Is it normal i think books are useless
I just don't see the appeal and the constant need to bash anyone who doesn't like to read books when most of the people who do that just read useless literature like Maze Runner, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, John Green, etc... And then call themselves ''avid readers'', those books are merely just entertainment and will do you as good as reading any mindless article on the internet. I just hate the people who treat non-book readers as ignorant and inferior thinking that pieces of paper with printed words are literally the only way to gain knowledge, specially when they read such useless fictional crap as mentioned, some people will read just about anything in order to seem interesting and more cult, they say they will like the piece when in reality they have just been under the influence of suggestion, that is, of the popularity of the author and the need to fit in with other mindless people who want to look interesting too. I have nothing against books and book-readers but absolutely hate this attitude. If you really want to gain true knowledge and not ''how to do a Wingardium Leviosa'' then read a real educational book and stop bragging about how you love to read novels, entertainment is entertainment and just that so if you really think books are the only way to overcome ignorance then you've been living under a rock.