Is it normal i talk to myself in differant voices when i am alone
I am a writer with a small following. I tell myself the story and talk about it to myself and pace all around my apartment. I go through all the loop holes and figure out how to fix the story by doing this out loud.It's part of how I get the story out of my head and onto the paper.
My dad was a pastor and a lot of people thought he was a saint. But dad was really cruel and controlling towards me.I try not to let it bother me anymore. He would turn my friends against me , and try to get my mom and I to fight each other. He also made fun of my eating disorder in high school and constantly told me how worthless I was.
My writing and doing this little exercise makes me feel better. It helped me kick my eating disorder.I am an atheist and am kind of shy and have trouble talking about my problems even to my friends. I hate to complain. So I talk to myself in my room alone. Does this make me crazy?