Is it normal i panic getting phone calls,messages & having to call people back?
I get really stressed out when my phone rings. I panic. If I recognize who's calling and I'm not "ready" to talk to them I don't pick it up. By "ready" I mean I have to know that they were going to call that day and about what. Sometimes that doesnt matter though and I almost have a panic attack deciding whether to pick it up or not. I usually let it go to voicemail but then I'm afraid to listen to my voicemails because it stresses me out thinking that I have to call them back even if it's not over a big thing. (Example: scheduling a doctor's appointment)
When I do call them back it usually goes fine but right after I hang up I scream (more like a soft squeal/scream) and my heart races.
I'm not scared to talk to people, although once in a while that is the reason. I just can't handle anything remotely stressful. is it normal I find phone calls stressful?