Is it normal i still miss my dead cat after almost 10 years

I grew up with this cat, he was my best friend in preschool and I loved him and cared about him more than anyone else, even though I made new best friends in elementary school, I still loved him with all my heart. Until 2009. On my sister's birthday, we went out to eat. When we came back, I went to look for my cat Boris, he was laying in his cat bed, and he was barely breathing. I told my mother, but she was on the phone. (I was still a child and was unaware how severe it was) When she got off my father stayed home with me and my other siblings, while my mom rushed to the vet. That was the last time I ever saw him. I never got chance to say goodbye. I'm now living with two american shorthair kittens, and I have lost other cats before, but nothing has left me as sad as this. My other cat had died over the summer last year, and I can't even bear to hear her name mentioned. Since it's only been 4 months since she passed, I figured that was more normal. Just for more information, I love my animals like most people love family members. Mainly because my family is a dysfunctional mess. But does this almost 10-year sadness normal?

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95% Normal
Based on 21 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • leggs91200

    Kind of a nostalgic thing. Plus if it was one's favorite pet, you will always miss it.

    When I was a kid around 1984, one of our cats was named Tony. I mostly took care of him like feeding, letting in or out of the house (outdoor cat) and whatever. I would know it was time for him to eat in the morning cause he would stand on my chest and bite my nose.

    I do not remember what he died of, some kind of illness, but I was a wreck.

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  • LloydAsher

    Get a new one a replacement. And pour all your love into it. If the average cat or dog lives for 10 years you are going to go through around 6~9 in your lifetime. Bonus points if you name your pet with number as well.
    REX the III!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I lost my Siamese cat's older brother from an earlier litter to FIP when he was six months old, it was excruciating. I've had my current kitty for almost twelve years, and I dread the thought of someday losing him.

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    • Thats what the recent cat passed from...

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      • RoseIsabella

        I'm sorry to hear that. This was a kitten that you lost?

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        • yeah. She was also around 6 months old...

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          • RoseIsabella

            I'm so sorry for your loss.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Yes, I lost a cat a few years ago too. It was rough because he died young. He got sick. 😥

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