Is it normal i still stop to sniff the flowers?
Idk...when I see a pretty flower I just have to look at it's pretty color and sniff it. Some have no smell and some are strong as heck, but I still like it. It makes me feel happy. Is it normal?
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Idk...when I see a pretty flower I just have to look at it's pretty color and sniff it. Some have no smell and some are strong as heck, but I still like it. It makes me feel happy. Is it normal?
I've become cynical.
I was expecting to read the flower was wedged up someone's ass crack.
You're awesome. You have the ability to appreciate the simple things in life, like seeing a pretty flower. Not many people are like you.
So I guess in a's not normal. Shit.
A little childish, but as long as its not a venus fly trap you should be fine.
It may be normal, but I wouldn't base my whole life on what I read on motivational posters (not that you necessarily do this).
*fondly recalls a memory of blue-merle Shetland sheepdog stopping to smell a rose outside, and then walking around with a weevil on her nose*
I miss her, she was a good dog.
You'll regret that when you inhale a bee. But otherwise that's kinda cute.