Is it normal i only hate transwomen who don't try to be women?

i've been called transphobic or a terf although i am moderately left-leaning and used to be really supportive of the whole thing. i started to realize when i see trans women who actually look and act feminine, i am not disgusted by them at all. whereas i hate the ones who look and act like degenerate perverted men. is it normal im a ''transphobe'' who fully supports trans women that ACTUALLY want to be like feminine women? (and i have no real problem with trans men but thats a whole other ballgame)

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60% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    A lot of trans women aren't lucky enough to have been born into a male body that could pass as female after the HRT, even with feminine clothes and copious amounts of make-up. So it'd be wrong to discriminate against them based on something they can't control. They're no less of a woman just because they were unlucky with their genetics, that's the whole point of transgender in the first place. Attractiveness isn't a good criteria to use to judge the validity of someone's gender identity, and it's just not very nice to judge anyone based on their looks like that.

    If you're talking just about trans women who don't put any effort in to looking/acting feminine, well it's impossible to know how much effort they're putting in just from looking at them. You don't know what they're going through behind the scenes. Like I said, they may have been unlucky enough to have been born into a very masculine body, and so despite trying everything, unfortunately just can't manage to pass as a cis woman. So you shouldn't assume that they just don't care about their appearance. Besides, whether they're trans or not, women aren't under any obligation to wear feminine clothes or make-up, or act differently, in order to appear a certain way to please others. Maybe they don't feel like putting any effort in that day, that's their choice and there's nothing wrong with that. It's you (and plenty of others to be fair) who needs to learn not to be so judgemental.

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    • isitnormal_1

      Thank you for this^

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        You're welcome :) But there's no need to thank me, I just wrote the truth.

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  • KholatKhult

    Do you hate them /because/ they’re trans. Or /because/ they’re degenerate and perverted. That’s the difference in whether you’re transphobic or not.
    I have no issue with trans people, I will not discriminate LGBT people.

    But I hate degenerates and perverts.
    If you’re anti degenerate and perverted people that’s normal and how you should feel.

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah i'm pretty left leaning too but I wouldnt exactly mind being called a terf. I definietely believe there are genuine trans people because humans are complex beings and it's not unlikely to think a persons brain can be woman even though their body isnt, but nowadays it has just become this stupid trend that people without personal identity cling on to. Those are the same people who are easily roped into cults because they are so lost and need validation so badly.
    I've noticed it's common for incels to start identifying as trans. Same with femcels who have barely ever interacted with men their whole lives, only seen men in animes and thinks that is how men are in real life... Super straight women who romanticize gay relationships between two attractive men. Many of them dont even try to look manly either, at best they manage to look like 12 year old boys which is just creepy. I cant stand those people either. I dont hate them but they need serious help, to get out into society and actually interact with real people of the opposite gender as well as people of their own gender to see that no normal human being "feels" their gender and that most people aren't a stereotype of the gender they were born as. The trans community online is kind of culty. They hate on anyone who detransitions (aka leaves the cult) and tries to convince random people they are trans.
    What really irks me is when they pick historical figures and try to argue that they are trans because they broke gender norms, holy misgendering... Apparently it's okay to misgender and put labels on others but god forbid cis people misgender THEM...

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    This is roughly how I feel about the subject. I tend to pick up a lot of flack for it, but yeah. There's very clearly a lot who do this for more troublesome reasons. Whether it be to perve or to jump on a trend; it happens.

    There are certainly real cases though. (Cases have appeared throughout history.) It's just not as common as it's made to seem.

    That being said: dress how you want. Just cover the sensitive bits.

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    • LloydAsher

      As well as lower your expectations on what people will call you.

      No I'm not going to use your pronouns. Why? Because you are no one of importance not gonna change my language on the fly for anyone that doesnt earn my respect.

      Also if someone slips up and musgenders them why not be cool about it. Making a massive fuss about it tarnishes the entire community.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Op is clearly an idiot.

    That is all.

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    • ospry

      I think what they're trying to say is that they respect trans people, but only if they at least bother making an attempt to pass. Whether or not they can pass is irrelevant, it's more about the person wanting to be accepted as a woman but they themselves can't even be bothered to put in the effort

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      • Tommythecaty

        By that logic plenty of actual biological women wouldn’t pass as women 🤣

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        • ospry

          They don't. I've seen plenty of biological women be mistaken for men

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