Is it normal i think i was molested as a child, but....
..don't remember the indecent? I remember there was a time in my early childhood where I became really nervous and uncomfortable around boys/men of any age. Even close relatives. Like I was too scared to even hug them. I remember clearly I had a dream at a really young age of a boy from school trying to touch me intimately and I had no idea what was happening. I freaked and walked away. But I remember that's when my nervousness around males started. I always thought it was just because of the dream. That it scared me. But can a single nightmare really hold that much power over a person's life? The more Psychology and Criminal Justice (Family violence classes) classes I take, the more convinced I am at believing I was molested at some point in my life. This anxiety towards men followed me from early childhood to most of high school. Hell, I'm still really nervous around men. I always feel like someone is going to attack me.
I've done research. After someone is attacked, they sometimes suffer from a form of PTSD where they feel anxious like there is going to be another attack. Is that why I was always so nervous around men? I was expecting another attack? Before this "dream" I don't remember being so scared of men or even boys. Then suddenly I can't even hug my cousins.
There are a few more reasons, but those are more private.
I guess I want to know if anyone thinks I have reason for these thoughts or even if anyone has heard of case like this. Also perhaps some advice on how to possibly find the truth. For now, I want to keep a shrink out of this. Not that I don't trust them, but I want to keep this as private as possible for now.