Is it normal i think islam is worse than cancer
I know many Muslims are good people (I know many), but does that suddenly mean that Islam ITSELF is a good religion? Fuck no. Apparently, it's a HUGE revelation that good people can follow evil things too. For example, do you think that every German following Adolf Hitler in WWII was evil? Of course not. Doesn't mean Nazism was OK.
Islam is based primarily on the Qur'an, which is a hateful, violent book, which commands to kill, convert or subjugate all non-Muslims. Muhammad himself was a mass murderer and a pedophile also (he married a six-year old girl when he was 54 and fucked her three years later). The word "Islam" means submission and sure as shit NOT peace, as some would have you believe.
Although many Muslims are indeed good people, there nonetheless still are NUMEROUS primitive, illiterate, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic, towelheaded, dress-wearing, genital-mutilating, camel-fucking Allah-worshipping fucktards who want to destroy ALL that Western society holds dear.
Still, because of the Islamic principle of "taqiyyah," you can't really trust these (probably) good Muslims. Taqiyyah means religious deception. In Islam, Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims if that is beneficial to Islam.
If you think I'm being racist, you've got your head up your ass. Islam is NOT a race. It is a religion that seeks to control ALL aspects of life. Because of the totalitarian and political character of this religion, it's also often seen as an ideology. Muslims also are NOT a race BTW. There are Islamic retards of EVERY race.
If you look at all the problems in the world, you can see that the VAST majority is caused by Islam. It is worse than cancer and needs to be treated as such. Of course other religions have problems as well, but the problems caused by Islam are FAR more numerous. Don't give me that PC crap that all cultures are equal. They simply aren't. Ever heard of BUDDHIST suicide bombers, for example?
Certain spineless PC weasels like to claim there is no connection between Islam and terrorism, when in reality they couldn't be closer tied together than Siamese twins. I HATE Islam and I think it needs to be destroyed, because it is THE great evil of our time. How? By prohibiting the construction of new mosques, stopping mass immigration from Islamic states and by closing down each and all Islamic schools in our society. We've let in the Trojan horse. Now we need to combat it.
is it normal I think Islam is worse than cancer?