Is it normal i never eat anything past 9:45pm?

For some reason I have it in my head that once the night reaches 10 and beyond, it's too late to eat and the food I ate will slow down my metabolism as I sleep. Is it normal? I rarely ever break that rule and it annoys the people that want to hang out late.

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77% Normal
Based on 13 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Boojum

    Stick to your guns and don't give in to the disapproval of your friends. If they stick to their current habits, that's going to contribute to them getting fatter as the years pass.

    There is a link between obesity and consuming more calories later in the day. The cause of this is still unclear, but there is consensus on the fact that there is a correlation.

    In any case, what sort of friends do you have who get wound up about you not wanting to pig out with them late at night? As long as you don't make a big song and dance out of it, that shouldn't bother any reasonable person. Maybe, for the sake of social harmony, you could order the lightest thing available, and then just nibble at it. If they insist that you eat it all, then you should be asking yourself what's really going on with them.

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  • pinkcookie26

    Actually you can't eat (well you can) certain meals past a certain time. The digestive system either will make you vomit, or you'll have irritable bowels at 2-3am. A lot of people are recommended not to eat pork past a certain hour

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  • SwickDinging

    This is sort of true in relation to the time that you go to sleep. So if you are hanging out late and not planning on being in bed for another few hours then there's no real point in denying yourself food.

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