Is it normal i pretty sure that government owns fb
We all know a guy made FB and became rich off of it but it seems that all employers are using it as a means to hire people. As well as that goverment workers can be fired for doing wrong things on FB. FB gets upset if you use a fake name or fake imformation and shuts down accounts dedicated to cartoon characters. A lot of people who spoke up against Obama were arrested becuase they posted stuff on FB. FB apperently has rights to stuff you post on there, and any imformation you post can and will be used against you in a court of law. While various agencys have ability to moniter what you do online most of the time the goverment does not seem to be getting involved with anything you do on those websites. Yet has made frequent apperences on FB and many cases of people like teachers for example fired based on what they do on FB. Is Goverment using FB as a tool to watch people? I mean they could most likely do it on other various websites but it seems they have far more influence over whats happening on FB vs anywhere else where we are free to mostly do whatever we wish as long as its within site guidelines.