Is it normal i sometimes resent my parents for having me?

I didn’t ask to be born into this world, and I feel like I haven’t done much good for it. I’m not suicidal and my friends seem to like me, but I sometimes feel like I’ve been a total waste and that I don’t deserve life. I’m very adamant I don’t want to have any children, partially because I feel like they’d feel the same.

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67% Normal
Based on 12 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • normal-rebellious

    Yes, that's the way it is, and it's you put there on purpose because your parents wanted to start family, you're there to be family, you have no other uses, most of us are just there to be part of the family, it's a miracle you can even use the internet and whinge.

    While you guys are counting stars, or maybe not, I'll be counting money. Your purpose is there right now, to write on the "normal" website, where I say it's normal, I didn't ask for a coffee-sleeping, not-high-fiving, refusing-to-listen mother, but she's there, the parents wished you here so here you are, complaining about the fact that you were made so now we're here to love you as much as ever. 💕

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  • Tommythecaty

    Very common feeling amongst young people.

    You just need to realise that the idea of doing good for the world or “amounting to something” is just a certain way some people choose to spend their time, nothing more. A weight will be lifted when you realise it’s all just filling in time however you choose to do so. That’s all life is for everyone, no matter how much they may delude themselves into thinking otherwise. Don’t compare yourself to others, don’t worry about your place in the world, just do as you will.

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    • bigbudchonger

      I agree with your first part sternly, but if every man did what he wanted, and did not follow some degree of duty to his morals and making the world a better place then it would be a horrible one.

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      • Tommythecaty

        As I said, there are always those that want to follow morals or duty. So nobody doing it isn’t what I was getting at. Just be fine with whatever you want to do.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I understand your point, but I wouldn't resent your parents for it. They didn't intend any harm, and they wouldn't have had you if they'd have known you would've been against it. And they love you, so resenting them wouldn't do anyone any good.

    Even though you didn't choose to be born, you're here now and just need to make the best of it. I think the worst thing you're doing right now, that could possibly justify saying you don't deserve life, is being that hard on yourself. If you want to feel like you've earned life, then start working on being kinder to yourself.

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    • Holzman_67

      It’s something I consider though as a potential future parent. My girlfriend wants kids but I think bringing someone into this world where it’s headed is an act of cruelty and selfishness, plus I’m only adding to the overpopulation problem

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Fair enough, I wouldn't have kids either for that reason. Or if I did have kids, then I'd adopt. I hope you do work on being kinder to yourself though.

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  • Jh9856

    Your post is a 100% accurate description of my life. So i guess it is normal.

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  • Holzman_67

    Yeah I’ve felt like that sometimes but in a more obscure, less direct way. I’ve overburdened my parents in the past with my problems and it’s always felt to me like I’ve been subliminally filing complaints to those responsible for my existence

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