Is it normal i think are kids might be indoctrinated?
I just get how someone could try and say that people come from gorillas. You don't see people being born to monkeys, so where does that all come from? And how do you even know that dinosaurs lived millions on years ago, they are mentioned in the Bible, Behemoth, Leviathan, the giants, etc. Yet they teach this stuff in class, anti-Christian things along with all this other propaganda trying to get our kids to join a government assault on this great countries Christian values. They are trying to undermine kids abilities to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they can make them more reliant on the state for their stuff, its all part of the political agenda, using white guilt to enslave us and instate martial law. If evolution is true, than that means that only the strong survive and when and if the race war comes, we will all be killed because we will have had our guns taken from us and black people will win the war because they have been bread to be strong. This is also why the president wants more Muslims in are country, so that they will fight against us and win. I think the only way to reverse the trend is to bring back corporal punishment so they kids will respect authority like the should, and to bring back the Bible into kids education, and make it public education.