Is it normal i think george zimmerman is a messiah ?
he seems to walk on water metaphorically speaking in a legal sense. i think he is a modern day Messiah
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he seems to walk on water metaphorically speaking in a legal sense. i think he is a modern day Messiah
Sometimes shit floats when your diet ain't right, he's that piece of shit that floats is all.
You know, I think so too. Ole George . . . Wait a minute. Who the fuck is George Zimmermin? And how the fuck did I just get back on IIN with a comment from RoseIsabella on fucking top of me? Huh? You know, I really need to stop smoking weed. I mean, damn.
I find it incredibly odd that people support him. He purposely disobeyed orders to not pursue the teenager, and initiated the hostile situation which he resolved with a gun when he realized he bite off more than he can chew.
It's ridiculous that racism can make people so stupid.
Wow, he really is trying to auction off his gun... What a despicable cunt.
Oh the "black" kid? Why couldn't you just say kid ?????? Always dragging race into shit.By the way, that kid might have busted his skull open but the kid is DEAD and GZ is still walking on this earth!!!!!!!
Just came back for a quick comment. This is the same piece of shit who shot thank black kid and got away with it, right? didn't know who he was at first. So when I google this ass wipe I find out that he is trying to auction off the gun he murdered the kid with. This is beyond inhumanity. And you know, this kid's mother has heard the news of this animal trying to auction off his gun. Imagine the pain she is feeling right now? Holy Mother of God.
It has been scientifically proven that you cannot flim-flam the Zim-Zam.