qualified people on the basis of their sex?

        Maybe some people point to some things, but making some fallacious points does not make their whole cause wrong.

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        • The point I'm trying to make is that it is wrong to hire an otherwise less-qualified minority to a position over a more qualified 'majority member' just to meet a diversity quota. How is that justified? For the miniscule benefit of their different perspective 'possibly' helping solve a company issue? If that's the case, hire a minority who is more qualified and get their perspective. Diversity may very well be a good thing, but it shouldn't disadvantage someone who was born white for career candidacy.

          Again, I think we're focusing on different aspects. I do not care if women are in combat. I take offense that some would insult and spit on past people's sacrifices and pretend they were acting pridefully by restricting direct-combat missions to men only. I'd have to write an essay to properly give you an insider perspective from the military, but the grand majority of women are NOT as capable of combat as men, primarily in the physical category. Do you have any idea how heavy some of the equipment we carry is? Now imagine that 150lb female carrying a wounded 200 lb male, his weapon, his armor, her weapon, her armor, her ammo, and who knows what else, to get him to safety under enemy fire. That is an extreme task. Is this not related to merit and qualification? If a woman can do it, fine, I really am okay with it, but sometimes you have to face the biological reality that we are different. Also noteworthy is the military is having a horrible problem lately with sexual assault and harassment cases being on the rise; I don't think throwing women into normally all-male combat units is going to help this problem.

          'Some' people? Please don't tell me you're dismissing this as an insignificant fringe-group. Over 90% of blacks voted for Obama. Do you really believe 19 out of 20 blacks voted for him with no racial background basis whatsoever?

          I don't think I'll convince you otherwise, so I'll hold my peace from here on between the two of us.

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          • dom180

            I think you are underestimating the potential benefit of diversity. You'll have to talk to employers about that though; I'm not the one who makes that decision, I'm just explaining the logic of it.

            If you don't think many women would have the merit for a front-line military job, why not make women take all the same tests as men? Then you'll know, and you'll be sure that you've only got the very best. I'm not denying a lot of women wouldn't be able to do it, but why stop those who can from trying? Why fail them by default? You keep saying you want merit, but you're not prepared to stand by it if you think women should be failed by default.

            Sexual harassment in the military isn't a reason to keep women out of the military; it's a reason to kick sexual harassment out of the military. Keeping women out is shrinking away from tackling a real problem; a disgusting problem that we should be tackling.

            Black people vote in a huge majority for Democratic candidates even if the Democratic candidate is white. 88% of black voters voted for John Kerry in 2004, and he was a white candidate. The only reason it was as many as voted for Obama in 2008 is the same reason that John Kerry got fewer votes across the board from people of all groups; he genuinely wasn't judged to be as good a candidate. Race isn't the issue; it's that black people are more likely to be poor in America than white people, and poor people are more likely to vote Democrat. It's the wealth gap that is the issue, not race.

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  • slutzombie

    you're annoying and this is so fucking dumb.
    yes Zimmerman was acquitted, but so was OJ Simpson, and Casey Anthony. Of course this doesn't mean you should fight the injustice with violence, and I'm sure anyone that is robbing/mugging people as a result of this has been arrested.
    Of course blacks voted for Obama, aside from the fact that he's black, and of course every African American would love to see the first black president, but most blacks live in poverty, so it would be highly irrational to vote for a Republican regardless of race.
    Women should be able to do whatever they want period.
    These scholarships and grants are Americas pathetic attemps at saying 'I'm sorry,' as well as the fact that, as I mentioned before, most blacks (and other minorities) are living in poverty.
    Nobody is going to hire somebody less qualified than you because of race. That's just ridiculous.
    Women and blacks get excited about, 'the first woman ______' the 'first black ______' because to this day, there is still no equality. It has been proven time and time again a man can earn more money working the same job as a female.
    People like you are one of the reasons racism and discrimination still exist today.
    You're getting upset because there aren't any 'white people scholarships', and because minorities and women are trying to empower themselves after centuries of oppression. To this day, a white male has a higher success rate in America than anybody else.

    What is wrong with you?

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    • You're incredibly wrong.

      When you vote simply because you relate with physical traits, then you are using your voting right in an incredibly dull way. Your vote counts for the whole country, and if you vote due to skin color or gender, you are not going to be focusing on how they would be able to actually run the country.

      Women should not be allowed to "do whatever they want", they should be allowed to do what it is law allows women, or anyone to do.
      I agree that women should also be allowed to be in the same line or work as men, although only if they are capable of working to the same standards. Areas such as fire department, law enforcement, military, and so on try to lower the standards of women to be able to get in to these areas, which is wrong. These areas of work are not for the people wanting to apply for them, they are to do a specific job, and if you cannot meet the standards required, they should not be lowered so you can meet them.

      "It has been proven time and time again a man can earn more money working the same job as a female."

      No, it absolutely has not. It has been proven that men "earn" more than women in the same "field" of work, but that does not mean they are in the same "Position" or do the "same" work in those fields.
      Infact, it has been proven that the reason for the pay gap is not due to gender discrimination, it is due to the choices women make compared to men.
      Men are more likely to look for high paying jobs that are less satisfying to work, where as women are less likely to look for a high paying job if the job is uncomfortable and not satisfying at all.
      Men are also more likely to do the dangerous aspects of the job, which gives them reason to be paid more than those that don't.

      The wage gap has been proven to exist, however it has also been proven to not be due to gender discrimination and everything to do with the choices women make compared to men.

      Here is a video on the subject:

      "People like you are one of the reasons racism and discrimination still exist today.
      You're getting upset because there aren't any 'white people scholarships', and because minorities and women are trying to empower themselves after centuries of oppression. To this day, a white male has a higher success rate in America than anybody else."

      No, actually, people like you are. You are trying to give off this impression sexism and gender inequality exists in areas they do not exist, all because you have listened to probably the most corrupt movement of our time: Feminism.

      There is a difference between trying to empower yourself and trying to get special privilege due to being a victim, which feminists tend to confuse all the time.
      "I am a victim of sexism every day in my life, and I have life so unfairly due to being a woman. I am a victim in most areas of society as a woman, and so I should be able to get this and get that to counter all of this sexism against me for being a woman".
      That is not being an "empowered" woman, that is being a "whiny" woman.

      Success rate?
      More women than men go to college now. Despite this, we are still focused on women being encouraged to go to education than men, even when men need it more.

      Less than ten percent of domestic violence shelters accept men, regardless of men being just as much victims as females.

      As for the "centuries of oppression", I just find this bit annoying. "You" have never been in that position, yet you are implying you are having to try empower yourself from the oppression you have never once faced in your life.

      Want to talk about oppression? Men were forced to fight, kill, and die in a war against their will, women did not. To this day, that is still something men can still be forced to do if war comes, women do not.
      Originally, the reward for this was that men could vote, they had a say in the government and country they sacrificed for.
      How did women get to vote? By protest. So in the end, men were forced to fight, kill, and die against their will, yet got nothing for their actions that a group that did not have to do the same thing also got.

      Yes, men did have more power than women in the past, yet you forget they also had far more responsibility in the past aswell than women did.

      When it comes down to it, women, atleast in western society, do not face as much sexism as feminists try to make out they do, which is why they are trying to now say that "trolls" only go after women, regardless of the fact they go after everyone regardless of gender, and why? Because they know they are running out of things to say is "sexism".

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      • slutzombie

        I never implied I'm trying to empower myself, and I never said I was oppressed. That doesn't change the fact that women and minorities have indeed been oppressed for centuries. This is where the feminist movement came from, this is why minorities are living in poverty, and this is why opportunities created specifically for minorities exist.
        Domestic abuse does NOT affect as many men as it does women, 100% positive.
        As a presumably white male you have no room to talk.
        You're biased and full of shit. Seriously, shut the fuck up. Please.

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        • Apologies. I assumed you were speaking from the average feminist standpoint that implies what I was stating by their statements and ideology that implies that is what they are implying.

          Yes, there has been many issues in the past for each group that has had to deal with, like I explained about the draft, so much so that men even today can be forced to do that today.

          Yes, this may be where the feminist movement came from, that doesn't mean that just because the movement had a just cause "then", that is has a just cause, or any cause "now". Many feminists now in their old age, from the original feminism, have also said how modern feminism is, to put it short, not needed like it used to be.

          Wrong. You are once again going against facts. You clearly feel so entitled to your victim complex that you do not want to even consider the idea that men are also equally victims.
          Here is an article about it:

          Men are also far less likely than women to report their abuse, which could suggest, given that counting the ones that do we can see it being on an equal grounds, then considering that studies show men are equally likely to be victims, then think how men are less likely to report than women are, it can then be assumed that given that since the reported victims are around equal, then considering less men would come forward despite the victims being equal, that men may well be the majority of victims.
          If the reports show that equal amount of men are victims, then considering less men will come forward implies more men may well be victims than female victims.

          "As a white male"? So because I am a white male that changes anything? Why does my gender or my race mean anything on this matter? It doesn't change the facts just because I, a white male, is reading them.
          If I am biased due to being a white male, then you are also bias due to being a white female, or does that only work against men?

          I have provided links and facts that your small little mind could not comprehend. You are clearly the bias one here, as I am not speaking for a bias standpoint, I am speaking from what I read and research standpoint, where as you don't do that, as shown due to your lack of knowledge on the matter, which means "you" are infact the one speaking from a bias".

          You can call me names all you want, that's your right, but don't be a complete hypocritical fucktard, showing themselves to have the brain power of a stick in the process. It saves me having to point out how stupid you are.

          You and I both know the reason for such a small response. You know you can't prove yourself correct, just as I am sure you know I can prove myself right, as I have. Hence why you have given far less a response than you have others.

          So, not due to your gender, not due to your race, you should "shut the fuck up" based on your incapability to produce a rational thought, in short, you you have "no room to talk" due to being a complete dipshit.

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    • Bootabutt91

      Although I see OP's point, I really had a problem with the part about how the military is "protecting" us poor defenseless women from experiencing the horror of war. To that I say, "Fuck you very much". We don't need your protection. Why do men join the army? Because they want to serve and protect. Well, so do some women. They want the chance to serve their country just as a much as a man and they should be able to.

      Also, thank you for pointing out that most minorities live in poverty which IS a handicap and should be thusly treated as such. Nuf said.

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    • I'm so sorry, did you read anything I wrote?

      What do OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony have to do with Zimmerman or the race-related point I was making? Nothing? But thanks for mentioning OJ Simpson, it brings a great extra point. Remember how no whites rioted at his acquittal? I rest that case.

      Secondly, I laugh if you really believe all those voters were well informed on the issues and legitimately believed because of it that Obama was the best candidate. In either case, voting for free entitlements is easy and destructive to the country as a whole. Rewarding laziness will lead to ruin. It's a conflict of interest to vote for someone who might take those away from you. Even a lab rat is intelligent enough to avoid getting shocked and grab a piece of cheese. I personally know plenty of people receiving government money who could work. Plus, thanks for agreeing that they would just plain love to see a black president. That's the problem, why should it matter what ethnicity he is?

      Those 'pathetic attempts at saying I'm sorry' shouldn't exist in the first place. Enough with the 'White Guilt.' I'm not upset because there are no white people scholarships, way to completely miss the point I was trying to demonstrate. They need to stop looking down and feeling sorry for themselves and WORK for things like everyone else. That is true equality. No perks, no penalties, just your own sweat, blood, and merit. Did it ever occur to you, even just once, that maybe, on the average, some of these people just don't even try? We live in America, and you really believe things are that hard for you to get an education and make something of yourself because you're a minority?? *facepalm* Try being motivated, and don't wait for the government entitlement hand to feed you.

      What's wrong with you? "There is still no equality" Just get out of here dude, or come back with a serious comment. With a name like 'slutzombie' you probably don't scratch beneath the surface of issues too often.

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      • slutzombie

        My point with OJ and Anthony is that just because he was acquitted doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong.
        While I believe welfare has it's place in America, and sounds great in theory, I believe it is extremely abused and causes more harm than anything. Good intentions- but it needs to be very well regulated.
        And just as some blacks voted for Obama because of his race, I'm sure plenty of whites chose not to vote for him for the exact same reason.

        It's not about white guilt. Nobody is trying to make you feel guilty for being white. Up until the 60s and even later on, minorities were oppressed. Because of that, it was harder for them to get jobs, make money and live well, and the pattern continues to this day. The reason the majority of blacks live in poverty is directly related to the fact that they did NOT have equal rights for a very long time.
        People that abuse welfare should definitely not be limited to minorities, by the way. I agree that if you're capable of working, you should not be on welfare, because then you are taking money away from the people that actually need it. Never once did I suggest people should abuse welfare.
        I also never said I will have a hard time making something of myself or getting an education. But people that grow up in the projects, with little to no money, (mostly blacks) yes, they will have a harder time than most people.
        You're making ridiculous assumptions. I'm just trying to point out that if (and yes, its true, I can find you some links if you'd like) a man can make more money than a female doing the same job, there is still no equality.

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        • I think we both agree on the issue of welfare.

          I'm sorry people were oppressed or disadvantaged in the 60s and earlier, but people today take advantage of their strife for free bonuses. It's not right or equal, it's just reversing the sides.

          This keeps going back to poverty being their primary disadvantage, more so than actual discrimination on the part of employers or other organizations. This raises an interesting thought, why not base the scholarships on their poverty instead of their race? There are plenty of poor white people, and well off minorities. That doesn't seem perfect, but better than saying, hey, you're not white, here's free money for college.

          Lastly, it said seeking diversity in the workplace, not equal wages among the genders. So, I don't really think the strive for diversity is solving the problem of men making more than women. A lot of jobs with salaries tend to be partly negotiated. Maybe on average more men are assertive in this factor? I really don't know, and I don't think men should make more for the 'exact same job.' But Affirmative Action has not solved this.

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          • slutzombie

            Yes, poverty is their disadvantage, and reasons for that trace back to the times when they were discriminated against. So their poverty and history are directly correlated.
            Diversity is a good thing- and I highly doubt that an employer would hire somebody less qualified than you because they are not white. That is discrimination, and if that really is the case, it's completely against the law.
            I do believe there are some scholarships based on income, but not 100% sure. That is an interesting thought though.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Wait, you're tired of people trying to get equal rights, while you are not a part of a minority and not affected by it at all? Why do you even care?

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    • Literally man, read the *first* line in the post, and get back to me on this. It's not **equal** if one race is given an advantage.

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  • changes123

    "As a white male."

    Just because equal opportunity and other programs designed to help those who do not fall under those categories do not apply to you, you're tired of it?

    Sorry. Not everything is going to cater to your needs.

    Calling, "reverse discrimination" means nothing.

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    • Oh, excuse me. Why would equal opportunity actually be equal? You're right, what was I thinking. I should just be content.

      Either your reading comprehension is terrible, or you just completely ignored my post, in which case, why bother to 'contribute' your drivel commentary?

      You basically said that catering to certain people is fine, but because I'm white and male, excluding me or disadvantaging me is okay. No one deserves free help in an *equal* society. You're exactly the problem I'm talking about. Prime example here, folks.

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  • St.Clair59

    You couldn't have said it better! All races should be given the same chances, whether white, black, Asian, Indian or Hispanic.

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  • Jfdp

    I think this issue wont be given much thought by the main portion of the population in western countries until in about 30 -40 years time when "Whites" become, (Or start to become) a minority in countries like the USA, Uk, Astralia ect

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  • EccentricWeird

    As a white man looking for work, I thank you for your post.

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  • college

    While I agree that we should live in a world where all of these programs and scholarships directed toward people of color and women aren't needed, I also recognize that we don't live in a utopia. There're MANY privileges that come with being a white person (especially male) in America. Some of those privileges are so small that you don't even realize you have them. I'm not condoning "reverse discrimination", I'm just saying that the many disparities affecting people of color and women shouldn't go unnoticed and unresolved.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    I completely agree dude. This shit has gone WAY too far. It's not as bad here in Europe because by and large it's still about 90% white but still, as a white male I literally feel like a constantly have the worst fucking deal.

    Theres so many special groups and awards and shit for women, black people, asian people, and they get so many fucking benefits. Like, the Music Of Black Origin awards....SERIOUSLY!?!? What the fuck does you being black have anything to do with you making music!? MOWO? No that's racist.

    Whenever I fill out any job applications, I ALWAYS exclude my ethnicity and gender where it allows, because quite frankly, the colour of my skin has nothing to do with my competency for the job, so why the fuck are they even asking.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I love the fact that gentleman only clubs are no longer legal, that a restaurant chain called "Hooters" must employ male servers and some blonde chippie can go into the locker room to interview nude male athletes after an event, but women only health clubs are totally legal!
    Equality, smequality; it's all lip service.

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  • I have to agree, especially with the whole feminist part.

    I mean, just look at the whole "Twitter" thing going on. They are trying to say that women are the only ones that suffer from trolling and threats online, trying to imply that women are the majority, if not the only ones targeted by troll and threatening comments, regardless of the fact that people everywhere on the internet or mainstream has this happening to them, specifically males.
    I mean, although I myself do not like him, just look at Justin Bieber. He must be the person to have the largest amount of troll of violence based statements made against him ever, and the same extents to all sorts of males today, such as One direction, and so on. Yet, articles mention none of this, they simply want to stop trolls from targeting "women" as if targeting men is not a problem, and by isolating men from this it's saying it's less of a problem targeting males as it is females.
    Then due to this, the Twitter maker (or whatever) makes a statement apologizing strictly to the "females" of this, rather that "everyone" that has to deal with it, and then they want to say they are for equality when they are doing everything they can to focus attention on female victims, all while excluding the other half of the victims just because they are male?

    What I don't agree on is the women in the front lines part you state.
    That in itself is sexism. It's as if you are implying a woman going through the same horrors men can go through makes women more deserving of sympathy, as if the male life is less.
    I don't agree with that.
    As for women going in to those positions, I do believe women should be given the choice to go in to it if they choose to and can pass the test. The problem with this, though, is that people are trying to make the standards lower for women to get in to these positions that men have to work harder to get in to, which again, is not equality.
    If a woman can do the same things as men for a certain position, passing the same standards men have to pass to get in to that position, then I think they should be allowed.
    Again, they should also have to sign up for selective services, just like men have to, or they should make it men shouldn't.

    What I find annoying aswell is how we are "still" trying to convince more women to go in to education even when society has forgotten about males in this aspect, and as a result, men are less likely to attend education, more likely to drop out, and so on.
    When will society start trying to motivate men in to education?

    I do believe in the future people are just going to have enough, and it won't be a pretty sight.

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    • The reason for all this is the fact that women are very different from men. Women tend to react as a group, they are more outspoken and have more activists, whereas men seem to treat every situation with superficiality and lack of interest. When something affects men, they tend to ignore the problem, by brushing it off and trying to prove their manliness, living up to society's expectation that men should be tough. That they shouldn't complain or whine , which would make them look like cry babies. So, if something affects men in general, they tend to ignore the issue,not making a big fuss about it, hoping it will go away by itself. This is what is wrong with men. They seem to not take anything seriously. Feminist ideology prevails in this conditions,unfortunately.

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      • That could be used as a point if there hasn't been evidence of men speaking out on this and not brushing it off by using means such as speeches to spread the word, or post pictures to spread male victimization, only to have feminists target these speeches, breaking the law to prevent the speech from happening, and tearing down male victim awareness posters.

        When men do come out about these issues, the group "claiming" to be about equality does everything to prevent it from happening, and nothing is done about it.

        The reason why men try to brush it off is because they know that if they attempt to gain help, they risk ridicule, not being taken seriously, or not even seeing justice.

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        • You remind me of the Amazing Atheist.

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          • I have no idea if you intended that as a compliment or an insult, but I am an avid viewer of him, and I do like a lot of his points, so much so to be considered a fan.

            So, thanks, I guess? Not sure if you intended it as a compliment or insult.

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  • handsignals

    Too long, didn't read.

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    • Sorry this issue is too complicated to wrap your self-imposed ADD around.

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  • hoppy

    The job market is an interesting one. Having a quota system for how many of each gender, ability, sexuality, ethnic background, or religion you'll employ almost guarantees the situation that a lesser candidate is chosen simply because of a demographic. Note that this lesser candidate is now equally likely to be an able-bodied, white, straight, Christian male as any other option. Should we be angry at the unfairness of it? Yes, I think so.

    Should we also recognize that in the past, the lesser candidates being chosen were almost exclusively able-bodied, white, straight, Christian males and that what you are complaining about now is what the rest of us have always suffered. It's unfair now but at least it's unfair in a fair way. Previously it was unfair in an unfair way.

    I hope that that we move past quotas, equal opportunities, and everything else that goes along with this and that we move from being unfair in an unfair way, and from the current situation of being fair in an unfair way, to find a way of being fair in a fair way. That's the hope.

    What we have now isn't the solution but a step on the path towards one.

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    • So basically, you're content that we've replaced discrimination with discrimination. There is no such thing as a 'fair unfair' system. This is not progress, this is punishing people for things that happened in the past which we have no personal control over. I have a good degree of control over my education, experience, and ability to perform a job. I don't have control over my ethnicity or gender. These should not even be considered either for negative OR positive consequences. Affirmative Action is bogus. There is no such thing as 'positive discrimination.' If we want to be equal, then let's be equal. No free perks. Women, head to the Selective Service office. You're capable of combat and should share the same burden if need-be in a future time of war. Tear up those minority grants. We're equal. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

      Also, the modern day 'suffering' is like I said, far over exaggerated. If you're smart in school, you don't need an easy free "African-American" scholarship. You can earn it with your intelligence. People need to stop feeling entitled, especially for things they didn't personally go through in most cases.

      I don't expect many people to agree with me. I've automatically alienated many readers of this post with the topic alone. I suppose it's a conflict of interest. If this post even gets around 30% normal I'll be kind of surprised.

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      • hoppy

        It's strange you think we're coming from a different position. In my comment I said I thought we should be angry at the current situation. I also said what we have now isn't a solution and that we will hopefully move past the idea of equal opportunities. I say that despite ticking two of the boxes for why I'd be discriminated against. Perhaps because I was calm about it, you thought that decided my position.

        You haven't alienated me but you certainly make it harder than it should be to appreciate the thought behind your words. That may be the case for others too. This isn't a criticism. Hopefully it's seen as enlightening. Regardless of the truth of a situation, there are good and bad ways to get a point across. If you're trying to persuade people you have to be persuasive as opposed to being in attack-mode (which doesn't really work).

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        • You seemed fairly neutral. I'm hardly in attack mode; I haven't cussed anyone or been rude, only expressed my opinion. Perhaps sternly, but not 'attack-mode.' I'm curious how you are considering yourself so much more calm than me. I just don't agree that a 'fair unfair' system is a step in the right direction. It's more like a side-step.

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  • anti-hero

    How do you know that was the meaning of diversity they were aiming for?

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  • What has happened to this place?
    I don’t recognize it anymore.
    It used to be so fun and special.
    What is life worth living for?
    The dream is dead, our land is gone;
    There’s a hole in my heart and I can’t go on.

    There are too many minorities....
    At my water park.
    This was our land, our dream
    and they’ve taken it all away.
    They just keep coming and coming.
    I tried to go and tell the police,
    But even the authorities....
    Are minorities.
    At my water park.

    There’s no place for me to sit anymore,
    And the lines just keep getting crazier.
    There are Mexicans all around me.
    The lazy river has never been lazier.
    It’s a 40 minute wait to go down one slide,
    And the instructions are in Spanish on the Zip Line ride!

    There are too many minorities...

    At my water park.
    Where did they all come from?
    Why can’t they leave this land alone?
    And it’s such a tragedy.
    We looked the other way too long.
    We’ve got to change our priorities
    And get all these minorities
    Out of my water park

    Mexicans and Asians, I think I even saw Native Americans.
    God I’m asking please, get all of these minorities
    Out of my water park.

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    • changes123

      Mexicans and Native Americans have been at the "waterpark" before your ancestors even left Europe. If you want to be technical, they should be the ones who ask you to leave their "waterpark."

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      • iEatZombies_

        Uh... This is a song from South Park.
        And it's a joke.

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        • changes123

          That may be a joke,

          but some people actually think like that. People joke sometimes, but have serious undertones as well.

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      • It's from southpark.

        I would never go to a water park.


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  • All4it

    Haaa Haa! I (as a black male) can TOTALLY understand your frustration with having to watch minorities get the upper hand in some situations with no effort at all. Ive had to grow up learing about the many years that whites did this very thing,along with beat and kill blacks for no reason. Further more, the whites of that time didnt treat blacks that way due to high numbers of blacks already in the work place or to even up diversity...the did it becouse THAT WAS THE FUCKING LAW. So sorry,but im loving this :)

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  • Grapist

    Women and other racial minorities are the ones to blame. They are ruining planet eartth

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  • Lolacola73

    The affirmative action decade is a great example of hiring based on race. When someone with a great work history, plenty of experience and and a general good track record is overlooked and someone else is chosen for a job based on race, it's FUCKING BULLSHIT! And I'm f#cking sick and tired of the double standard.

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  • Amistrangeornuts


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  • LondonTbags117

    I've read the post, and the comments. Based on all that information, i think it really would be better for everyone to just be equal and be done with it. I wish it was as easily done as said, but i guess it's not, and some of us are stuck in a world where some people will get better things based on race, whether you're white, black, hispanic, yellow, purple, i beleive we all deserve the same oppurtunities on the same base, if he can make 100 wooden horses like jerry then why not hire muhammed? Or if susy can do 100 pull ups like joe then let her fight like joe is allowed to. Sadly though, we do not live in a world where any of this will happen soon, as far as i know or feel like i know. All in all after reading all of this i agree we should all be equal, but also know we can't be with standing circumstances. Goodnight!

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  • GuessWho

    I AGREE WITH YOU (OP) 100%


    This is the message that I've been trying to spread, but the government and the media have the population so BRAINWASHED that it never seems to be accepted.

    Jobs should be given to the most capable / best qualified applicant.

    "There is no-one as blind as he who does not want to see."


    In countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe - where whites are the minority and blacks the majority - there are laws designed to make it impossible for white-owned businesses to be successful; and blacks scoring 50% get preference over whites scoring 90% in universities and jobs.

    Note that WHITES MAKE UP ONLY 10% OF THE WORLDWIDE POPULATION. WHITES ARE THE WORLDWIDE MINORITY, yet nowhere in the world will they get preferential treatment.

    "He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors." - Thomas Jefferson

    The other races won't; not while they are benefiting from the current inequality.

    Think of it: would you voluntarily give up privileges in favour of hard work to achieve what would otherwise be granted - I'm sure NO-ONE WOULD.



    I'm glad to see that there is at least one other person out there that is not afraid to speak the truth.

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    • Jfdp

      A French general in the seventeenth century said : If you want to find out whos in control, find out who you aren't allowed to criticize

      Pardon me if this seems blunt- but the whole wester world wide obsession with PC is a bloody farce, Whites being brainwashed into feeling guilty for atrocities which they themselves did not commit, All other races being brainwashed to dislike whites for atrocicites they themselves did not have to endure from the aforementioned white people

      Ounce you get down to it, theres no real "Right" or "Wrong" when it comes to race relations just "Us" and "Them" By gradually destroying European and European descendants pride in their history and culture your creating future generations who will not stand up for themselves, believing subconsciously that they "deserve it"

      The first step to creating a hatred between ethnic groups is accusing them of doing heinous things (Think Hitlers' hatefull rants against the jews, which had no basis in fact)

      This new form of PC is just another propaganda tool like The Roman Catholics Church's "God wills It" in the crusades, and countless other corrupted ideals like Marxism, Socialism, Nationalism, Jihad all of which seem like great ideals to strive for but are merely just tools in the hands of power hungry "Leaders" who rule through the old principle of "Divide and Conquer"

      Far from Uniting us, PC is dividing us, Diiging open old wound best left alone and creating new ones (Think about the poor whites in the US and South Africa who have to face an uphill battle with education and employment) Quota laws don't pull down the rich- but what if your poor? and White? and the number of people who fit into both those catagories worldwide is growing . . .

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      • GuessWho

        So true.

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  • TheProph

    Didn't read the OP (sorry OP, I come here for short little bits, and go to other places when I want to read) but I'm totally on your side if it's what I think it is.

    Do you mean the good old "BET isn't racist, but WET would be" argument? Well, I agree. Not that it would be racist (unless you consider BET racist), but that it's ridiculous.

    This country needs to stop it's guilt. I had an argument with a black friend of mine the other day and flat out said to him "Why should I feel even the slightest amount of guilt about something my ancestors (or probably not since my family's German) did to your ancestors?" which he didn't directly argue but said something like "When has another race been enslaved in the US" to which I replied "There hasn't been. This country isn't as old as let's say... Italy(Rome), whites were enslaved in Rome ALL THE TIME.

    My point is.. even though its kinda getting lost there is that there shouldn't even BE "Equal Opportunity Employment" unless it's actually EQUAL. IT IS NOT!

    Mega corporations and regular large corporations are almost ALWAYS going to hire the black guy if he's presentable and doesn't talk with a fake street accent that somehow black people only get. Hell, sometimes they even hire them talking like they just came out of a ghetto, and they do this OVER a equally (or more) qualified white man.

    I'm sure the reverse happens in the top tiers of these corporations, with the financial managers and whatever the fuck positions they have on their top floors. I believe those floors are filled mostly with white people. But the reason for that is because they HAVE HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMAS AND COLLEGE DEGREES.

    Now that's again not to say a black man can't get a degree. The same black friend I mentioned earlier has a bachelor's and I have a high school diploma, so there's your proof right there. But let's say just him and me went for the exact same job only we took away his college education and he ONLY had a High school diploma. Let's even say we're both equally physically fit (I'm thinner and more agile, he's heavier and more of the "brawn" type). Let's say every single attribute of ours is exactly the same, the same voice, the same way of speaking, only difference is I'm white, and he's black. HE will get that job before I will.

    I do admit there is undoubtedly racism in the world today, this country, your state, your town, your block. It's everywhere. That's probably never going to go anywhere.

    What needs to disappear is pandering to black people because of something that happened hundreds of years ago.

    Unless we have any vampires, I'm gonna go ahead and assume every single slave owner in the United States has been dead for well over a hundred years.

    Why am I hearing about this now?

    Why can't I have pride in my race, and it's monumental amount of achievements?

    Why am I supposed to (I don't) feel guilty about something that happened hundreds of years ago?

    Why was Trayvon a nationwide sensation while the 12 year old girl who was raped and murdered by 2 black kids FOR HER BIKE was barely a blip on peoples radar?

    Listen black people, African Americans, *other stupid politically correct word* (honestly call me any word you want that isn't a personal insult: cracker, slave owner, white trash, whatever you want) I have a simple message to you: FUCKING GET OVER IT! YOU WERE NEVER A SLAVE, AND YOUR PARENTS WERE NEVER A SLAVE, AND EVEN YOUR GRANDPARENTS WEREN'T SLAVES, SO GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And there's discrimination against black people too in smaller companies. So what? Everyone is discriminated against, get the fuck over it.

    Fact: 99% of STUPID black people (not including the smart ones here) will consider this post racist, even though I did not say one derogatory thing.

    Really, black guys, stop being so angry. Black girls, stop spending 24 hours a day twerking, get a high school diploma or GED, get rid of the FAKE accent you create for yourselves. Stop purposely saying words wrong like "Wal MART" NOT "Wal MARK" you know you're saying it wrong, I don't know if you think you're unique or what, but you sound like a fucking retard. Also it's birthday not birfday, and while we're at it if a word ends in TH its like saying an S with a lisp, it does NOT make a F sound. It's not Fursday, you're not finking. FFS learn English.

    There, you can say that was derogatory, the truth hurts.

    Sorry to come to your poll with my own grievances and I don't even know if this is what you were talking about, but when I hear anything related to that it annoys me so much.


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  • Barugel_Azulay

    All that rant just to say you are a racist...

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    • GuessWho


      "There is no-one as blind as he who does not want to see."
      - And you are one of the most blind people on the face of the earth!
      You are a sheep that has been brainwashed by the globalist media to be oblivious to the truth.

      OR YOU'RE JUST A RACIST MINORITY that's riding the wave of your benefits that you don't want to give up for the sake of equality, because then you’d actually have to work as hard as your white neighbours.

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    • So few words to indicate yourself foolish...

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