Is it normal i smoke weed everyday and can't stop

I've been doing it for 10 years I can't stop. When/if I do i become horribly depressed.

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 18 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Rictictavie

    Just stop. All it takes is will power. Whenever I quit I cannot sleep for a good week. Some light mood swings, nothing crazy. The first time I quit was after about 10 years so it can be done. Little tip, if all you do is sit inside and smoke weed everyday then get the hell out of the house and don't smoke. Keep yourself preoccupied. Work out, pursue a new hobby, anything. Replace the bad habit with a good one.

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    • Slowlymovingfast

      Just stop.
      That's one if the few things that anyone can say that pisses me the fuck off.
      I'm glad that it was so easy for you to stop.
      But how dare you assume others are exactly like you.

      I smoked cigarettes for 20 years.
      I've been drinking excessively off and on for 7 years

      Dropped cigarettes in a day, still struggling with alcohol.

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      • kittykandy

        someone doesnt have the willpower..

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        • bech

          its not about willpower if you're addicted, Sheryl.

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      • Rictictavie

        My point was that it takes will power just as others on this thread have pointed out. I also listed several other tips. Congrats on quitting smoking in one day. Seems like "just stop" worked out for you there.

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  • Friendsong

    Definitely try to stop, or at least smoke less. Keep yourself distracted. I'm no expert on how to stop but lucky for us google is free. I love weed but depending on anything other than like food and water usually isn't good for you. I'd also heavily suggest seeing a therapist, nothing wrong with getting help!

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  • da3m0nsneverstop

    Try to stop for a week.
    If you live far away from your parents then visit them. Hang out with friends. Try to keep yourself busy. If you do not feel too alone, it is normal.

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  • MasterChives

    Ah come on! You can stop but the first thing you need to do is..

    Just come out to yourself and admit..


    And so what? Smoke weed, 420 blaze it!.. Hell go in hard and eat Doritos.. If you can handle it of course.. GAT DAYM!

    Kinda wanna bag o' crunchies..

    Im not high (atm) but sheeeet..

    Got me thinking 'bout weed..

    What happens if you run outta cash or your weed guy gets murdered?.. I mean arrested.. No wait.. Murdered sounds better..

    Anyways.. Might have to go Amsterdam on the weekend..

    Just for the chronic though.. Chives don't pay for strange..

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  • IrishPotato

    You can stop. Weed addiction is a 100% mental.

    That being said, smoking weed every now and then isn't a bad thing at all, its only bad if you're dependant on it. You seem like you are.

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    • Ellenna

      Some people do experience withdrawals when they quit weed but from my observations it's almost always because they're smoking it mixed with tobacco, which of course is highly addictive.

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      • IrishPotato

        That is very true.

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's probably not good.

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