Is it normal i panic getting phone calls,messages & having to call people back?

I get really stressed out when my phone rings. I panic. If I recognize who's calling and I'm not "ready" to talk to them I don't pick it up. By "ready" I mean I have to know that they were going to call that day and about what. Sometimes that doesnt matter though and I almost have a panic attack deciding whether to pick it up or not. I usually let it go to voicemail but then I'm afraid to listen to my voicemails because it stresses me out thinking that I have to call them back even if it's not over a big thing. (Example: scheduling a doctor's appointment)

When I do call them back it usually goes fine but right after I hang up I scream (more like a soft squeal/scream) and my heart races.

I'm not scared to talk to people, although once in a while that is the reason. I just can't handle anything remotely stressful. is it normal I find phone calls stressful?

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 93 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • dom180

    Phone calls are full of uncertainty. It's like a normal conversation, but you can't hear the person properly because the sound information is distorted and you can't get any body language cues. I'd say about 90% of the information you'd get in a face-to-face conversation is lost in a phone call. What's worse is that you know the other person is losing the same amount of information from what you say for the same reasons, and could feel the same anxiety you do. All that uncertainty can lead to anxiety, panic etc. :/

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  • disthing

    I used to feel anxiety answering phone calls from people I know, and I still feel a little nervousness when calling people. But I think the more you do it, the more natural it becomes and that stress eases, at least for me anyway.

    So if you want to overcome your fear of the phone, I suggest you make it your business to call and be called often enough that it ceases to be such a problem for you :)

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  • Wendell

    If they left a voicemail, I would be less afraid because they would expect me to call. I get more nervous calling them first

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    Actually i have this same exact problem. But for only certain people. I actually panic if some one calls me, and or texts me. Only certain people though. For instance, i will always answer my one friend who understands me, But for the other people in my life, I feel a panic when they text me. which in return makes me feel a panic, and a doubt. I really understand this COMPLETLY!!! I have no idea the last time i actually talked on the phone. I know i have my reasons for panicing for these differnt people. beacuse i no longer trust them anymore with "who" i am. i only answer the ones who care the most in my life.

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  • Isabella80s

    I totally know what you mean. It sounds like you like to have control and are maybe afraid to commit yourself to plans/appointments. Not uncommon but obiously it can't rule your life. Also, sometimes I get a bit nervous when leaving answer phone messages - I worry I'll just gabble on or forget what I'm meant to be saying... lol

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  • You have social anxiety I'd bet.

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  • I hate talking to people I don't know on the phone. Idk.. it's just awkward. Sometimes I blush is that normal?

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  • Littlebadgirl

    74% normal? In what world is this normal?

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  • is it the fear of not knowing what to say? or is it the call , ringtone , disembodied voice? interesting, an unexpected voice telling you have won the lottery, would this upset ?

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  • drumandpickchick

    I feel like my heart flip flops or my stomach falls out my butt when I get a phone call at work. The last 2 times is when someone has died. I hate it.

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  • girly62

    I thought i was the only one lol. I guess its normal. Thats just how we are :)

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