Is it normal i think is it normal could be responsible for my trust issues?

Is it normal that I think this site is partly (but definitely not totally) responsible for me having trust issues?

I've been using is it normal every day for quite a long time, and probably every single one of those days I read a new, detailed story about how someone has been betrayed by a lover or a friend or a member of their family or an authority figure. I've noticed myself feeling more distrustful toward people in my life since I've started using IIN. I've always had trouble trusting people completely, but I think is it normal has made it worse. I find myself thinking "maybe I shouldn't trust so-and-so... I don't want to end up like that person on IIN".

Is this feeling normal? Any way to help, apart from leaving this place (which I won't be doing - not for this reason anyway)?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 28 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • bananaface

    That's a shame:/. It happens everywhere, though, and if you didn't see it on IIN you probably would have seen it elsewhere. I think most people go through having their trust betrayed at some point in their life, some more than others. I think it's understandable for you to feel this way.

    Although, thinking about it, this is a website for advice. People don't tend to come here with happy stories (because they obviously won't need advice). It's usually problems. There are people out there you can trust. I trust many people, but I'd never make a post about it, because well, why would I? If everything is going fine, I don't need help. If someone betrayed my trust, then posting about it seems way more likely, because I would need advice or something like that. I don't really know, though. Just try not to worry too much about what you see on here.

    I'm not sure if it's affected my trust in people, actually. I've never thought about it, and my brain is coming up with a huge amount of nothing right now:P. Hmm, I'm interested now.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Yeah, I was about to say.
      No one is going to come here like "IIN that I have good, trusting relationships?" or "IIN that my boyfriend has never cheated on me and is honest?", most people don't seek guidance when they're doing alright.

      @OP, I have had my trust betrayed a few times. It's bad at first but you move on. It happens. I really feel bad for people who can get cheated on once and distrust mankind forever afterwards or were lied to a few times and refuse to befriend another soul again. It's a pretty lonely road, OP, try to steer clear of it.

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    • shuggy-chan

      that cause the site is 95% nothing, gasp

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      • bananaface

        Ha, I guess I fit in well then. I swear my brain is 95% nothingness.:P Gasp indeed!

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        • shuggy-chan

          nuffin i love to make you gasping nanas >8}

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  • Anime7

    I've had the opposite effect. Granted that I see stories like that, where an OP is betrayed, often, but then I always see a bunch of comments explaining how not everybody is like that friend, loved one, or whoever. Those people don't represent all of the human race. Although the world isn't perfect, whenever someone has done something bad to you, you can count that there will always be people who will extend a helpful hand and show you that the world isn't a bad place.

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  • bethclaire

    dont use this website if you think it's leaving you trust issues.

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  • cigs

    i don't really know but its your own damn doings man

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  • dappled

    Statistically, the site is going to attract certain types of people more than others and, of the stories they post, it's again likely that will talk about something bad that's happened to them. Generally we most often turn to others when something bad has happened to us. With all those things in mind, the stories you read on IIN might be reflective of what's happening in the real world but it's not reflective of how often.

    What I mean to say is that IIN is concentrated reality. You're suffering from the same effect as people who think cities are dangerous because there's a murder on the news most months. If you have five million people living in a city and half a million people living in the sticks around it and one person at random is murdered, it's ten times more likely that person will be in the city (because that's where people are). It doesn't make the city ten times as dangerous. Likewise on IIN. You'll find negative stories here because this is where people come to post them.

    People aren't as bad as you think. :)

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  • Darkoil

    IIN is responsible for most of my weird sexual fantasies.

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  • q25t

    I've always noticed that those type of stories seem to have a low percentage and most of the comments seem to mention just how bad this behavior is. That makes me more hopeful about others, not less so.

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  • kelili

    You must read the funny section.

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  • NorthernStar

    If you allow the crap on this site to "influence" you, you've got much bigger problems than "trust issues."

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