Is it normal i think gladiatorial fights to the death should be reinstated?

Think about it. If really bad criminals fought each other to the death in the arena, that would be justice AND entertainment in one!

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 77 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 77 )
  • bananaface

    Is watching someone fight for their life and then die really entertainment for you?

    Um, no, I disagree.

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    • BLAh81

      Absolutely, when it involves childmolestors and such, watching them die honestly sounds like great fun to me!

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      • Lynxikat

        Now, I think child molesters are scum of the earth too, and while I would love it to be legal to give child molesters and rapists the death penalty, I still wouldn't find it entertaining to watch two people kill themselves. I think it's sick to be honest, to actually ENJOY watching two people try to kill each other.

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        • BLAh81

          Perhaps it's sick to enjoy it, perhaps it isn't.
          Fact is that we both think child molesters should die. So what if I would enjoy it?

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      • BLAh81

        I don't get why people thumbed me down. I'm just honestly answering a question.

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        • bananaface

          Try not to pay attention to it. I didn't thumb your comment down, by the way. I think it's probably because people disagree with you and think watching someone die is wrong or something like that. I very rarely thumb down comments, but from what I've seen, others seem to do it fairly often over things which are pretty trivial and are neither inappropriate or in poor taste. Whether that's the case here, I'm not sure. Like I said, though, just try to ignore it. It happens to everyone here at one point.:)

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          • BLAh81

            Yes, you are probably right that it's because people disagree with me. Still, I would like it better if they would just explain why they think I'm wrong, instead of just thumbing me down. I think it's kinda childish. I'm glad you didn't thumb me down BTW. Thank you.

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  • VioletTrees

    The obvious human rights issues for the convicts themselves aside, what about their families and friends who did nothing wrong? The death penalty is hard enough on those people. It would be frightfully cruel to them to create a spectacle of their loved ones' deaths.

    What about victims, for that matter? Molesters and rapists are usually people the victims know. For many people, it would be even more difficult to report a friend, family member, or significant if you knew that speaking up might result in their brutal death in the arena. Think of Maya Angelou, for example, who stopped speaking to anybody but her brother for 5 years, starting at age 7, because she felt that her voice was deadly after she told her family who raped her, and the man was killed.

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    • suckonthis9

      Get this through your head!
      So-called 'rights' are EARNED through RESPONSIBLE behaviour!!!
      Should you wish to continue to spew these so-called 'human rights' all over the planet, then I will invite you to live in the mass starvation camps in Sub-Saharan Africa. There, you can tell all the people, who have little more than a food bowl, a water bowl, a tent and absolutely no hope for the future, all about their 'human rights'.
      The convicts themselves, have often (but not always) acted Unethically and Irresponsibly. They are a burden on society. It is not Unethical for an Ethical creature to make possible a condition where two or more Unethical creatures wish to continue to act Unethically. I am therefore in agreement (in principle) with the poster.
      Both imprisonment and capital punishment are Unethical, period. Perhaps, you might have some brilliant ideas as to how to correct this?

      In future, please do not use -ists or -isms.

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      • dom180

        Rights are not earned. I think that's pretty much the definition of the term "rights".

        Human rights: "The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled". Note: ALL humans. ALL. Even convicts, even murderers, even rapists, even paedophiles. Even people who don't "deserve" them.


        Sorry, but you have GOT to be trolling.

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        • BLAh81

          So you don't you think a person can ever squander their rights, no matter how they behave?

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          • dom180

            For the purposes of this idea, yes. I think rights are rights, and rights apply to absolutely everyone. It's a lot more complicated in reality, but for the purposes of this idea that's all I'll say.

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        • suckonthis9




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          • dom180




            Sorry, I meant "people with raping ideals". Silly me! :P

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            • suckonthis9

              Rape offenders, perpetrators of rape, people who commit rape, etc.
              Rape is not an ideal.
              Please try to use your brain.

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        And who desides what RESPONSIBLE behaviour is? Society? The Government? What if you live somewhere where it's considered irresponsible for a woman to drive a car - Is it then okay for an "ethical creature" to kill such a woman because she has not earned her rights?
        Human right are for every human being and thats the point!

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        • suckonthis9


          Please try to not use Old Kinderhook.

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          • AbnormallyAwesome

            We do not all decide in a democracy. The majority desides. And sometimes the majority is wrong. I'm not saying I know a better system, but I don't thin our system is good enough to deside who lives and who dies.

            Please try not to use ALL CAPS RAGE.

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            • suckonthis9

              This is why we need to reorganize our Socio-Political Systems.
              Don't worry, I have a plan.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        In the future, please do not use -lys or -icals.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          This made me laugh.
          Hahaha XD

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          • MissyLeyneous

            You're very welcome! :D

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        • suckonthis9

          In the future...

          This is your future.

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          • MissyLeyneous

            xD They see me trollin', they hatin'...

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            • Who_Fan4Life

              They see me WRITIN' dirty

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  • americanhoney

    This is a wonderful idea.

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  • *sits in the front row eating popcorn*

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  • Honestly? I think it is a pretty good idea. I realize why people would object to it, though.

    I think if criminals accept it, it should be allowed, but not forced upon them.

    I think it would be practical. It would lessen the amount of prisoners and make more room for prisoners in prison.

    I know I would enjoy watching it, but not sure about the majority.

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    • im in full agreement with you. :)

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  • IMustBeNewHere

    I'm pretty sure I saw a movie called "The Condemned" where a bunch of criminals fight each other on an island, to the death, on a hidden television show. It seemed like a plain sick idea, also morally wrong.

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    • BLAh81

      I saw that movie too, and it was indeed made to seem that it was morally wrong. I wasn't really convinced though.

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    Excuse me, but we do have a little thing in civilized society called the rule of law, and this would be cruel and unusual punishment.

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  • Couman

    Not with convicts. But if they wanted to legalize people voluntarily fighting to the death, whether for public entertainment or dueling for honor, I'd be all for that.

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  • GreyWulfen

    You're so evil. I like that!

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  • dappled

    I don't agree with the death penalty (in any form, even this where you could potentially win the fight), however I do feel that prison is a massively expensive institution that could at least make an attempt to balance its books.

    I'd watch "prisoner boxing" for instance, and I'd support any initiative for prison to include a component of useful work (for which the prisoner receives concessions as an incentive). I suspect this may already happen to an extent but I'd increase it and use it as a model of behaviour that becomes preferable (i.e. as rehabilitation).

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      I think you've touched on one of our biggest problems with the prison institution, at least in my country. (Not including how much reform our justice system needs) We have such a high incarceration rate but such a low rehabilitation rate, as convicts who come out of jail typically either

      1. Can't find jobs because they have been convicted, so they end up breaking the law again to get money to live and go back to jail.

      2. Just fall right back into the same old behaviors they exhibited before incarceration, having learned nothing from their time spend there and go back to jail.

      3. Just can't handle life on the outside and do something illegal SO they can go back to jail and continue to live there.

      I think we need to switch focus from incarceration to rehabilitation, reforming our justice system and ending this stupid drug war would certainly help. Get victimless crimes out of state and federal institutions so the money and resources are available for people who TRULY need help... rapists, pedophiles, killers. MAKE NEW ASYLUMS for those mentally ill who need them, getting rid of those institutions was a big mistake. Yes a lot of things needed reformed back then, but they should have been reformed not eliminated.

      Ugh, I think I've spouted off enough about this, I'm gonna reign myself in before this gets even longer than it already is.

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      • dappled

        Here too, I guess. We lump too many people in the same boat and, from what I can see, we don't really do a good job at helping any of them. From personal experience, people are released from prison once their sentence is up but some are completely unprepared for life on the outside and it's a shock to them. How stupid are we that we think we can just release people and they'll know everything about how to live despite being cut off from this type of living for however many years? Wasn't the whole idea of them being in prison to learn how *not* to be in prison? Isn't that what we're aiming for? People who just have normal, average lives (and freedom).

        As for the people with problems that make them want to commit crimes that involve sex, kids or death, I'd give them nice lives if they agree to be test subjects and give up any dealing with the public. They get a comfortable existence, don't harm anyone, and help us understand what's going on.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          I can't even imagine people who've been incarcerated for long periods of time, how mind boggling that must be. There was something down in Georgia a little whiles back about these two men who were falsely convicted of rape and were freed by this group called The Innocence Project or something like that. They had been incarcerated in the 70s I believe.

          Imagine coming out of jail and there are cell phones and computers and all sorts of crazy tech and you have to catch up pretty damn fast for most jobs. I can't even imagine people who've been in for longer.. I imagine some people would think the world had gone mad.

          Definitely agree on the research part. We don't have nearly enough of an understanding of what causes people to do things like this. Going into art therapy I would possibly have the opportunity to work with people like that but I don't know if I have the cahones for that particular job. Iiiii just wanna work with kids. ^^;

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          • dappled

            Yeah, it isn't even so much the technology (which gets through to prison to some extent) but the attitudes. I don't think I could come out that kind of spell in prison and believe I fit on the outside. The freedom I dreamed of wouldn't be that sweet and I'd probably want to get back to the only life I did fit with (inside). Release from prison is too sharp a shock. It should be staggered. If it was, maybe my grandfather wouldn't have died so soon after release and I'd have got to know him.

            I worked in prisons (occasionally) as part of my last job and I reckon you could do it. Although you do need to adopt a certain attitude and I'd never act in a prison as I act here.

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  • davesumba

    fuck no. i was going to make a story about why do people enjoy watching fighting sports where 2 people just beat the shit out of each other, and why do people take that as a career. this barbaric behavior makes no sense to me, and to do it to the death?! man fuck this world

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    • BLAh81

      But what if it are just some wortless child-killers who fight (and kill) each other? What's wrong with THAT?

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      • davesumba

        no, not even "worthless child killers." i'm not mad at or resent those types of people, i feel sorry for them. they probably had a bad life, bad parents, picked on, ignored, or what have you, and the only way they saw fit to cope was to kill, or all the negativity directed toward them from "innocent non child killers" turned them into bad people. it's not the best idea, i admit that i have considered killing people, and i'm sure it would make me feel better, but i would never actually do it. i used to be the most non violent person, but my dad and others just made my life miserable and i started turning crazy and acting out violently, so i had to get out of that house and i went back to normal.
        the only way i could see it being okay is if the prisoners volunteered to do it, because i'm big on the idea that government shouldn't tell us what we can and can't do, as long as it doesn't hurt other innocent people. so if 2 prisoners mutually agree to fight to the death, then more power to them, but i don't see many people volunteering. they may seem so tough and ready to die, but when you give a specific date on when they'll probably die (especially if it's just optional), they'll turn into pussies like that.

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        • BLAh81

          I don't like it at all when people act as if child-killers (or other criminals for that matter) bear NO RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and attribute everything to their bad childhood and stuff, with tears in their eyes. Sure, those thing may play a role, but you are STILL responsible. To deny that is a sign of a weakness and lack of character in my view. Besides, for the killing of a CHILD there can NEVER be mitigating circumstances.

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          • davesumba

            ah yes, keep on being all high and mighty, and looking down and judging those who haven't figured everything out like you have. There's a reason only God can judge people. For instance, only he can fully know and understand what a person went through, how little choice they had, and how/if they could of possibly turned out better. and why legally insane people can rightfully get out of any prison time for murder.

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            • BLAh81

              "ah yes, keep on being all high and mighty, and looking down and judging those who haven't figured everything out like you have."

              I'm not being all high and mighty. I'm just pointing out your argument doesn't hold water. Also, I've never said (or implied) I've figured everything out.

              "There's a reason only God can judge people."

              I don't know if there's a God (that's one of the things I haven't figured out), but I assume there isn't one, since there is NO proof. Anyway, you are saying that no-one can judge, which is bullshit and pretty much a judgement in itself.

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  • anti-hero

    Sure, you go first.

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    • BLAh81

      Why? I'm not a child-abuser or anything.

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      • NotStrangeBird

        Nobody is innocent.

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        • BLAh81

          Perhaps not, but I think most people sure as shit are still WAY better than kiddyfuckers. What an absurd thing to say.

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          • NotStrangeBird

            So when they run out of kiddyfuckers who should they switch to?

            Next thing you know jaywalkers would be getting thrown into your thunderdome for the sake of keeping ratings up.

            I suppose you will trust the government to arrange these melees?

            Maybe you'll be next.

            After all, nobody is innocent.

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            • BLAh81

              Perhaps nobody is innocent (although I would argue that babies by definition are, but that's another matter), but that of course doesn't mean that everyone bears an equal amount of guilt. You aren't saying that kiddyfuckking isn't worse than jaywalking, right?

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  • You think Amnesty would let this happen?

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    • BLAh81

      No, but perhaps they should.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    So you want to kill the killers. Doesnt mean we would have to kill you? And so on

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    • BLAh81

      No, there is a difference between JUSTIFIED killing and UNJUSTIFIED killing. To kill childmolesters is fine and dandy.

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  • Justsomejerk

    What incentive would they have to fight each other?

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    • BLAh81

      To stay alive a little bit longer, because if they refuse to fight they are both killed immediatly. Besides, criminals don't trust other criminals anyway.

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