Is it normal i think islam is worse than cancer

I know many Muslims are good people (I know many), but does that suddenly mean that Islam ITSELF is a good religion? Fuck no. Apparently, it's a HUGE revelation that good people can follow evil things too. For example, do you think that every German following Adolf Hitler in WWII was evil? Of course not. Doesn't mean Nazism was OK.

Islam is based primarily on the Qur'an, which is a hateful, violent book, which commands to kill, convert or subjugate all non-Muslims. Muhammad himself was a mass murderer and a pedophile also (he married a six-year old girl when he was 54 and fucked her three years later). The word "Islam" means submission and sure as shit NOT peace, as some would have you believe.

Although many Muslims are indeed good people, there nonetheless still are NUMEROUS primitive, illiterate, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic, towelheaded, dress-wearing, genital-mutilating, camel-fucking Allah-worshipping fucktards who want to destroy ALL that Western society holds dear.

Still, because of the Islamic principle of "taqiyyah," you can't really trust these (probably) good Muslims. Taqiyyah means religious deception. In Islam, Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims if that is beneficial to Islam.

If you think I'm being racist, you've got your head up your ass. Islam is NOT a race. It is a religion that seeks to control ALL aspects of life. Because of the totalitarian and political character of this religion, it's also often seen as an ideology. Muslims also are NOT a race BTW. There are Islamic retards of EVERY race.

If you look at all the problems in the world, you can see that the VAST majority is caused by Islam. It is worse than cancer and needs to be treated as such. Of course other religions have problems as well, but the problems caused by Islam are FAR more numerous. Don't give me that PC crap that all cultures are equal. They simply aren't. Ever heard of BUDDHIST suicide bombers, for example?

Certain spineless PC weasels like to claim there is no connection between Islam and terrorism, when in reality they couldn't be closer tied together than Siamese twins. I HATE Islam and I think it needs to be destroyed, because it is THE great evil of our time. How? By prohibiting the construction of new mosques, stopping mass immigration from Islamic states and by closing down each and all Islamic schools in our society. We've let in the Trojan horse. Now we need to combat it.

is it normal I think Islam is worse than cancer?

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 106 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 64 )
  • dispxte

    Thank you. I despise Islam so much.

    I like the friendly, kind ones (I have tons of Muslim friends), but the religion pisses me off so much.

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    • BLAh81

      Agreed. I too have Muslim friends who are kind (otherwise I wouldn't be friends with them, duh). Remember that they aren't TRULY following Islam though, they merely THINK they do.

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  • dom180

    That's not what taqiyya is. Taqiyya is being allowed to deny your faith if doing so protects you from severe persecution. It's nothing to do with deception in the name of promoting Islam.

    Cancer kills 7.6 million people per year, accounting for 13% of all deaths *in the world*. How many deaths do you estimate Islam is responsible for?

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    • BLAh81

      "That's not what taqiyya is. Taqiyya is being allowed to deny your faith if doing so protects you from severe persecution. It's nothing to do with deception in the name of promoting Islam"

      Ehm, that is EXACTLY what taqiyyah is.

      "Cancer kills 7.6 million people per year, accounting for 13% of all deaths *in the world*. How many deaths do you estimate Islam is responsible for?"

      I don't know exactly where you got those numbers from, but OK, for the sake of argument, I'll suppose you're right and I will also suppose that Islam causes less deaths a year than 7.6 million people. Even IF that is true, Islam STILL causes many, many deaths a year. My comparison with cancer wasn't literally. Perhaps I should've been clearer, sorry.

      You DO acknowledge Islam is a major threat, right?

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      • dom180

        Cancer stats:

        That use of the word taqiyya isn't accurate. When you look at non-sensationalist definitions of the word I can't find any that give your meaning. Deception may exist in some isolated cases, but that certainly isn't taqiyya - just plain deception practiced by extremists and expansionists rather than normal people.

        Also, this: You only need to read the first ten or so posts before it deviates, but the others are interesting too.

        And no, I do not acknowledge Islam is a major threat. What do you consider it to be a major threat to, exactly?

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        • BLAh81

          "And no, I do not acknowledge Islam is a major threat."

          How sad. You may be tolerant of Islam, but do you ACTUALLY think Islam is tolerant of you? You're an atheist I read somewhere (as am I BTW). According to Islam we are "kuffar" and are to be put to death. There seem to be a HELL OF A LOT of bearded bastards willing to do that. Do you REALLY not think this is a major threat? I believe you are from the UK. One of your countrymen - Pat Condell - is a hero of mine. Check his broadcasts on Youtube.

          "What do you consider it to be a major threat to, exactly?"

          I thought I'd already explained that pretty well, but I'll elaborate some more. Islam is a threat to Western values. To freedom, to the rights of gays, to the rights of women, to the rights of Jews and non-Muslims in general.

          Islam (meaning submission NOT peace) wants to submit you, me and the entire world. It is an aggrressive, expansionist, imperialist religion.

          Muhammad was a violent warlord who killed NUMEROUS people (research the massacre of the Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe for example). Muhammad is known as "al-Insān al-Kāmil" (the perfect human) and "uswa hasana" (an excellent model of conduct) in Islam. Thus, this maniac is an example for Islamo-fascists. Think that's healthy?

          You may WANT to believe that we can all live together in some sort of rainbow-society, being in perfect harmony and cuddling each other, but that's just plain naieve. You always seemed like one of the more intelligent people on this website to me. Don't be fooled by Islam. It is poison.

          You should watch this documentary BTW:
          Islam - What the West needs to know.

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          • robbieforgotpw

            Wow, he had no response to the truth.
            Not a threat? People need to get their heads out of the sand. They want to oust Assad in Syria to put in alquaeda or Muslim brotherhood. They're trying to surround Israel.

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            • RoseIsabella

              I'm with you brother!

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            • BLAh81

              "Wow, he had no response to the truth."

              My thoughts EXACTLY.

              As for Assad, as bad as he undoubtedly is, getting rid of him would probably indeed result in some Muslim group of desert-Nazis seizing control.

              I'm also glad with the existence of Israel BTW. It is the ONLY civilized country in the region and, more importantly, a major barrier against the evil of Islam.

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          • AHOMMHBQK

            Your reply was 10 years ago. I don't know if you can respond now because I can answer your words.

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  • m.a.s97

    Cure Islam with chemotherapy?

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    • BLAh81

      Haha, cancer was a figure of speech, surely you get that.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I hate Islam because I see it as a barrier between me and the hottest girls in the world, hidden under niqabs.

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    • BLAh81

      Haha, that's a reason too I guess. Don't forget these girls are also often genitally mutilated.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        I think fgm depends on the country. As much as I hate Islam it's not condoned by it and it's some other local tradition that's the cause. I doubt that Pakistani or Turkish girls for example are mutilated.

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        • BLAh81

          FGM certainly is more prevalent in some countries than in others. However, that of course doesn't automatically mean that it's not condoned by Islam. Like you, I have ALSO heard that it has more to do with some local tradition though. The truth is that I'm not sure as to what the cause is. This has made me doubtful:

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            Yikes these scoundrels are so agile at lying that some western documentaries now allegedly claim that it wasn't Islamic but cultural and even I fell for it. :(

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            • BLAh81

              Happens to the best of us.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      They hide them under tents for a reason bro lol.

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  • thr

    You mention that you know Muslims who are good people, but talk about Islam, as if it is categorically a bad thing, and is a thing to be done away with. This, I find contradictory.

    If it were totally clear what the ideas of Islam were, then you could talk about it being bad in itself, but the way I perceive things, it is a matter of interpretation. Perhaps, it is also a matter of picking and choosing from the Koran.

    In cases where the Islam is used to repress women, create animosity or rally unreasonable rage, I think it is a bad thing. But a lot of this is about people using religion to do bad things, along with tradition and culture being justified by religion. I think poverty and us-vs-them mentality can play a great roles in some of the problem cases where Islam is mentioned.

    Your 3rd paragraph actually explains my point quite well. Some Muslim are good people, some are bad people, so it's not their being Muslims that make them bad people.

    I do not agree with your ideas about attacking Islam in your Western (I assume) country. You will be attacking the people, you describe as good Muslims, and you will be alienating a population group, perhaps creating animosity towards western society. I think treating people well will, if anything, make them more moderate.

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    • BLAh81

      "You mention that you know Muslims who are good people, but talk about Islam, as if it is categorically a bad thing, and is a thing to be done away with. This, I find contradictory."

      There is NO contradiction. Islam and Muslims are NOT the same things. You seem to think that because there are some good Muslims out there too, that that suddenly makes Islam itself OK too. Pretty simplistic if you ask me, but your view is VERY common.

      "If it were totally clear what the ideas of Islam were, then you could talk about it being bad in itself, but the way I perceive things, it is a matter of interpretation. Perhaps, it is also a matter of picking and choosing from the Koran."

      To me it IS clear what the ideas of Islam are. I've read the Qur'an MANY, MANY times. Did you know that the word "damnation" occurs no less than 221 times in it? Sound like a loving book to you? I advice you to study the Qur'an. Here's a good source:

      "In cases where the Islam is used to repress women, create animosity or rally unreasonable rage, I think it is a bad thing. But a lot of this is about people using religion to do bad things, along with tradition and culture being justified by religion. I think poverty and us-vs-them mentality can play a great roles in some of the problem cases where Islam is mentioned."

      You need to STOP making excuses for those bearded fucks. They want to destroy us. We should unite against this new Nazism. Sure culture, poverty etc. may contribute to certain problems, but Islam in ITSELF represses women, gays, Jews, etc. STOP making excuses.

      "Your 3rd paragraph actually explains my point quite well. Some Muslim are good people, some are bad people, so it's not their being Muslims that make them bad people."

      I'm getting SOOO tired of this, but here we go again. Are there (some) good Muslims? Yes. Is Islam a good religion? NO. How is this possible? Because people who in essence are good, can STILL be seduced to follow evil things.

      BTW, a hell of a lot of Muslims actually ARE bastards though.

      "I do not agree with your ideas about attacking Islam in your Western (I assume) country. You will be attacking the people, you describe as good Muslims, and you will be alienating a population group, perhaps creating animosity towards western society. I think treating people well will, if anything, make them more moderate."

      Nothing pisses me off more than seeing a mosque, because they are buildings where hate is preached. That's why I would LOVE to smash them to pieces. We have been nice and friendly for long enough to these primitive assholes, but NOTHING changes. BTW, did you know that the Qur'an REPEATEDLY instructs Muslims not be friends with non-Muslims? We can't appease them forever. We couldn't with Hitler and we can't with Islam, the "new" Nazism.

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      • thr

        This may be pointless, but I want to comment on a couple of things.

        - "There is NO contradiction. Islam and Muslims are NOT the same things. You seem to think that because there are some good Muslims out there too, that that suddenly makes Islam itself OK too. Pretty simplistic if you ask me, but your view is VERY common."

        When I read the word 'Muslim', I understand it as someone who identifies themselves as a follower of Islam. Thus I find it probable that you can find two Muslims whose beliefs and views differ. Just as with Christians.

        "Islam itself" - as something defined literally by the words in the Koran - would be irrelevant if there were no one to believe in it.

        If you by the word 'Muslim' mean those who follow "Islam itself", you should have made a distinction in your first post between Muslims that follow Islam and Muslims that don't really follow Islam.

        - "You need to STOP making excuses for those bearded fucks. They want to destroy us. We should unite against this new Nazism. Sure culture, poverty etc. may contribute to certain problems, but Islam in ITSELF represses women, gays, Jews, etc. STOP making excuses."

        I am not making excuses. I would rather say that you are making excuses. One could say that you are making an excuse for "those bearded fucks", since you make it sound like they are controlled wholly by their religion.

        You are also making an excuse for yourself, so you can write someone off as religious "bearded fucks". To me, that seems simplistic.

        It is people who repress women, gays and Jews, not ideas.

        - "Nothing pisses me off more than seeing a mosque, because they are buildings where hate is preached. That's why I would LOVE to smash them to pieces."
        You probably do see the irony.

        - "BTW, did you know that the Qur'an REPEATEDLY instructs Muslims not be friends with non-Muslims?"
        If your favourite book told you to jump off a bridge, should people blame the book for your doing so?

        - "We can't appease them forever. We couldn't with Hitler and we can't with Islam, the "new" Nazism."
        You must know better than I, how old Islam is.

        What about the Muslim people you know? What do they think?

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        • BLAh81

          "When I read the word 'Muslim', I understand it as someone who identifies themselves as a follower of Islam. Thus I find it probable that you can find two Muslims whose beliefs and views differ. Just as with Christians."

          Of course two Muslims can differ, one being tolerant and the other INtolerant. Sadly, the INtolerant Muslim is right about their religion, because Islam ITSELF is INtolerant. The tolerant Muslim may be nice and all, but he doesn't really follow Islam, merely THINKS he does.

          "I am not making excuses. I would rather say that you are making excuses. One could say that you are making an excuse for "those bearded fucks", since you make it sound like they are controlled wholly by their religion."

          You ARE making excuses by saying culture, poverty, etc. account for a lot of injustices and the religion (Islam) only plays a minor role. That's complete fucking horseshit. Of course they aren't robots wholly controlled by their religion, but their religion sure as shit IS what motivates them. They LIVE for their religion.

          "You are also making an excuse for yourself, so you can write someone off as religious "bearded fucks". To me, that seems simplistic."

          Well, if someone has a beard and does fucked up stuff, he's a bearded fuck to me. I won't apologize for calling bearded fucks bearded fucks. In certain instances "simple" isn't simplistic at all.

          "It is people who repress women, gays and Jews, not ideas."

          What? You almost make me piss myself laughing! Sure, it is indeed people who do nasty shit, but some of those people do it on the basis of a violent, intolerant, hateful book.

          "You probably do see the irony."

          I see what you probably CONSIDER as irony. It's ironic to you I want mosques destroyed, yet consider Islam violent. Well, it's OK to be violent when you're justified. For example, where the Allies in WWII just as bad as the Germans, because they both shot people? Don't think so.

          "If your favourite book told you to jump off a bridge, should people blame the book for your doing so?"

          Such a book wouldn't be my favorite book in the FIRST place, let alone I'd consider it "holy." To answer your question though: no, people of course shouldn't blame the book for me doing so. It would be my responsibility. However, if you consider a certain book "sacred" (like Muslims do with the Qur'an) you are likely follow it. You may have noticed that.

          "You must know better than I, how old Islam is."

          Well, that was a cheap fucking shot. I know goddamn well how old this Allah-garbage is. I said "NEW" Nazism, not new Nazism. Do you even know what the ""-symbols mean? Fuck...

          "What about the Muslim people you know? What do they think?"

          They pretend the Qur'an doesn't say what it CLEARLY says and fool themselves into believing Islam is a religion of peace (when all the evidence proves it's a religion of war).

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  • q25t

    I agree with most of what you said until you got to the solution area at the end. Prohibiting the practice of a religion is one of the simplest ways to guarantee its continued practice.

    Radicals may very well need to be dealt with using radical force, but for the majority of the Muslim world, I think education and societal changes are the key.

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    • BLAh81

      "Prohibiting the practice of a religion is one of the simplest ways to guarantee its continued practice."

      Maybe so, but I NONETHELESS think prohibiting the building of new mosques, Islamic schools and halting mass immigration from Islamic states are good ideas. Seeing a mosque in my area just pisses me off.

      But what you suggest - education and societal changes -ALSO need to happen.

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  • anti-hero

    Buddhism is worse than AIDS.


    Not it's not.

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    • BLAh81

      Your point?

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      • anti-hero

        That comparing a religion to a disease is a silly comparison.

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        • GoraIntoDesiGals

          Not as much as you think. Viruses are causing damage and spread fast through breeding. Both traits shared by Islam.

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          • BLAh81

            Good point!

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          • anti-hero

            Islam and no other religion?

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            • GoraIntoDesiGals

              In my country Christianity is dying out fast and churches are being sold and recycled as lofts, bars, dancings, shops. But Muslim immigrants on welfare are breeding like maggots.

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        • BLAh81

          My comparison with cancer wasn't meant literally. In any case, Islam is THE problem in the world. Really wanna deny that?

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          • anti-hero

            The only problem?

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            • BLAh81

              Of course not. I never said that, and you know it full well. You just dodge the question. Great.

              Anyway, I'll rephrase my question: don't you think Islam is the GREATEST problem in the world (or at least a major one)?

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  • q1w2e3

    "They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it." Quran 61:8

    All praise is to Allah that I'm a Muslim, a follower of this amazing religion, and the follower of the best man in the history prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him).

    Most of what you have written are due to your hate towards Islam, and they have been taken out of context.

    Believe me, if what you have written was right, I wouldn't have willfully followed Islam. Do you really think we Muslims are blind followers? Really?!

    I would suggest you to read the Quran with open heart.

    May Allah guide whoever seeks the truth sincerely. Ameen.

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    • BLAh81

      "Most of what you have written are due to your hate towards Islam, and they have been taken out of context."

      Oh, I hate Islam for VERY good reasons. The out of context thing is simply untrue and a weak excuse.

      "Believe me, if what you have written was right, I wouldn't have willfully followed Islam."

      According to Islam there is no free will, remember?

      "Do you really think we Muslims are blind followers? Really?!"

      Some of you indeed are, yes. However, some of you are quite intelligent, I know that. The thing is, intelligent Muslims are intelligent enough to rationalize away the evil stuff the Qur'an says and make it into something it's not.

      "I would suggest you to read the Quran with open heart."

      I did, and I concluded that it was absurd, ignorant and violent. Is that so hard to believe, you Allah-worshipping lunatic?

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  • Titant

    Islam is unique in the sense that it has one authority, and that Authority belongs to Allah over all creation. Allah's authority is represented in the Quran.

    The Aya (verse) about Taqyyia التقية is in Surat (chapter) "Al-Imran". The Aya's meaning in English would be:

    " Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah, except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination."

    To me it's clear, but to you it may not be so i will make it simpler and comment on it. This Aya obviously lays down a rule (commandment) by which Muslims should deal with (Kuffar). Sorry to say but the word "Kafir" (plural "Kuffar") doesn't mean merely disbelief. A Kafir is someone who deliberately denies the message of Islam after knowing it was true. In the Quran, people were devided into four categories:

    1. المؤمنين Believers are those who believe in the Message of Islam.

    2. المشركين those who associate other deities with Allah.

    3. أهل الكتاب those whom Allah had sent books to as he had sent to Muslims (all Christian and Jewish denominations)

    4. الكفار (Kuffar as i explained above).

    Usually, people who reject Islam out of mere spite, even if evidence contrary to their set beliefs about Islam were presented to them, are people who hold deep grudge and enmity towards Islam. Many of these people are actually aggressive towards Muslims due to this fostered hate. In such cases it's Allah's commandment not to ally ourselves with those people because such alliance will result in harm to the Ummah (community of Muslims). Let's assume you are American, and you were offered 10 million dollars to give secret info to a hostile country to the United states (Iran for example). It would be fair (from the society's point of view) for you to be prosecuted for treason and punished wouldn't it?? Likewise as a Muslim you are a member of a community of believers and you should not betray other believers.

    The second part of the Aya: "except when taking precaution against them in prudence" is also clear. If I feel that my life or interest is under imminent danger, it would be permissible for me to pretend that I am in good terms with them until the danger is clear. This part of the commandment shows the divine care given to human life and human interest.

    the last part of the Aya: "And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination" is the most important of all. This part of the Aya reminds Muslims of their priorities when dealing with this rule or any other rule set by Allah. It was important to understand that when Allah commands you not to take the (Kuffar as allies rather than believers) i.e. (against the believers), that should be the general rule to which no exception should there be BUT the one given in the middle of the Aya. Example of that: If i believe that Zionists oppress Muslims, I would avoid Zionist businesses, I would not befriend a Zionist person nor would I exchange any benefits with them except within minimum limits. If I however, happen to walk across a Zionist demonstration where a mob of angry right wing Zionist protesters are bullying everyone in the area I would definitely hide my skull cap and smile to them so that they won't hurt me. I might even greet the more aggressive ones with the occasional "Shalom" until the coast is clear.

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    • BLAh81

      Wow, that was some totally useless garbage. All you really do is confirm that Islam is indeed divisive, deceptive poison.

      "Islam is unique in the sense that it has one authority, and that Authority belongs to Allah over all creation. Allah's authority is represented in the Quran."

      It isn't unique at all, because EXACTLY the same can be said about MANY, MANY other religions and the texts they consider sacred. Even IF Islam was unique though,
      would that suddenly mean it wasn't fucked up? Don't think so.

      BTW, I'm NOT racist, but I checked your profile and found out that you're a black person. I then think it's pretty strange for you to be a Muslim, given Islam's legacy of slavery/racism against black people. You're either ignorant or a hypocrite.

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  • q1w2e3

    What is freedom? Were you free to chose your parents? Were you free to chose your country of birth? Were you free from peer pressure at school? How about Hollywood, MTV, and other junk on the TV? Are you free from them? Or are you enslaved by them and they dictate your life, how to live, how to dress, how to behave...

    Islam simply frees us from all these slavery.. with submission to the One God.

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    • BLAh81

      "What is freedom?"

      Well, as q25t said: "Freedom has several meanings but the core concept is generally simply the lack of restraint upon one's actions." Note that that INCLUDES the lack of repercussions upon NOT accepting Islam.

      "Were you free to chose your parents?"

      No. I don't see your point though.

      "Were you free to chose your country of birth?"

      No. I don't see your point though.

      "Were you free from peer pressure at school?"

      No. I don't see your point though.

      "How about Hollywood, MTV, and other junk on the TV? Are you free from them?"

      No. I don't see your point though.

      "Islam simply frees us from all these slavery.. with submission to the One God."

      No, Islam itself IS a form of slavery. Grow a brain, you Allah-worshipping moron, or are you perhaps too busy beating your wife?

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    • q25t

      Congratulations, you have successfully redefined a word to mean what you want it to. Freedom has several meanings but the core concept is generally simply the lack of restraint upon one's actions.

      Within Islam, one may have the freedom to submit to your deity, but that no more implies freedom than does my submission to a wheel of cheese I found in my fridge. All you're truly saying is that thoughts cannot be regulated (yet).

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  • handsignals

    Yer, I think kids would rather die of cancer than be gang raped, fuck you muslims.

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  • PhsycoMe

    OBVIOUSLY U GOT THE WRONG IDEA ABOUT QURAN: first the biggest sin that god won't forgive easily in islam is killing a soul it doesn't matter who u kill even urself ..second what u read about killing ppl in quran has always a phrase b4 it of "if they attack u first" so we r not allowed to kill any disbeliever unless they come to us first, and islam doesn't mean submission islam is peace and istislam is submission learn arabic then talk. and about the prophet peace be upon him like all prophets he married a lot nd each marriage is to show ppl that that act is allowed u mentioned that he married a 6 years old girl when he was 48 not 54 nd completed their marriage when she became 9 cuz girls can get married when they get their first period and this act happened 1400 years b4 if u ask ur grandma how she was when she was 10 she would tell u like girls in their 20s now then how about B4 1400 years my grandma got married when she was 13 and why u didn't mention the fact that he married a woman that could be his mum .. what he did was a msg to ppl that age is just a number idiot

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  • Iheartkitties

    In the Bible, in the book of Daniel, the king asks Daniel to interpret his dream about this statue. The statue represents the kingdoms that will succeed over Babylon. The final kingdom, for end times, was said to be made of iron and clay. This represents the Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The originated from one cult and split into two, which are constantly at war with each other, but also war against the rest of the world together.

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  • c0urtneysimps0n

    you're f u ck ed

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  • BLAh81

    "I thought most people were afraid to speak out against Muslims."

    Sadly, a lot of people indeed are. That's perfectly understandable though, seeing as many followers of the "religion of peace" often become so violent over... anything really.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    God damn. I started seeing these lately. I thought most people were afraid to speak out against Muslims. So this blatant hatred is surprising. I still refuse to comment either way.

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    • DemonicFortuneCookie

      You just did comment.

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  • bodazzy

    fighting a religion also has its downside bro,look at christianity it was made stronger by martyrdom

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    • BLAh81

      Well, bro, what's the alternative? Submit?

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      • bodazzy

        it's like a virus, no cure

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        • BLAh81

          If you don't try, you'll CERTAINLY lose.

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