Is it normal i made my own clip in extensions?

I made my own wavy hair clip ins, because it's so expensive online. I recently cut off some damaged hair (heat, color) and wanted to feel feminine until it grows out more. It's currently at my collarbone in the front and my shoulder blades in the back.

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58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • lemon

    It's really good to make your own things - either because it's too expensive or because you can't find exactly what you're looking for so you can create something that is individual and perfect for you. I used to make my own synthetic dreads which was really time consuming but I got satisfaction from making them.

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  • KittyCat333

    I think it is perfectly normal to want to present yourself more feminine (not to be rude to girls with short hair, my BFF has short hair)

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    • Rihyae

      Finally a comment!

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  • helpful_demon

    wow, that's really cool, i didn't know those things could be DIY'd. good for you, friend! and, of course, you can present however you want, so also good for you for making yourself feel more comfortable! :)

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