Is it normal i think i was molested as a child, but....

..don't remember the indecent? I remember there was a time in my early childhood where I became really nervous and uncomfortable around boys/men of any age. Even close relatives. Like I was too scared to even hug them. I remember clearly I had a dream at a really young age of a boy from school trying to touch me intimately and I had no idea what was happening. I freaked and walked away. But I remember that's when my nervousness around males started. I always thought it was just because of the dream. That it scared me. But can a single nightmare really hold that much power over a person's life? The more Psychology and Criminal Justice (Family violence classes) classes I take, the more convinced I am at believing I was molested at some point in my life. This anxiety towards men followed me from early childhood to most of high school. Hell, I'm still really nervous around men. I always feel like someone is going to attack me.
I've done research. After someone is attacked, they sometimes suffer from a form of PTSD where they feel anxious like there is going to be another attack. Is that why I was always so nervous around men? I was expecting another attack? Before this "dream" I don't remember being so scared of men or even boys. Then suddenly I can't even hug my cousins.
There are a few more reasons, but those are more private.
I guess I want to know if anyone thinks I have reason for these thoughts or even if anyone has heard of case like this. Also perhaps some advice on how to possibly find the truth. For now, I want to keep a shrink out of this. Not that I don't trust them, but I want to keep this as private as possible for now.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I know you said you want to keep it private, but what are the other few more reasons you have that may have possibly contributed to the nightmare? You are anonymous here of course. If someone is rude or trolls you please be aware that you can always delete their comment, hell you can even delete mine if you want. I wouldn't entirely underestimate those "few more reasons".

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  • chuy

    I would seek professional help, the human defense mechanisum is to block out (repressed) memories, events. And they sometimes pop out of no where.

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  • flatusfairy

    I would strongly recommend speaking to you doctor to hve an appointment with a psyichitrasit who can speak to you about these and discuss whether you have a medical condition- a social anxiety disorder or whether the anxiety is indeed caused by sexual abuse/trauma.
    Sometimes trauma and fear presents itself in a way different to how the trauma was obtained. An exameple- a soldier who got shot last heard a cellphone ringing before losing consciousness. In peacetime after discharge, every time a cellphone rang with the same ring-tone he would suffer extreme anxiety, even feeling physically ill.
    So here we see the symptoms manifesting of fear and anxiety- but it is the reaction to the pain and injury from a gunshot-- not being injured by a cellphone- which expresses and presents itself as a fear of cellphones.
    Please see a psychiatrist- get medication, keep taking it even when yuo feel better and get back to good mental health.30% of all populations have a mental illness. Take care and get well soon.

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