Is it normal i resent him for this?

So I am a devoted christian. Always have, always will. The lord is my saviour and will remain in my heart as long as my lungs have the air in them to brethe.

The bibel prohibits premarital sex. I met my husband about a year ago at a bingo tournament for a local church party. He has been respectful of my beliefs very much so. He has never attempted to coerce me into anyting I wouldnt want to do, much less doing know, the (s.e.x) or any sinful acts

Now, throughout our relationship he had promised me a good package. When we would get tempted with lustful desires for each other's bodies, id remind him of Pslams 51 verse 2 in which "Lord Almighty wash me from the bad thing that I done did. Now make me clean. AMEN" to which he would subtly say "In time, you will see, I have something for you." i got the message. We both knew.

I will admit my mind would race at the thought of having sexual intercouse with his member, and often I would wonder the sensations, the sexual healing, the sexual enlightenment I have so been deprived of

We got married January 1st. New year. New hopes. Now come the time when he follow his due diligence as a husband, and it has been to my greatest dissapointment that he is, how can i say this kindly, lacking in that department. lacking very much so. He is told to have "Micro penile syndrome" (yes it is an actual medical condition, very rare, but with my luck of course.)

i cant help but feel violated. feel betrayed. I have longed for this and now I am forever enslaved to such proportions. The bible prohibits divorce. Until death do us part. I am so frustrated.

Is this normal? my feelings? how can i cope with this situation? I dont know what to do. Is there even any hope?
I have been praying to God but am afraid and beginning to think theres not much he can do. Should I accept his will to allow him to have such a small jimmy?

is it normal to be so upset over this? (I dare wont talk about this to my fellow christian gals)

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Comments ( 34 )
  • chained_rage


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    • If you were in my shoes, you would not be laughing.
      not laughing at all. so knock it off. its not funny. knock it off knuckle head

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      • iEatZombies_

        Fraid I'm gonna hafta giggle, friend. =}

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      • chained_rage


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  • Terence_the_viking

    Woah whats a bibel?

    can you eat it?

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  • mystery7

    this is a troll post if ever I saw one

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  • (s)aint

    Sucks to be religious now, doesn't it?
    Besides a good Christian lady should not be bothered by this.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Oh snap!

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  • chained_rage

    I'm laughing so hard right now!!





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  • Arm0se

    If you married him for a big dick? Sounds like you got married for the wrong reasons. Not very christian if you ask me, Ms. Devoted Christian.

    This is either a troll or we are doomed as a species, or maybe both...

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  • Freedom_

    Girl I believe in God but you have your own brain for a reason. It's not like you couldn't at least look at his penis first. What were you thinking? You've been fooled by the devil 'cause you kept your eyes closed.

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    • I have prayed to God and have been wondering if this is some sort of punishment on His will. But I have never done anything to upset Him why would He give me such a meager husband
      I dont know what i was thinking i was hopeful maybe too hopeful
      this isnt fair!

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    • :(

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  • brucelee

    Don't be a christian then, you believe in a book full of hypocrisy and; let me put it bluntly, stupid statements. so why believe that you should not have sex with other people. Even if you won't stop being christian the way you see that line of the bible could be viewed very differently, I could interpret it as gods will for me to wash (if i believed in god). i hope this helps, and don't get angry at your husband for his small penis. Love thy nabour- one of the only positive statements throughout the bible.

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  • Incomplet

    ...And what is a devout Christian doing on a site as sinful as this?

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Sounds to me like the good lord gave you exactly what you deserve.

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  • thegypsysailor

    LOL. Oh, honey, like there's anything you can do but "allow him to have such a small jimmy?". LOL.
    Your gawd has played a colossal joke on you sweety, I'm sorry, but it is just too funny for words.
    Please don't resent your husband, it certainly isn't HIS fault.

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    • Freedom_

      Bullshit. That man used her beliefs against her. He figured the only way to get a bedmate for life was to coerce a poor Christian woman who is blindly following her faith into marriage and then BAM... I mean beep! tiny ping.

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      • chained_rage

        You are the BEST! Hahahaha

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      • If you would see it, it would be embarrasing:/

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    • first and foremost, its GOD, not "gawd" so get it right sir. And I advise you strongly to not mock Him "God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" - Galations 6:7
      You have been warned!

      It is my husband's fault for knowing but not telling me or at least hinting that he has a micropenis. Surely he knew I wouldve called off the marriage!

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      • thegypsysailor

        THERE IS NO GOD as you picture it. It is a fantasy and the opiate of the masses, not a rational belief. Your gawd (the only way to spell it if one believes as I do) MADE your man hide his affliction, according to EVERYTHING you believe. That means you are just another hypocrite, a completely brainwashed fool.
        You can't have it both ways, honey. Either your gawd DOES control everything or it controls NOTHING. PERIOD.
        Please do not threaten me with your childish and obviously flawed beliefs. I know, for a fact the what you think of as gawd does not exist. What I do fear is fanatics like you who blindly believe and yet believe only selectively.

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      • Unimportant

        Why would you call of the marriage? Isn't everyone, including your husband, a child of God and therefore worthy of love?

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  • Fall_leaves

    That folks is why you take a test drive before you decide to buy the car.

    Since you're between a rock and a hard place, I suggest you get a vibrator and explore other options.

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    • thegypsysailor

      Oh, but THAT is against her stupid ass religion, too. She made her non-fucking bed so she should lay in it. Sex is for procreation ONLY, remember?
      I know it's absolutely awful of me to feel this way, but I'm overjoyed with her tale of woe.
      Hopefully it will save one or two on here from making the same stupid mistake.
      See what one gets for placing their fate, their whole lives, in the hands of a gawd who doesn't exist, and by extension, couldn't give a rat's ass about her?
      Sorry folks, but this is the best thread ever on IIN, well, since I've been here anyway.
      Thank you OP, I needed this one.

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      • now HOW can i possibly procreate if that DAMN thing wont even go in AT LEAST halfway?! HOW is that even supposed to happen damn it
        Im sorry excuse my language but I do not appreaciate you mocking me

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        • RoseIsabella

          Get an annulment, and cite fraud as your reason since he never informed you of his deformity.

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    • In our dating days, I have thought about even looking at it our touching it, but again have been driven away due to the inappropiatness of it. Also, "IF anyone looks at...and think of sex..(s)he has already has sex in (her) mind" - Matthew 5:28

      I have considred sending him to a bible camp or an elderly session where they (the elderly men in the congregation) can teach him how to satisfy his wife

      I have gone on the internet and apparently there are pumps? to help him increse size. Does they work?

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  • JD777

    This is apparently the plan for you to accept. Those less biblically inclined might call this Karma.

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  • Come on, guys. This isn't something she brought on herself. Waiting until after marriage to have sex is a sound idea, even without religion. He should have disclosed this to her because he doesn't just have a small penis, it's an actual medical condition that he knew he had, and should have known it would decrease sexual enjoyment for her and probably make it harder to have kids. Sex is a fundamental part of marriage and anything that's gonna mess that up should be disclosed, just like anything else that would complicate the marriage.

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    • Unimportant

      "Waiting until after marriage to have sex is a sound idea, even without religion."

      Ui. Could you elaborate on that a bit? I'm curious.

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      • Well, no matter what precautions you take there's always the risk of unplanned pregnancy. I believe most states also require STD testing before marriage too. You would also be assuring that the person is VERY serious about you before giving them your body.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think it should be grounds for an annulment.

      This is one of those times that I'm overjoyed to be a bit if a heretic! I would never buy a car without checking what's under the hood first!

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  • zsdworknman

    Do you think if I did something as charitable as give you my glorious cock your lord might absolve me of my sins and get me into heaven?

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