Is it normal i ran away from toxic home kinda scared but feel free too.

I ran away from home because I felt like I was in prison. I have been grounded for over a year.I honestly couldn't wait till I was 18, I was seriously going insane,no leaving my room, limited kitchen and shower privileges and I mostly had to pee in a cup. I have a place to stay and I am studying for my ged and I have a job under the far mostly everyone's been nice and my boss doesn't seem to care about my backround just as long as I work.I am really worried I could be arrested for running away and busting the basement window to get out and taking the blender.But I am also happy I am not being harassed and treated badly anymore.

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89% Normal
Based on 28 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • noid

    It seems your mom posted on here about you awhile back. Or else there is another mom doing the same thing to her daughter.

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    • fafashishi

      weird. I didn't think neither one of them knew how to use the computer.

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  • NobodyKnows

    Not just normal but rare, courageous and admirable. Tons of adults remain living g with shit parents out of guilt or laziness. It takes a special person to recognize abuse on their own and move out by themselves.

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  • fafashishi

    because I love smoothies and shakes and blenders and the people who are letting me stay with them don't have one.

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  • Ellenna

    I'm glad you got away, but why the blender????

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  • galen

    "Taking the blender"???

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    • Shackleford96

      OP's life is bad enough, let him have his margaritas ok?

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