Is it normal i think are kids might be indoctrinated?

I just get how someone could try and say that people come from gorillas. You don't see people being born to monkeys, so where does that all come from? And how do you even know that dinosaurs lived millions on years ago, they are mentioned in the Bible, Behemoth, Leviathan, the giants, etc. Yet they teach this stuff in class, anti-Christian things along with all this other propaganda trying to get our kids to join a government assault on this great countries Christian values. They are trying to undermine kids abilities to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they can make them more reliant on the state for their stuff, its all part of the political agenda, using white guilt to enslave us and instate martial law. If evolution is true, than that means that only the strong survive and when and if the race war comes, we will all be killed because we will have had our guns taken from us and black people will win the war because they have been bread to be strong. This is also why the president wants more Muslims in are country, so that they will fight against us and win. I think the only way to reverse the trend is to bring back corporal punishment so they kids will respect authority like the should, and to bring back the Bible into kids education, and make it public education.

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Comments ( 88 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Wow. I can't tell if you are a troll or seriously misguided.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I hope this is a troll.

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      • cosmictripster

        I pray to Jesus that this is a troll, lol.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Amen to that, honey!

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      • OtherSide

        Of course it's a troll. OP has typed thousands of words on this page with barely a spelling or grammar mistake.

        How many creationists are capable of that?

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        • RoseIsabella


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      • howaminotmyself

        This troll sure got his fill tonight.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I know all this and more
          So take your hat off, boy
          When you're talking to me
          And be there when I'll feed the troll
          *sits leaning against an old tree in 90's grunge attire*

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          • howaminotmyself

            The good ol' days...

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  • thegypsysailor

    Oh, the wonders of the christian hypocrisy.
    One of their major tenets is; "Love thy brother" or some such as shown so eloquently by this OP.
    Now let's explain away all the dinosaur bones and fossils found over the last couple of centuries as some kind of huge, trans generational plot; yep, you go get 'em, OP!
    Just out of curiosity, what makes you think "are" (incredibly you use this for "our" repeatedly) president gives two shits how many muslims there are (NOT our) in this country?
    Can you actually function in society, or are (NOT our) you writing this from your room at some mental institution? I do believe this is the most delusional post I have yet read on IIN.

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    • "Just out of curiosity, what makes you think "are" (incredibly you use this for "our" repeatedly) president gives two shits how many muslims there are (NOT our) in this country?"

      He is a Muslim, and he is far too soft on them. If I were him, I would place a greater restriction on the amount that can enter our society, I would subject them to harsher amounts of checks to be sure that they are not terrotists, and he has been far to lenient on the ones in the middle east. Believe me, he is a Muslim. No Christian would do the things he does.

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      • thegypsysailor

        As I said; delusional.
        If you are indeed a christian, you seem to have zero christian attitudes, but instead be filled with hate and bigotry for your fellow man. Where are (not our in this case either) you finding this in "the Word Of God in it's most pure and ideologically uncontaminated form"?
        Obama a muslim? Wouldn't he burn up instantly when he sets foot in his christian church?
        At least we agree; you cannot function in society.

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        • I saw a video of Obama with all of his little Muslim buddies and there was not a single American flag to be seen anywhere; I've already made my case, you're not going to convince me otherwise, I don't care what you say.

          I am not a 'bigot' more and more this is just being used as an anti-Christian slur. If I hated my fellow man, I wouldn't preach God's Word to him and tell him where he has gone wrong in the eyes of Our Lord.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Damn it Jim, there is no gawd! It doesn't exist. It is the opium of the masses, a crutch for those too weak to stand on their own two feet.
            Obama a muslim; you must be senile.

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            • OtherSide

              Gypsey, don't feed the troll.

              OP is obviously not for real. Have you ever heard of a real creationist who could type two whole paragraphs without a spelling or grammar mistake?

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    • Yet again, I am mocked for my devotion not just to God, not just to Christianity, but to the Word Of God in it's most pure and ideologically uncontaminated form. Of course, this doesn't surprise me; God himself has stated that such things would occur near the end.

      2 Timothy 4:3, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

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      • snarkygirl

        Hey I like God. Its a lot if His followers I have a problem with.

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    • What does it matter, if I can't function in this society? Our society is sick, perverse, decadent, jaundiced, decayed, rotten to the core. It's not healthy to be well-adjusted so such a society.

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  • Bluey_neilo

    That's a whole lot of conspiracy right there.
    Maybe you should do a detailed thesis of research disproving all of the modern discoveries that counter Christian values. People take the bible out of context, which is why there were witch hunts in the 1600s. Theology shouldn't be brought back in because there will always be someone corrupt at the top of the hierarchy who is "speaking from god". It's the same reason why communism hasn't worked. Don't you find 'the crusades' (1096-1291) rather ironic? Christians fighting a war over 'the holy land'. Islamic state and Israel fighting over it today! Religion should be a freedom, but it should not be mandatory. How can one follow all the religions? This may offend you to hear but Christianity is not the only religion around.

    This is coming from someone who went to catholic primary school and then later a private highschool. I can see it from both sides. Either of us could be wrong because god can neither be proven nor disproven, it's all on faith. Do you really want to trust a society lead on the faith that someone isn't abusing god's word? It would be nice if people could follow Christian morals of compassion, empathy and generosity but not everyone grows up living a stable childhood. If you really cared about following the bible you would be working to fight the existing poverty like the other humanitarian workers. I'm not strictly Christian anymore (I have not been baptised) but I still take the bible fables analogously for how to live a good life. There are too many double standards in the bible.

    You call yourself Christian yet you support corporal punishment! How can a child learn if they are doing it because the other option is pain. What kind of environment allows a child to learn and trust the teacher's word. They will be too afraid to ask questions and learn what they do not know. How is that not indoctrination? Our current science methodology is to test what we already know and see for ourselves, rather than take it for word from someone else. That is how Galileo discovered that the earth revolves around the sun, not the other way round. Did Jesus ever discipline the disciples? did they follow because they would be punished otherwise? No. He opened their eyes and they were in awe. Children should be in awe, not repression.

    Like I said either of us could be wrong but here's the other side of the arguement you should consider before becoming a radial crusader.

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    • Proverbs 13:24, "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

      No, i'm not wrong. I have the unchangeable Word Of God as my evidence. You are wrong because you were raised as a Catholic, which is really close to polytheism anyway (because they also believe in things like purgatory in your religion). Catholicism was mentioned in the Book of Revelation and I strongly believe that they will be leading the charge of Rome against the rest of the world. The Pope insist that evolution occured, he and the former popes have said other unbiblical things, and people are too foolish to understand that this is just pushing the boundaries and subtly bringing people further and further away from God/Jesus.

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      • Bluey_neilo

        Wow how insightful. How are you not the pope? The perfect interpreter of the bible! Lead us not into temptation.

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        • I wouldn't want the be the head of such a false organization anyway and if I were, I would set the record straight and tell my followers the truth about God and the scriptures, I wouldn't water it down for them just because they want to be gay or can't make up their minds and choose between the fictions and imperfect lies told by men and the actual Word Of God. The Catholic church is right on it's stances on abortion, but they need to take it a step further and be more accepting of capital punishment; the crimes that Catholics are willing to forgive are crimes which the Bible says that we must be stoned for.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Jesus saved a woman caught in the act of adultery from being stoned by an angry mob. You're just an ignorant, hateful and bigoted fundamentalist. People like you give Christians a bad name.

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            • Jesus was God, therefore He had that authority. The Catholic Church, however, does not have that authority, but they pretend to have even more knowledge than God when it comes to interpreting and teaching the scriptures.

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      • snarkygirl

        Can't think for yourself! Gotta quote archaic texts with no relevency to modern society.

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  • sega31098

    Yet another huge misconception about evolution.

    Humans did NOT come from monkeys. We share a common ancestor. Saying humans came from monkeys is like saying English came from Hindi. English and Hindi are both Indo-European languages, but neither came from one another. They may have come from a common language a long time ago, but they are not descendants of one another.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I believe in Jesus and in Dinosaurs! You sound like a fundamentalist.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      sounds like a fuckin lunatic to me

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      • No, you don't believe in Jesus. There is to be not compromises, only belief in the ineffable Word Of God. If you don't believe in the scriptures as they are presented to you, like Paul's head on a silver platter, plan and simple, then I can tell you that you don't believe in the Bible and that you are probably indoctrinated by one of the millions of false forms of Christianity that exist to day. Biblical authority trumps all forms of man made authority.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          come on my fuckin land and try to enforce that

          yall can meet jesus today

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          • RoseIsabella

            Hell yeah, baby!

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          • I met Jesus many years ago, I was raised in his tradition, so I have no need for your version of whatever 'Christianity' you practice to be pushed onto me. I cann't trust you because it's highly likely that you're just looking to punish me for preaching God's/Jesus's truth anyway, so there's no point in talking to you on 'your land' (God owns all).

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              preach whatever yall want as long as yall aint expectin me to bow to yalls will

              and yeah yeah yalls will is gods will bla bla bla

              and stay the fuck outta congress too

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        • RoseIsabella

          Fuck you! Learn to spell, dumb ass!

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          • Learn to read the Bible on God's terms. My spelling has nothing to do with my faith and criticizing my spelling will not disprove the work I do in God's name. A true and honest Christian wouldn't talk the way you do.

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        • Bluey_neilo

          Why does the bible have so many double standards then if it is all correct?

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          • The problems don't exist in the Bible, they exist in your failure to understand the Bible. When you have learned to properly reconcile the ineffable truth of the scripture in your head, you will see whay that is the case.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              in other words whatever yall says goes cause yall gots the special jesus touch

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    • There is no compromises. I believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority. It is the Word of God made physical and legible, and if your beliefs and doctrines are not firmly rooted in it, I'm 100% certain that you're doing it wrong. There is to be no way around it, no misconstruing passages and meanings in the Bible, the Bible is written in a very easy t understand way and there's no reason at all to suggest that what's written isn't accurate, you don't need expert theologiands to understand it. Dinosaurs are in the bible and they were on Noah's ark.

      You don't believe in Jesus, because you don't believe in the accuracy in his word. You believe in a false prophet. You must be some kind of Methodist or Catholic to believe as you do, both of which are unbiblical.

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  • pixie44

    They have evidence of dinosaurs like their bones for example. The bible talks about beasts being unleashed which could be referred to as dinosaurs and would make sense why they all just randomly died out. AND they have found cave drawings, drawings on mayan artifacts and temples, and egyption walls of dinosaurs. So they knew of them too. Whether they saw them with their own eyes or heard the stories passed down from their families.

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    • RoseIsabella

      When I first read your comment I thought it said the Bible talks about breasts being unleashed... Mwahahaha!

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        now THATS religion!

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      • pixie44


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    • Jweezee

      Humans and dinosaurs are separated by about 63 million years...close though...close

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      • pixie44

        Well so we think. But how would humans know to draw them and know what they looked like back then on caves and stuff if they were extinct. Unless of course like I stated above they passed down stories about them by their ancestors. Just google humans and dinosaurs or something.

        I wouldn't have known if I wasn't watching the history channel tbh lol. But after I researched everything I was like woah weird. Like honestly the earth is huge and the oldest human skeleton could be buried in your backyard and you would never know because there's only certain places people have searched, you know?

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      • No. Dinosaurs and humans lived during the same time period. The Bible mentions these dinosaurs:

        Behemoth: Major land dinosaurs

        Leviathan: Pleisiosaurus, aquatic lifeforms, etc.

        Ziz: Pterosaurs and dragons.

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        • Jweezee

          I see. how silly of me. The bible mentions dinosaurs....or has nondescript mythological creatures that you claim are dinosaurs due to confirmation bias. What about the unicorn or cockatrice that turns people to stone at a glance? Those were just creatures and not dinosaurs? I'm just curious which ones we're saying are dinosaurs for our implausible argument.

          Do you believe the earth is 6000 years old too?

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  • Kittenfever

    i hate everyone on this website

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  • snarkygirl

    God told me you're dumbass but the Buddha says you're going to come back as a gasy mountain goat.

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  • snarkygirl

    Do you believe the Muslim propaganda they force on our kids?
    1 2 3... Arabic numbers!

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  • EnglishmaninNH

    I created a profile so I could comment on this one.
    Yes kids are being indoctrinated to believe what their parents believe. My wife and I decided long ago to let our daughter decide for herself when she was old enough.

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  • stopandthink

    I can agree on your beliefs that there is a Creator, that Catholics aren't Christians, and that society is growing more corrupt by the minute. That's about all I can think of.
    However you seem to be too forceful to impose your beliefs upon others, and rather aggressive as well. Relax a bit, let atheists, muslims, whatever have faith in what they want and hold on to your own faith at the same time. Try to be a good example to represent your faith.

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  • Sog

    Too late, but don't feed the troll please.

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  • eastbeast

    Giant Bell-end.

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  • Mytwin295

    So what do you think about other religions (other than Islam) ?

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    • Jweezee

      I'll answer for him/her. It'll be the same. The bible teaches the only true religion because the bible says it teaches the only true religion.

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      • Your knowledge of the truth makes your refusal to obey it all the more blasphemous. In return for a life of convenience and moral laxitude, you will inherit an eternity of hardship that will make Auschwitz look like a trip to Disney World. I hope you're happy.

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        • Jweezee

          Ah yes, auschwitz. Another of your supposedly loving fictitious creator's mysterious deeds. I can see why you worship this guy, he is amazeballs.

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      • Mytwin295

        But what about Judaism?

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        • They have incomplete revelation. Nevertheless, they are still more holy than most Christians, simply by virtue of being God's people.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    somethin tells me suckonthis9 found jesus

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    • charli.m

      Switching from one imaginary friend to another, eh?

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      • God's not imaginary. Get your facts straight.

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        • charli.m

          Sure, and you're not a boring troll.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        hear that? its a fact now

        if anyone needs me ill be in the quark realm

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    • I don't know who that is. Either way, I can only hope that I prodive the people here with impetus to search for Him.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


        The Vatican Holy Archangel Theocratic Christians-League2 do not approve

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        • Stop with all the Vatican crap, it's making me suck. They have no relation to true Christianity as espoused by the scriptures.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            no, im sure yall sucked long before the vatican got involved

            its sad theres peoples like yall in the world

            it really makes me sad

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