Is it normal i think it should be law to hit rude people with a stick?

Society today leaves a lot to be desired. People have lost all manner of respect for each other. Young kids do not even respect adults anymore and the ordinary is cussing and spitting on each other. I mean we are not savages we should not be acting this way. Is it normal I think people who are rude should be viciously beaten with a stick till they learn? I think this would fix a lot of problems. Some one put gum under the desk and they will get smacked. Some one is insulting some one because they think they are ugly we just hit them over and over till they learn.

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60% Normal
Based on 62 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I disagree.
    One of the reasons why people are losing their social decorum is because it is becoming more socially acceptable to solve one's problems with rudeness and crude behavior rather than to be mature and tell someone "sorry, but I'm having a terrible day, please ignore me".

    Making it legal to hit someone that is being rude to you will only take is a step further. What, we are not beyond the ability to solve our problems with words or with refining our own attitude to have the maturity to walk away, or to put the effort into raising our own kids to behave? Should be just hit our kids when they misbehave? Is that how we want to teach them to solve their problems?

    I understand why you would feel this way, but this isn't a solution, merely an invitation to further conflict.

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    • That is exactly my point. People think it is cool and they need this mentality smacked out of them. So next time that bully beats up the nerd he will get beaten just as bad. They will think "Maybe if I do something bad I will suffer the same way". This fixes the solution since they will attribute the pain with the action they commit. This puts the world back in order and we will be at peace once more. People need to know what it feels like when they hurt others. I also know I am not the first with these ideals.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        "This fixes the solution since they will attribute the pain with the action they commit."

        There are so many reasons why this statement is correct and I know it is based on the most simplistic of psychologies but I know that a lot of people just don't work that way. Imagine the tyrants that would be ruling the world if simply hurting people when you didn't like their behavior always worked as a form of conditioning. If people were THAT easy to control, our government would have no need for indoctrination and every parent that practices corporal punishment would inevitably have the most obedient children.

        My parents did it, much worse than others, when I behaved badly and that didn't stop me from behaving badly. It just made me a better liar.

        "I also know I am not the first with these ideals."

        I can point out any number of historical figures that prove this statement to be true and it's such common knowledge that there are many, many, so many individuals out there who think "just smack them" is a reasonable solution for the problem of rudeness that this statement, if anything, is about as obvious and unnecessary as saying "water is wet and I'm not the only one that knows this".

        We'd all love to hit rude people. Many of us, however, have self-control. If we lose that self-control and justify that violence, yes, the few people on Earth that DO behave in a civil manner become violent, the Earth will most certainly NOT be at peace.

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        • Well it has been proven this is how regular people think and how their minds work.However this is not how it works in many mentally unstable patients and those with mental disorder and illness.

          This might now work for some one with Autism but should prove correct in the average persons mind.

          We do control ourselves but if we do who is protecting us from them? Respect creates your mentality. It goes to how you treat yourself and others.

          Teaching them that this ok will set it in their minds. It is hard to change this behaviour once some one is taught it is ok. So We must beat the behaviour out of them while we still have time.

          If as a child you are taught if you do bad you will receive pain you are going to be reluctant to do so. If you punch some one because it it funny and you are get beaten for it I really doubt you continue.

          This goes into adult hood when people get the mentality they are entitled and can do what they want. They can sexually harass people which leads to more severe things. They can slap some one they disagree with. They can scream bad words at mom and dad and the teacher because they feel that is their right.

          Respect covers a large range of things. It means to be respecting of others person, personal space, and beliefs. So this means it is ok to sexually harras some one if you feel like it. It is ok to bad mouth your mother because she asked you to clean your room. It is ok to beat up the kid with glasses since after all he has no feelings right? This is to prevent the youth of America from turning into little criminals.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            So in other words, violence makes people behave. Have you left the house recently? Where is this proof that using violence towards others will make them respect you? Anyone who has even a smidgeon of real world knowledge can tell you that using violence against someone will make them fear you, sure, but respect you? No!

            All you will achieve by making respectful people into violent human beings with a lack of self control will be lowering us to the level of said disrespectul human beins who act like animals rather than acting like civilised people. Your mentality is no better than the mentality of dictators who use violence as a form of control.

            Obviously your knowledge of history and of basic psychology is flawed and possibly nonexistent so rather than posting 6 paragraphs correcting your statements quote by quote, I'll make it short and sweet: Using violence as a means of control will create a people that are angry and fearful, not respectful. If history is any indicator, said fearful individuals will eventually turn US into the uncivil animals we would rightfully be. In the end, using injustice to correct injustice will backfire as history has shown it to work out.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    What constitutes rudeness?

    What is the line between slightly impolite and rude?

    Maybe someone just had a terrible day, got fired, their dog ran away and their uncle was hit by a bus. They told you to go fuck yourself. Is that worth a whack or two?

    How big of a stick? Toothpick? Ponderosa pine log?

    You know some jackass would go too far and beat someone with a piano leg because they felt offended by a funny look or something.

    I suppose you (op) are the self-appointed judge of all this?

    And I'm not disagreeing with you either. Some folks need to work on their manners, but you need to rethink your specifics.

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    • I have no idea why but this made me laugh very hard. I was thinking a large branch or a cane. My point is some people are rude and messed up for the hell of it. They think they are superior or want to look cool. Does beating up the nerd make you cool? Does stealing from an old lady make you a "Bad ass"? No and I think these people should be get some justice from the public.

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      • dom180

        I think beating people up and stealing from old ladies are already covered by existing laws, so they do - if they get convicted - face some justice ;P

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        • VioletTrees

          This completely. The things in this post that aren't already illegal are horrible reasons to hurt people.

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          • They actually use to do this in some schools and old churches or Catholic schools. They would say put out your hands and hit your hand with a long stick. Usually I think it was a yard stick(yard long ruler). Sometimes they would make you hold books for hours and if not you get hit.

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      • Yeah. There's no honour in today's society. I wish you could still challenge people to duels.

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  • So you're going to combat hostility with hostility?

    Yes, you're making a lot of sense right now. (sarcasm)

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    • You have never heard the term "What comes around goes around"? If we had no rules in society people could do whatever they want. Knowing you might go to jail or prison for doing bad makes people more reluctant to do so. This makes the point to do it without getting caught. This should go for manners not just crime. If you let people get the mentality being a bad person is OK who is to say they will not do something worse?

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      • VioletTrees

        You guys! It's a cliché, so it must be true!

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  • stupidassholeguy

    Yeah! I support you!

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Assualt is a rude and beligerent behavior did you know that?

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  • VioletTrees

    Having been in situations where I could expect physical violence if I was rude, I can tell you that it doesn't work. It didn't make me polite, it made me unstable and afraid.

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  • PumpkinKate

    I think it should be law to hit people that hit people with sticks, with sticks.

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    • Thank you for that pumpkin. I do not use a stick though I use a rod. "Spoil the child" ever hear this?

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      • PumpkinKate

        "Fight fire with fire"

        Ever hear anyone say that this works?

        Violence is a ridiculous notion for a solution.

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        • Well how about punching that kids with glasses because it will make you look good? Beating the nerd because unlike some he does his homework. How about spitting on some one for the colour of their skin? How about sexually harassing that pretty girl. Do these people not have a right to be respected? Respect has to do with how you carry yourself. It also involves how you treat others.

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          • PumpkinKate

            You spout this asinine drivel at everyone that commented.

            Fighting back with violence is only the answer for the greatest of fools. Anyone alive with even the tiniest shred of wisdom understands that violence begets violence. Hatred begets hatred. This is proven thousands of times over throughout history.

            Physically hurting someone who hurt you shows the most absolute lack of respect one can possibly have. Because this person KNOWS what it is to be hurt. Because they have FELT the effects of being disrespected. To sink to such a pathetic level is to disrespect all that you learn through your suffering. It is the greatest lack of self-respect one could demonstrate. You become what you hate.

            Violence has its place. That place is the very very last option possible when inaction will lead to those you love or care for getting hurt. When it is your ONLY option. If you use violence before that point, you have shown weakness and lost your self-respect, for you took the coward's way out.

            No self-respecting person with any respect for other people visits violence on people out of vengeance. Respect is a two-way street, and if you can't be the better person and find a non-violent solution where one exists, you know nothing of respect.

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            • So we should let violent pedophiles, rapists, Cannibals and murderers run around in the streets? We should not hold them accountable? We should forget that? What about the victims? You can not just let it go. They still made these people suffer. Yet again this goes into letting people learn that they can be disrespectful.

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  • Jeb4691

    I completely agree with your opinion on society, however your solution would probably make it worse, giving those people an excuse to be even more violent.

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  • ILoveJoshHutcherson

    I'm sorry but violence is not the answer...

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    • Neither is cussing out the teacher when you do not feel like doing your homework. Neither is beating up the kid who is gay or the kid wearing glasses since they are different. Neither is robbing an old lady. These are rude belligerent acts and we need to do something to correct the behavior.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        We need to do something,but an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. We can't get rid of rudeness or violence with more violence, we need to make people *think*. Intelligence isn't "cool" anymore, and people are so wrapped up in their own insecurities they bring other people down to make themselves feel better.

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        • Yes and they do not understand what it feels like. If they did they might stop. Its the theory of "What comes around goes around". We do not leave deadly criminals out on the street when they commit crimes. If some one beats someone because it it funny something bad will happen to them. This will keep order and creates justice.

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  • anti-hero

    Violence never solved anything. Oh wait all the wars.

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  • Retard73

    IMagine the big wars with sticks it would be humanity would destroy it self

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    age to me has no tie in with respect. Abuse is obsolete, cruel and unnecessary for anyone willing to take time to teach one another love and respect through love and respect. You, sir, have crossed a line where stupidity begins and ignorance ends.

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    • You are ignorant to think that respect always brings respect. If a military person is respectful it does not mean some punk will not spit in his face when he comes back from war. If you respect everyone at school does not mean that bully is not going to bother you. If you are polite to everyone you know does not mean you will get the same treatment in return. In no way is this true.

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      • TheGuruOfTheSauce

        I'm sure you've actually had enough common sense and patience to give these examples. The situations you have given are of a certain type of asshole that you, yes you, don't have to associate with or even acknowledge their existence. A bully and punk kid are just misguided assholes, people full of self hatred and choose to express it through harassment. If you let a miserable person in any way shape your day then you've given them power and the freedom of your mind. You would only bring them temporary fear by trying to adjust their attitude with violence, anybody violent and disrespectful enough would not fear violence they would embrace it

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        • Yes so getting beaten everyday at school is exceptable. You should just ignore it. You should ignore being chased home. You should ignore someone punching you in the face. Just let all this happen. If you let this continue these children grow up to be criminals. Since they have the mentality that this is ok. They need to be taught this is bad behavior. Not to keep doing it since that person is going to take it. How about pushing a retarded child to her suicide with this harassment? You do not think this is a bad thing at all? You can ignore that. As much as anyone says you can. This will continue because people say leave these kids. It is no big deal.

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          • TheGuruOfTheSauce

            I was a victim of severe bullying when I was growing up so I'm no stranger to being treated like less than shit and having nobody to listen to me. If you have any inner strength then nobody should ever get you to a point where you commit suicide most bullies are that way because they were bullied. You of course should defend yourself if somebody tries to hurt you physically but hitting somebody just because they said something about you is just escalating a problem. With enough thought on the situation you will realize that lashing out isn't necessary because they're just words, words from somebody you shouldn't vie for acceptance of or even listen to and feel bad because they're no better or worse than you are.

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  • MissClaire

    Hitting people with a stick may be considered rude

    - a tap on the shoulder followed up with "this is what I'm seeing _____" -- "Is this what you mean"? might be a better option - just an idea as people have bad days and they just need a little reminder to be mindeful.

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  • Thewomanizer

    my parents reckon it should have stayed that way with the stick hitting, even though i think that it probably should have stayed that way as teens back then seemed to straighten up right a way, i would say thank god they took that rule away, OUCH !

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    • I agree with your parents.

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  • Nobody is stopping you from hitting people with a stick. Laws only come into effect AFTER the crime.

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  • PumpkinKate

    Fighting fire with fire: a proven, working solution since Eighteen-Ninety-Never.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Shit pies.

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