Is it normal i resent being the youngest child

I think I realized something: I’ve become too accustomed to being treated like a child. Being the youngest, my siblings would constantly try to boss me around and I always worried about speaking about how I truly felt. They admitted as much that they always viewed me as a little kid, and would get horrified at me knowing certain things despite how old I was (they were surprised I knew what a pussy was at 18!)

Now, I’ve been made fun of for saying this in a whiny way, so I realize I’ll try to talk about it as calmly as I can: I’ve never been particularly fond of being called “the baby” for being the youngest. First of all, babies fucking disgust me, second of all, I probably look older than my sisters anyway, and third of all (and I confess this may be a bit sexist so be prepared):

It feels emasculating. It kinda fucks with your brain if not only are you born as the youngest in a house full of girls, but also when said girls keep pressuring you to do more work and ALWAYS citing “you’re a boy” as the reason (and mind you, I’m always happy to help, but my mom usually tells me she doesn’t need help and my sisters say it so RUDELY!)

I’ve been conditioned to never say how I truly feel because I’ll likely get mocked for it, and if it’s something sexual in nature I’ll get talked down to condescendingly, and told I shouldn’t even know what I’m talking about. If I ever offered an idea or a solution I’d always get ignored (I remember one time our basement being wet, and I know this is stupid, but I recommended our dog drink it, and my mom told him he would die from that. It would’ve been fine if she stopped there, but she had to rub it in and say that I’m a kid and didn’t know anything).

But now I’m nearly 21, and I have zero experience being treated like an adult and being taken seriously. I should have been more vocal as a kid,
but I know what too late for that, and I should be more vocal now. Their perception of me doesn’t at all match reality, and I’ve learned that that’s about true for everyone you know.

I’m most likely not going to have kids, but if I do, I’ll take them all equally seriously no matter how old they are or what order they were born in, and whatever questions they ask me I will answer with 100% honesty, and I will not encourage any of them to try to control another!

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Aethylfritha

    Normal. I think only children the happiest unless they were lonely.

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  • ellnell

    For me it's the other way around.
    My younger sibling always gets away with anything and is allowed anything and "can do no wrong" whereas as kids for example I was always given the blame when we fought because my sibling "would never do anything bad".
    We get along though, so i'm not bitter or anything, but it's frustrating at times.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Bring the youngest is fun..

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  • Nikclaire

    You will eventually grow out of feeling this way. It's just a phase.

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    • darklantern

      Not really. I’ve felt this way my whole life too

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