Is it normal i think "islamic modesty" like the hijab is anything but "modest"

I see things like the hijab (headscarf), niqab (face covering) etc as incredibly fake. It's a false performance of modesty, I almost look at it like it's a humblebrag.

There's nothing more attention-seeking than wearing a ridiculous-looking garment, that you know everyone is going to notice... because everyone has to see how "modest" you are. So while it might be modest physically, is it really humble behaviour? I don't think it is.

Seems to me that if a woman was serious about being modest, she'd throw on some slacks, a decent blouse and maybe a long cardigan. Then she'd shut up about it, because she does NOT want to draw attention to herself. That's "modesty", going out in public dressed like the dementors from Harry Potter is not modesty.

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65% Normal
Based on 26 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • barstool

    There are lots of guys in Egypt who intentionally bruise up their foreheads, so they walk around with these bruised foreheads for everyone to see. And it's because they bow down when they pray, so it's like 'look at me, look at how much I pray' - a humblebrag like you said. Trying hard to appear virtuous rather than actually being virtuous.
    So...I'm just saying, I think it's a bit of a thing in the Islamic world. It's a crazy religion.

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    • nikkiclaire

      All religion is a humble brag to some extent or another.

      If you look at it as people trying to do the right thing tho it makes it easier to accept. As long as they stay out of my ear and of my porch I don't care.

      There are asshats in every walk of life.

      Live a good life and keep your side of the street clean and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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      • MissileExpert

        Religion needs to suppress independent thought to ensure its agenda is submissively followed. Humble brag makes the suppression of common sense look cool. Eventually a zeitgeist develops that adds momentum to continuing social acceptance.

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      • barstool

        Fair enough, that's a good philosophy. Sometimes I do just want to hate them though, but your way's probably better..

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        • I don't hate them. I just think they're very sad unfortunate victims of indoctrination, but they can be un-doctrinated.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I agree but the true purpose of that garment is submission and ownership, not modesty.

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    • I agree with that too, it's definitely an oppressive garment and I'd criticise it from that angle as well. I just think it defeats the point of modesty, and I wanted to know what people though of it from that angle.

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    • VetusRebellioIudaicum

      Ownership-not all wearers are married (marriage is "ownership")

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      • Boojum

        In traditional Islamic cultures, women are always "owned" and controlled by some man: husband, father, brothers, uncles, nearest living male cousin, etc.

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        • VetusRebellioIudaicum

          Islamic modesty is religious modesty, not social convention. Religiously, people cannot be owned by people. Theoretical religion and lay religion always differ.

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  • fakeaccount2

    True in the West but in their home country where every damn person is wearing one of those your point doesn't stand. that's like saying when amish/menonites are on their way thru normal towns in that ridiculous (and smelly) get up are just doing it for attention

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  • jaystrong

    Islam is by far the most fucked up religion today. Not to say most every other religion isn't messed up, but at least 90% or more have changed with the times. islam doesn't mostly depending on where they practice in certain countries.
    In the middle east they are totally violent to anyone who doesn't believe, who broke some stupid law, to their women, to gays and towards others who practice different faiths.

    I know a couple people who came to America and quit islam because of the bat shit crazy lifestyle. The horrific stories of their family and neighbors getting beat or killed for something here no one would care two shits about.

    I recently saw an Islamic couple at a resort I was at. The woman was wearing a black, one piece bathing suit and had to garb on her head. She wasn't all done up as I've seen before. I would consider this a more modern form and they were younger people. All good with that. I think most people looked at her once and didn't think so much about it unlike some poor woman wearing an entire garbage bag over her face and body. That stands out and screams - look at how fuckin' repressed I am! Nothing more than that.

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  • CozmoWank

    I suppose that style of dress predates your own sense of fashion.

    If you don't like it, don't wear it.
    You are no different than someone who complains about purple hair, tattoos, piercings and skinny jeans.

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  • lonewolf1253

    It's religious oppression. All religion is based on oppression and fear. Religion in all its ugly forms has been the source of untold misery to the human race since the beginning of recorded history. And as long as fear exists, it always will be.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    That's a really good point I've never thought about before.

    "I'm so modest I cover my head in a scarf"

    "Oh yeah, well I'm so modest I don't let any skin show at all!"


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  • Dustyair

    It's a testament to how primitive and easily brainwashed humans still are.

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    • Ellenna

      And in the case of women in Islamic countries, how oppressed and afraid (for good reason) they are

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    • nikkiclaire

      If brainwashing was so easy there wouldn't be so many horny virgins running around. 😂😂

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      • McBean

        Factors other than brainwashing could explain the phenomenon, tho. Your first comment about submission and ownership were spot on.

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  • YamaMayaNyaa

    Hijabs, and their cousins, the niquab and burka are designed to subjugate and dehumanise a person. They are symbols of women's oppression in the modern world and I feel it is a serious human rights violation, considering they make women wear these in very hot climates to avoid the very real threat of rape in Muslim countries.

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  • Aethylfritha

    Im scared of most Muslims tbh.

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  • You should keep that bag on your head gramps.

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  • TheTypsySaiIor

    I think anyone who does anything in the name of their Gawd is a moron.

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    • bob7

      I'm an atheist and i think you're a moron

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      • TheTypsySaiIor

        I'm sorry you are so jealous of me.

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        • pendletonGibbs

          How's your wife?

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          • TheTypsySaiIor

            She is enjoying sailing the Caribbean in my boat and having an older more experienced lover.

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  • RandomNumbers

    its a islamic tradition for the women to cover their bodies like that so it wont sexually attract men. Of couse in a muslim country it is shunned to a woman not to wear it (i think only married ones use it, but i might be wrong). Now on our 'ocidental world' where the muslm faith is rare, of couse it calls for attention.
    Also, there is a difference between beeing modest and beeing discreet

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  • rayb12

    What? Religious texts don't account for urbanization. The traditions were built around the time. You are not concerning yourself seriously with how practicing Islam functions. It is modesty in a religious sense, not for the judgement of random westerners lol.

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  • Emokate

    I like them.

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    • Ellenna

      What do you like?

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      • Emokate

        The Hijab. I think they look cute.

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