Is it normal i think people who believe the bible is the word of god are...

...self-inflicted morons? I used to only have a problem with the Old Testament, and understandably so. That's where you're going to find about 75% of the outrageous, "holy" shit that's totally wrong with the Bible IMO.

Moving to the New Testament you get into the concept of an eternal Hell. And of course, there is the faaaaabulously penned Revelations 22:19 about not changing a word of the Bible and blah blah...

The eternal Hell concept seems to me the worst aspect of the Bible. It understandably instills a sense of complete dread in Christians, and so in that way I see a lot of them becoming bound to their churches, regardless of the direction in which their churches are moving socially. "Do this or you'll have to do some serious penance, brother."

In the Bible, then, we can read about commanded Rape, Torture, Incest, Slavery, Oppression, Religious and Societal Extermination, Homophobia, Domestic Violence, and the icing on the cake is a concept of eternal suffering that keeps so many potential beautiful souls in check and afraid to act out against the patriarchal status quo which has in many ways, if not all, been put in place by this "holy" book.

So is it normal to think that (many) Christians are self-deluded?

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 140 votes (92 yes)
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Comments ( 167 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    So you're sitting here and calling me a moron...
    But it's OK. I forgive you. Because when it comes down to it, I would hope that you would forgive me in the event that I am to arbitrarily insult your intelligence. Such are the teachings of my religion.

    Have a nice day. One day, I hope you will be able to rid yourself of the bitterness in your heart.

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    • disthing

      Well said.

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      Being blinded spiritually is not a character flaw, or anything that is wrong with someone on an innate or core level.

      I am not bitter--I am fearful. Fearful for the way the world is being raped in the name of various ideologies.

      Chief against these ideologies is (evangelised/protestant) Christianity, differed to frequently by the power-hungry American and NATO governments and the peon subjects to whom it trickles down (and then recirculates).

      When I said this I was reacting pretty strongly to the entire Stand Up for Marriage campaign. I do not have a problem with any sect or individual who believes in social progression and who doesn't want to plunge Westernized countries into a new Dark Age.

      Societal progression comes in two forms, in my opinion (maybe you can think of more): the kind where you realize all the hate that has been authored into many religions and directly oppose it, or the type where YOU believe what YOU believe, regardless of the beliefs of others, and live self-righteously.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I don't know what you are talking about.
        I am a social progressive because I am a constitutionalist and such is the way I interpret the Constitution. I was once an atheist who was very well educated in the fallacies of religion but I fooled myself into thinking that I could live a life turning against such a major part of the human experience.

        Religion has been corrupted by people because people are imperfect, whereas God is perfect. So of course the way religion is conducted will be imperfect and riddled with the human flaws that cause every OTHER problem on this Earth.

        I love my fellow human beings and everyone is entitled to make their choices. I also love practicing my religion. The 1st Amendment guarantees me the freedom to do so just as it guarantees everyone else the freedom not to. And I believe everyone should have that freedom.

        Maybe my beliefs don't fully line up to par with the church, that's cool with me. Let gays marry, and soon enough the hype will die down and everyone will realize that gays are as human as straight people when gay marriage becomes just as dirty, corrupt and meaningless as mainstream straight marriage does.

        I go to church. I believe in the teachings of Jesus. He tells me to love him by loving his children. So I do so. Taking away a minority's rights isn't loving his children and by extension not showing my love for Christ. Maybe you're right and I AM a self-inflicted moron. So sue me.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      You rock Neuro

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    • Cynthia3754

      I am quite confused how this works because there is not a way for me to post a comment on the original post... so you get stuck with me. To the original post: I completely understand your feelings. It is quite difficult to believe the lies being told concerning the Bible. If you look under Revelations 20:14 you will read that death and hell are the the last things to be thrown into the lake of fire. It then says, "This means the second death.. the lake of fire." It tells you that the lake of fire is not literal. How can you throw death and hell into hell? It then goes on to explain it that the lake of fire represents the 2nd death not some burning of humans for eternity. Most Christians are the spawn of evil. However there are those that realize that if we had a friend that decided to torture anything for any reason they would be considered a bit psycho and yet we give God this attribute everyday. God says that he will wipe out every tear and even the memory of things before will not be remembered. Then does it stand to reason that he would keep something as a reminder for himself of the tragedy of men? No.. you are right to not believe the lips of men, but I am afraid I disagree when it comes to the Bible, because it is not the Bible... it is the people that are reading it that are the problem.

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      • Myghoul2099

        mistranslation obviously because hell is the lake of fire.

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    • Caity21Lifee

      Another person thats cool.. and is a Christian :D

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  • disthing

    There's hate from religious people towards non religious people, there's hate from non religious people towards religious people. It's how it is and it's normal.

    You think they're self-deluded morons, some of them will think you're a self-deluded moron.

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      I'm actually pretty religious :)

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      • disthing

        Sorry, I omitted the "there's hate from religious people towards other religious people" part. Here...

        There's hate from religious people towards other religious people.

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        • uPSIDEOFDOWn

          Now its my turn to say I don't hate anybody. I fear ignorance. Terrible acts are committed because of it. Self-education is a choice.

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          • disthing

            Of course, ignorance is the source of many problems in the world. Why not post 'IIN to think that people who are ignorant are a threat to humanity?" rather than target some Christians you call "self inflicted morons"? Certainly ignorance is not reserved to the religious.

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            • uPSIDEOFDOWn

              SOME christians are self-inflicted morons.

              Sources: Westboro Baptist, Focus on the Family Evangelicals, people trying to strip women of reproductive rights and quell gay expressionism, Mormons (I only put them on this list because they consider themselves Christians, though after 19 years in that church I can assure you that they are cult-status).

              Keyword: some.

              I'm really not too ignorant. I observe, analyze and report. And hate no one in the process.

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  • jucedaguy

    I worship poopie. It makes just as much sense.

    Yay for poopie, poopie is there for me every morning at 9:30 sharp. Oh praise be to thou wonderous poopie.
    You never let me down.

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    • suckonthis9

      You disgust me. First you use a word that descibes a religious ceremony and equate it with feces, which might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious or not religious, thus creating division in society.You then use another religious word to entust yourself to your own feces. You might of thought your comment humourous, but in reality, it is offensive to some people, thus creating division in society.

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

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      • Why can't jucedaguy have is personal religious beliefs? What if he really does believe in the power of his own shit? You may have offended him. Why are you doing the same thing to him with the division?

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        • jucedaguy

          Suckonthis is heading for eternal diarrhea in poogatory with such an attitude.

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          • I respect your deeply held beliefs my friend.

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            • jucedaguy

              Thank you, may you have a lifetime of normal and peaceful bowel movements.
              And may pooelzebub never find haven in your rectum.

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            • Jakki

              Actually, suckonthis9 DOES have a point. It is pretty offensive.

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      • jucedaguy

        My son you must repent! Say four hail "Crunchy peanuts" and six "Boilled cabbages".

        Poopie will forgive you.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    No. I do not think it's normal to bash people for their religious beliefs.

    no matter what excuses one brings up, in the end it's the same - putting others down in order to feel good about oneself for one's own life choices.

    true enlightenment comes from accepting that those around you are different without having to castigate them for it.

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  • chleezit

    Why not give your life to christ, you don't believe in eternal life? When the END comes, I feel sorry for the people who don't believe.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why should I give my life to an old-aged Judean king smeared with oil?
      Isn't the State of Israel (where Judea was), now a parliamentary republic?
      Are you somehow secretly trying to tell everyone that they should overthrow the Israeli government and reinstate a monarchy?

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    • nowhereboy

      Is this why you believe tho? The fear of hell?

      Have a proper think about your faith, think for youself.

      What sort of loving god sends innocent, kind hearted people to hell because they dont believe in him?

      What about the millions who were were born in poverty or eastern countrys? They have never been taught of christianity? Do they go to hell aswell?

      Can you explain to me the morality of this situation please?

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  • In the end, whatever we believe doesn't matter. Our lives and deaths are all the same.

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  • kit291

    just get over it and yourself, not everybody is the same even if they believe in god and the bible... it's the way of life and thats how it shill remain..

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    • nowhereboy

      I dont agree.

      With a bit of luck religion will be forgoton and disproven in years to come.

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      • kit291

        and so will you... lol yeah well then you can hope because i hope it doesn't.

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        • nowhereboy

          Religios people have been dropping like flies thanks to the internet and modern society anyway. Its only a matter of time.

          Check out my other post further down the page and give me a serious argument.

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      • disthing

        Religion is a part of every civilisation in recorded history. It's something that, in most cases, has at its foundation a fundamental belief which CANNOT be disproven. If you believe in something that does not adhere to the laws of our universe, you cannot use anything in our universe to disprove it. There will always be people who look to the supernatural for guidance / understanding because it's an aspect of humanity; in many cases it's an idiopathic sense of something beyond what we perceive and what is perceivable.

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  • dappled

    I can't speak for Christianity, but I don't think Christians see those things as their ideals. They could pick on the worst parts of atheism too, but I'd hope they wouldn't do that. It's kind of a reciprocal agreement that we only break when we feel like attacking each other.

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    • suckonthis9

      You have twice divided people who believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth from other religious people, thus creating division in society. You had also used a term for people who are not religious, that is incorrect because it means 'a disbelief in the existence of something that does not exist.'

      Why are you creating division in society?

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  • Allistalla

    I find this kindve offesive and rude . Also it makes you seem like a stuck up snob by the way . Poeple who have religion are not morons are you a moron to follow what your parents do when your a child , to have fiath and love your parents . Ever here the term that parents are like god in the eyes of a child ? Religion is based on fiath adn often I would believe a set of morol codes to keep poeple from going down the wrong path , its alot of times a set of rules to astiguish bad from right . Like should I cheat on my other ? I know most poeple will think ok this is oviously bad but aswell as that gives someone peace and somthing to have fiath in . Poeple who think they are morons are stuck up and come across as I think im smarter which you are not your just very bitter poeple who think you are as perfect as a god or better when in reality you are not .you are shallow closed minded poepel and thats the worst kindve poeple of all , so anyone who says they think any religous follower is a idiot is to stupid to be openminded to the idea that it may exsist . can you say that thier is not aliens ? can you say thier is not ghosts , can you say thier is not more sealife under the see so the fact you think the unknown is impossible only makes you too stupid to relieaze anyone who thinks that way is a complete moron becuase a smart person has a open mind in most cases . not like you .

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      i tried understanding this, but had several aneurysms in the process. thank you for the brake check on my adrenal heart valves! still alive baby!

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      • Allistalla

        In other words any one who is slf richoues is a just as Stupid as anyone they insualt . If thier is self richoues christians who go around telling poeple they should die and than a Athiest or some none believing bastard says I think all christians are worthelss and should die they are just as worthless and deserve to be beaten and laughed at becuase these are the bullys of the world . Poeple should except each other and not judge also so you know jesus sayd not to judge .

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  • I think people who think they know who is a moron and who isn't are infact, morons.

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    • disthing

      :/ That means, by your logic, you think you're a moron.

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      • Aren't we all.

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    • Beautifully stated.

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  • hotsexyass

    Ppl need something to believe in. Some can't handle the truth that this is all there is. Work sleep bills work. When ppl die they feel good in maybe the loved one went to a good place. This world is bad and ppl are evil. They lie, cheat, steal, kill, use ppl, heck not very nice ppl in the world. So ppl think that maybe it would be fair if they had a after life. Where the good ppl go. Heck most ppl would never go to heaven if it was real. It's not. This is all there is. Ppl lie cheat steal use ppl to get ahead to get what they want. That life bc ppl well most ppl suck. Find the odd good ppl stay with them fuck the rest.

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  • Myghoul2099

    ok. you have to understand that the bible refers to satan as god and the lord throughout the old and new testaments. the word of god has been preserved in small amounts,but satan has been allowed to change most of it and mistranslate it all these years to make everything complicated and boring. the bottom line is: when you read about god ordering rapes and sacrifices and evil it's probably refering to the god of this world "satan". i hope that clears some things up lol

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  • uncouthhomo

    Maybe you shouldn't group a whole bunch of people together like that. Opinions are opinions and someone can have a negative one in someone else's eyes and still be a good person.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I think the old and new testament reflect the attitude of the time period. In the old days people were very severe about everything. They burned witches, had no good medical care, one cut would end in amputation or death.

    So not a pretty time. Where as in the future they kept some of the same morals but times were not as bad and people lived in a more peaceful time than in the old testaments era. I believe the original bible had a basic set of rules that are obvious that most people should follow.

    However I believe they were interpreted differently depending on the time period and those who read it. Along with this people have over the years tossed out, and altered parts they like and don't like to fit their life styles.

    As well as apparently those saying parts of the original scripture was removed very early in history. You don't need god to tell you to be a good person. You should figure out to be a good person on your own. I am assuming the "No gays" was probably added to encourage reproduction.

    If you look at how awful times were at one point death rates was higher than birth rates. So people had to constantly have more kids to make sure that at least SOME of the kids survived. This would also explain why some like Mormons and Muslims believe in the multiple wife system.

    Someone along the line if it was god or not decided that people are too big of morons to figure this shit out on their own. So they wrote a life book and said for people to follow it. If you look at most of what the bible actually teaches its a good message. Dont cheat on partner, dont steal, dont lie, dont envy, dont be prideful to the point of becoming arrogant, respect your mother and thy father(yeah why should you be rude to mom and dad?).

    Now we have no idea why these were written we just know that this advice was written a long time ago. Its clear that they were created in an attempt to better mankind but the creator of the ideas and scriptures is not around to ask any longer. So any law is going to be followed exactly as written. Despite any initial cause it may have had originally.

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  • somebody23

    dude I dont know wht fu*kig bible ur reading but the true christian religion is catholic and if u read theire bible u wont be able to make ur comment

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  • ilove

    Yeah this is normal, the Bible says you would think this. :p

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  • thesensibleguy


    Why are YOU creating divisions in society? Clearly, because of your ridiculous baseless pointless religious suck-up arguing about creating divisions in society, you are in fact creating divisions in society yourself. Look at the hate you've stirred up on this particular site. This site is effectively a society. The definition of society is:

    The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

    IIN is an online community, this particular question is even a small one, and we're all living in it like a different world because we're helping each other. Trust me, I study sociology, probably unlike you.

    And with the pointless hate you're obviously stirring up, and your increasingly-longer comments that claim to be religion-based when really a) they are nowhere near it and b) the guy that asked the question in the first place doesn't like christianity, the religion you claim to be.

    I didn't have any respect for you in the first place, and now I somehow have even less respect for you. Nice going, dick. So, I'll ask you again:

    Why the hell are YOU creating divisions in society?

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  • atrudixman

    Hey are you willing to die for your unbelief as Christians have been dying for their believe for centuries, furthermore you moron the Bible was written to be studied not read thats the reason why you have no idea that you have stepped in shit.

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  • thebeatlesfanman1

    you my friend are a imbicile

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  • kingsleycrowne

    If you think this universe is bad, you should see some of the others.

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  • jucedaguy

    Poopie is our only saviour.

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  • Avant-Garde

    This is well Written. Allot of things in the bible doesn't make sense. It's their business to believe what they want, but it crosses a line when they force their views on others and peoples rights get denied.

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  • IIN2?uestionlife

    I read the bible and I dont beleive in hell

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    • suckonthis9

      If you don't believe in something, why do you keep repeating it, and creating division in society?

      Why are you creating division in society?

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      • IIN2?uestionlife

        Man im not creating division anywhere. I dont go around telling people "beware of hells firey pits". People have there own way of interpreting the bible. Some interpretations are more famous than others. So there more widespread

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      • nowhereboy

        Im sorry but non believers have every right to speak up. First off because we are right, thats a pretty good reason to have a voice.

        Yesterday i seen a "christian" on the monument in the center of my town with a bright orange shirt that read

        "god hates pornography"

        He was yelling at the entire street calling men "wimps" for masturbation. Saying we are going to hell etc etc.

        If i wasnt on the arse end of a 24 hour drug binge i would have fucked this guy up.

        I didnt care about your morals or divisions or any of that bullshit in that moment, all i felt was hate.

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        • suckonthis9

          You seem very confident that you are "right". What if I told you that not one person alive, myself included, is "right"?
          If you feel nothing but hate for people, why do you continue to spread these religious ideas and/or concepts around?

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          • nowhereboy

            Fair enough, their is a chance im wrong but that chance pales insignificant when compared to the chance that im right.

            Just because we cant disprove somthing doesnt mean its chances of existance are high. We all know you can change the character of god to anything you want and the arguement for its existance stays the same.

            When did i say i feel nothing but hate for people?? You have just generalized a statement i made and took it out of proportion.

            I felt hate for a guy who decided it was a good idea to stand in the center of town and shout insults at everyone passing by.... I would have felt anger towards this guy whatever his belifes, however in the name of religion it angered me even more.

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          • uPSIDEOFDOWn

            seriously. so many religions are spreading hate already...and hate is always nonsense, like so many religious texts...maybe this kid should be religious? lol

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  • suckonthis9

    Many of those who have responded to this post have been duped, whether you are religious or not religious. It only takes one person to incite others to repeat religious words, phrases, thoughts, ideas or concepts, which are cleverly designed to divide society. Many of you took the bait, and scurried off in all different directions, spreading these harmful things around. Is not the idea of religion to help us understand the Universe, and to live in a peaceful and harmonious society? Instead, it has divided you. Divide and conquer. When are you going to realize that these archaic ideas are a trap, designed to control you, and serve no other useful purpose? If we all put our minds together, I'm sure that we could devise a new and better system, that is free from tyrants, and looks towards the future, instead of being mired in the past.

    Why are you creating divisions in society?

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    • Marisol

      If you take a look at your post again, you should realise that you are the one who made a division in society based on your anti-Christian beliefs.

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      • suckonthis9

        I am trying to bring all the people together. I'm not anti-anyone, but I have been trying to correct many things that have been corrupted over the years.

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        • Marisol

          Yes, against those with Christian beliefs.

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          • suckonthis9

            What part of 'all the people' don't you understand?
            Which denomination should we favour so that the rest of the world is pissed off at only you?

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            • Marisol

              It does not make sense because what you are saying is hypocritical. You are saying that you want to bring all people together by going against the believers and at the same time saying that some people making comments are creating divisions in society; while as I said before, you are doing the same thing.

              Your question has nothing do to with you bringing all the people together. I don't understand what you are getting at.

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  • EVIL1234

    Yo I am christian and yeah it's totaly normal, hell sometimes I find myself thinking the same thing. Yes, we do belive the bible is the word of God but, it is the stories in the bible that give it meaning. More to the point the 10 commandments are a set or rules to live by and the stories are with messages. The bible teaches Socialist points meaning that being a socialist is living by the bible. Ok so I am not 100% on my religion but, that said Gos isnt some myth and I belive that there is something alot more powerfull. I belive God left us along time ago, the bible even says something along those lines. But I do belive that oneday God will return or we will have a new God. Seriously I would Love to have an argument with this about somebody. Besides everything comes down to self satisfaction, but still alot of people (Especially in America) take the bible way too seriously but over here in England its alot more relaxed.

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    • pyt_1185

      It's attitudes from people like you, that give Christians a really bad name!!! You said " I belive God left us along time ago, the bible even says something along those lines". Something along those lines????? If you don't know what the Bible says about how JESUS left, then you really should read some more of the Bible. He died on the cross, only to return in spirit, as the Holy spirit, to lead and guide us who accept and believe Him as the son of God. But in the end times he will return, and bring to Him those who loved Him.

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      • EVIL1234

        Yes I know Jesus left (Diying for our sins) and then came back from the dead and accended to heaven. Yes I know I have had a Christian education. Jesus even said he will comeback as a lion, but armageddon, end days or what ever you want to call it is just 1000 years at the rule of God. after a malenia or two we will be back at square 1, do you know every part of the bible? Sharia law and all? well? Oh and I do belive Jesus is the son of God and our conduit to God, but do I have any reason to belive anything more? And What is with all of this talk of the "END" listen if War, Pestilence, Famin and Death knock on my door I will say that the apoclypse is upon us.

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    • suckonthis9

      Your perception of a supernatural creator is incorrect. Yes, they are very powerful. They are natural creatures, but very much more highly advanced. They were first here long before we became Sentient creatures. They do communicate with us occasionally. Please keep in mind that the original message that they left us has been corrupted by many people, and has become incoherent. Is there anything that you would like to ask them?

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      • EVIL1234

        Yeah, there is alot I would like to ask. And mainly what are we. All of us, because we werent humans before because of one passage "he clothed them in skin" So what were we before human?

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        • suckonthis9

          It is important to understand that there have been 8 other species of human (Homo) through prehistory, and that until fairly recently some co-existed with us, just like we now co-exist with our closest living relatives, the bonobo (Pan paniscus). What we were before becoming human was an austalopithecine, Australopithicus afarensis.

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          • uPSIDEOFDOWn

            looooovvvviiinnnnn the anthropology

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          • EVIL1234

            XD Yeah ok but I prefere the Fir Bolgs. XD you have an answer for everything I am going to say dont you?

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            • suckonthis9

              No, I do not have an answer for everything, in fact I have barely scratched the surface of Universal knowledge, so to speak.
              You have a freedom of belief, and I will not interfere with that. I, personally, have only a limited interest in Gaelic or Druid belief systems. My personal viewpoint is similar to that of the widely accepted scientific evidence through the study of Paleoanthropology.

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  • cheeseman12

    People are entitled to opinions. Some atheists think Christians are self-deluded and that religion is crazy. I don't wish to insult anybody, but this is the way I feel.

    So to answer the original question, yes it is normal. Equally, I am sure many christians can't understand why anyone WOULDN'T believe in god and think that THEY (atheists) are the self-deluded ones.

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    • suckonthis9

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

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      • disthing

        That's like your catchphrase...

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      • cheeseman12

        I'm not creating divisions in society, man. The divisions are already there. People are different.

        Sure, There's a difference between the dark-skinned muslim who prays on prayer mats at the mosque, the white christian family patriarch who takes his family down to church to worship god on sundays dressed in their sunday best, and the atheist like me and the guy that answered this question.

        All I said was you don't have to hate them for it. In fact, if the world embraced the divisions in society that already exist (ready to be exploited and turned into prejudice), then the world would be a better place than trying to not have divisions in society.

        Trying to not have divisions in society created things like racism and the holocaust if you want proof of what I just said. The holocaust was the nazis saying that everyone must be the same and there is a master race, everyone must have the same attitude and opinions.

        So are you a nazi? Think about that one. Or do you want to accept that there ARE divisions in society?

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        • suckonthis9

          You are creatng divisions in society. Yes, these divisions do exist and they continue to be perpetuated by people like you. Question: were you born with these theological divisions in your mind? Of course not, you learned them from someone.You now have these thoughts, ideas or concepts in your mind, and you continue to spread them around through your words, thus creating division in society.
          I agree with you that people are different, and thaf people will continue to be different ad infinitum. This entire notion that all people are created equal, is therefor a fallacy because of these differences. This should not
          be construed to mean that we should continue to strive for equality in society, where the greatest and most damaging inequalities exist.
          You have divided people who believe in the two most dominant branches of a religion founded by Abram (Abraham). [By the way, there are many people who believe in the teachings of Muhammad Ibn `Abd Allāh Ibn `Abd al-Muttalib, who are not dark-skinned, and many people who believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who are not 'white' and do not wear their 'Sunday best'. You are stereotyping people, and therefor you are a racist]. You then divided yourself from religious people by stating that you believe in something that does not exist.
          I agree with you that the world "embraced" (I would have used different words) division in society, and where did that get us? It has caused many wars, acts of terror, fights and greed, mistrust and numerous other behaviours that are all bad.
          I am not a Nazi because I do not believe in Autocracy or Neo-Autocracy (which is mostly what we have now), nor do I believe in one or more "superior race(s)", but that I think that it is important for people to understand the tribes (mixtures thereof) of all humans alive today.
          These negative divisions will continue to exist, as long as people like yourself continue to spread them around.
          Why are you creating divisions in society?

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          • uPSIDEOFDOWn


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  • Lolada

    Religions have no influence and take-over in one's life (until now),i don't find religion useful,but hey,if they wanna believe in something that's inspiring to them,to boost their confidence,sure go ahead.


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  • Marisol

    I believe in God and I am not a self-inflicted moron nor are those whom I know; nor am I self-deluded. You say that "(many) Christians are self-deluded". What Christians are the exception then?

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    • kit291

      yeah so true i'm a christian and i'm non of the things they've said.

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      • Marisol

        I know, hey

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        • kit291

          oh hey :)

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      Socially progressive ones.

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    • suckonthis9

      You are deluded, you said you believe in a supposed deity that does not exist. You probably should have said that you believe in Yahweh, but you have been deluded.

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      • got11

        Judging from some of your other posts on this subject, you are the deluded one. Extremely delusional. Seriously look at this guys' posts.

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        • suckonthis9

          You might be right,
          Young's Literal Translation,
          2 Thessalonians 2:10
          and in all the deceitfulness of the unrighteousness in those perishing, because the love of the truth they did not receive for their being saved,
          11 and because of this shall God send to them a working of delusion, for their believing the lie,

          I have come to tell you that this planet is dying (perishing) due to deceptiveness and injustice.
          I also have been telling you the truth, but you did not receive it for you have been saved.
          I am in communication with them, and I'm trying to put things right.

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        • Marisol

          I saw them :)

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      • Most non Jewish people refer to Yahweh as God.

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        • suckonthis9

          Yes, and they are offending them.

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          • When you use vague words like they and them it makes your point hard to understand.

            I assume that they is non Jewish people and them are Jewish people?

            All of the Jewish people that I know say God as well. When they are speaking English.

            So I am not sure but I assume that Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God and God is the English word for Yahweh.

            So now people are not allowed to speak different tongues?

            I think you may just be arguing for the sake of arguing.

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            • suckonthis9

              No, your assumptions are incorrect. 'They' are all the people who continually use the incorrect invented Germanic word for any deity, that is derived from the German word for 'good'. 'Them', are the creatures that they (incorrectly) perceive as being deities.

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      • Marisol

        That does not make me deluded :D

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    • iEatZombies_

      I assume Christians who don't live by the bible would be the exception.

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      • Marisol


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  • hahaha...betterlearnfromakid!

    sorry to rain on your parade but if you think greek gods are myths; god should be the equivalent! its more beleivable that 12 gods and goddesses made the earth than one god........ jus saying

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    • I am retro I still believe in the Greek gods.

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      • Allistalla

        LOL, than they are still alive becuase belief in them is what gives them thier power and exsistance . I like greek mythology I am a greek and romen myth nerd .

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  • nowhereboy

    I agree with everything the op wrote.

    To me their are some MAJOR flaws in religion. Flaws that can't be disputed.

    Religions main argument is that god must have existed to create the universe because somthing cant come from nothing.

    The obvious question is who created god? Saying he always existed is a cop out, the idea of god creating the universe leaves us with the same questions as we had in the first place.

    Why did god make the universe so big? I mean, he wasnt exactly efficent with the space was he? Does it not seem alot more likely that out of the billions and billions of planets ours just happens to be in the right location for life to exist? The religious argument of "look how perfectly everything had to be for us to be here" doesnt stand when you consider the size of the universe.

    Then their is the bible... as the op states, bassicly its full of shit and i have read it several times. I often wonder how many people are christian because of the fear of hell, i was once a christian for the same reason. After noticing many flaws it allowed me to think for myself about the bible, instead of being scared to for the fear of hell.

    What about the people in the world who were not brought up on christianity. Do they go to hell because they were born in the wrong place??

    Or how about all the pain and misery in the world?
    Oh yea, god just left us to it didnt he, i forgot.

    Dont get me started on the christians who say without god their are no morals. Morals are bread into us, i dont kill because i know its wrong, not because i fear hell in the afterlife.

    Religion makes up an answer for every question we throw at it because it's people are blinded by faith.

    PS id love to hear a christians argument for my questions raised :D

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    • SamuraiGallade

      You are misguided. I beleive that each person gets handled differently in judgement (due to the factors they can't control in their lives), and that reincarnation is an option.

      How did God get here? If you dont like the "always been here" idea, then the best explanation would be he somehow created himself. We may never know.

      The church today has its flaws, as do all religions. Its our job to find the truth mixed in the lies.

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    • A cop out is an admission of guilt not an excuse, not even a poor one.

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      • nowhereboy

        Just for the record you're wrong.

        "cop out - refers to taking the easy way out of a sticky situation"

        Next time you're going to try and make me look like a dick head atleast get your facts right.

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        • No that is not the 1st use of the term. Look it up, that is what popular usage has turn it into. It was 1st just an admission of guilt. Why are you so angry all the time? I was just to teach you something.

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          • nowhereboy

            Im angry because im being hated on for no reason what so ever.

            Instead of people arguing with my ideas or concepts people instead choose to correct my grammer or look for faults in my words.

            Re-read this thread, i have not had ONE reply regarding the topic i wrote about.

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            • I can see your point but I wasn't trying to be an asshole about it, I was just trying to inform. I apologize if I came off badly.

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      • anti-hero

        He is too stupid to have a come back for you.

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        • nowhereboy

          Are you serious kid?

          He didn't even present me with an argument. Why would i bother wasting my time replying?

          You're really starting to get on my tits.

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          • anti-hero

            You are a boy with tits? That is kind of freaky. He/She did make an argument, are you retarded?

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            • nowhereboy

              Your really dragging this out now like, what argument did he present?

              That a cop out is an admission of guilt?

              Not much of an argument, especially saying as its wrong.

              Why have you decided to hate on me for no reason?

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          • I did present an argument.

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    • nobleserpent

      "Morals are bread into us, I don't kill because I know"

      "Morals are bread into us, I don't"

      "Morals are bread into us"

      "Morals are bread"


      Morality is a bread now? Is it a tasty bread?

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      • SharP

        I love when someone attempts to make an argument but directly indicates their lack of education by saying things like what you just stated. I wouldnt entertain him.

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        • uPSIDEOFDOWn

          I think its plain silly that grammar is judged or disputed, ever, unless a message is completely incoherent. You got the point, man. Contemplate it.

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      • Ono

        I love the smell of morals fresh out the oven.

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        • nowhereboy


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          • Great reply.

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      • nowhereboy

        Humour fail? Thanks for the irrelevant post fella.

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        • Isn't your reply just as irrelevant fella?

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    • pyt_1185

      First of all it's bred, not bread!

      Romans 4:15 because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression. (without law, how do we know what is right, if there is no speed limit, how will I know what is too fast or too slow)

      (How else could they know about space and the Earth, and how it floats in the solar system, except for there being an all knowing God!)

      Genesis 18:25 - Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (God will judge each of us justly)

      Leviticus 26:(27-30) - 27 ‘And after all this, if you do not obey Me, but walk contrary to Me,
      28 then I also will walk contrary to you in fury;
      and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.
      29 You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.
      30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars, and cast your carcasses on the lifeless forms of your idols;
      and My soul shall abhor you.

      (37-42)37 They shall stumble over one another, as it were before a sword, when no one pursues;
      and you shall have no power to stand before your enemies.
      38 You shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.
      39 And those of you who are left shall waste away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands;
      also in their fathers’ iniquities, which are with them, they shall waste away.
      40 ‘But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, and that they also have walked contrary to Me,
      41 and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies;
      if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they accept their guilt—
      42 then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham I will remember;
      I will remember the land.
      (There are cursed nations/lands, because of Idolatry, and those who turned away from God)

      Romans 5:(18-19)18 Therefore, as through one man’s(Adam) offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s(Jesus) righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. 19 For as by one man’s(Adam) disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s(Jesus) obedience many will be made righteous.
      (It's about eternal life. He didn't say we wouldn't have pain or suffering on Earth, but he did promise us eternal life if we believe in and Love Him. The world was made imperfect by sin, it will only be paradise when we get to Heaven)


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      • nowhereboy

        Typical religious reply.

        Lots of quotes from a man written book and no logical answers to my questions.

        Im not even going to waste my time with you.

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        • anti-hero

          Im not even going to waste my time with you.

          Translation: You have no come back.

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          • nowhereboy

            Fuck you parrish.

            No come back? The kid replied quoting the bible as "proof"

            Hence why i am not wasting my time or intellect.

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            • anti-hero

              Sure whatever, if you are not smart enough to reply just admit it.

              Nowhereboy's intellect = an oxymoron.

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        • pyt_1185

          His answers are my answers! Duh, what you want me to make up stuff? The answers are there, so I gave them to you. I even took my time to find the ones that were the most plain, so you could understand completely, and you still won't receive it, but it's okay. And "typical religious" is not what God is. And God is not logical, that's why he tells us not to lean or our own understanding, but to trust in him!!

          Proverbs 3:5
          New King James Version (NKJV)
          5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
          And lean not on your own understanding;

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          • nowhereboy

            Im sorry but i want real answers, i want proof. Why should i base my entire life on "faith"?

            I appriciate that you took the time to find relevant quotes but they are irrelivant to me because i dont belive the bible is the word of god.

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          • uPSIDEOFDOWn

            Too bad that when you become religious, or are "born"/"born again", YOU are conforming YOUR own opinion to a preexisting, rigid doctrine. You create all authorities you accept. You make God in your own image.

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      • suckonthis9

        Did you not mean, "Err on the sde of caution"?
        If everyone erred on the side of caution, that would mean that no one would ever take any risks. If no one ever took any risks, then that would lead to stagnation in the development of our civilisation.

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        • pyt_1185

          and yea err, that's what I meant. and people wouldn't be "perfect", because we will still fall short, we know that. So I'm sure someone will give us something to pray about.

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          • suckonthis9

            You have used a word that descibes a habitual ceremonial practice. They regard this as an insult to them, and an insult to yourself. They recommend quiet contemplation at an appropriate time and place, instead. They frown on habitual ceremonial practices.

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        • pyt_1185

          No, it would mean that in your case, if you were wrong, you wouldn't go to hell =)

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          • suckonthis9

            I am going to try to explain this to you (I hope for the last time), so that people stop spreading these fanciful concepts to future generations of people. The word you used above in your comment, usually refers to a subterranean nether world where bad people go when they die, and the opposite, a region in space where one or more deities exist and where supposedly good people go when they die.
            Ancient people knew very little about our natural Universe. It is ironic, that some of the more Enlightened people in the Ancient Hellenic civilisation knew that the Earth was a sphere (they had measured this to some degree of accuracy) and that the solar system was heliocentric. Later people, who knew very little about the natural Universe, these being the 'followers' of Jesus of Nazareth, adopted old ideas from earlier Mesopotamian civilisation. They imagined that the Earth was flat, and that the solar system was geocentric. They imagined that when a person dies, if they are bad, they go down, if they are good, they go up among the stars. We now know much more about the structure of Earth and the properties of space. Let's suppose that this 'bad' place actually exists in the molten part of the mantle of Earth's crust. We also now know that outer space and most planets are hostile environments, few planets capable of supporting life, and fewer still capable of supporting human life.
            Please consider the following seriously:
            Let's suppose that there is a hypothetical Earth-like planet in orbit around a nearby Sun-like star like Vega. You build a spaceship, and travel to this other planet. Now you stand on the surface of the planet, and look out into space at night, towards Sol (our Sun). Is planet Earth now not in the 'good' place? What about the 'bad' place? Is it now in with the 'good' place, or did it move because you did, and is now beneath the surface of the other planet?
            There can be only two other possibilities. Some type of parallel Universe, but this is impossible. Why? If it were an antimatter Universe, it would annihilate ordinary matter, and thus you. If it were an ordinary matter Universe, it would be part of our Universe.
            The only other option left, is an Exo-Universe. I would be willing to discuss this with you, IF you promise to keep an open mind AND you try to stop spreading these old outdated ideas and concepts around.

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            • SamuraiGallade

              The terms up and down, Hell and Heaven, above and below are somewhat figurative. Besides, Heaven is outside our universe, so that's still somewhat correct. As for Hell, down means to be low, and to be low is a bit symbolic for being wretched or evil. Besides, the Bible was written by man (though most readings usually orginated from what Jesus said). It is subject to flaw.

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            • uPSIDEOFDOWn

              i have such a nerd-crush on you <333333

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  • absolutelynotme

    First off, not all Christians believe in hell. Some (like myself) don't even believe everyone is going to heaven. There are SO many different brands of Christianity, you can't lump them all together.

    Also, in Biblical times, slavery was a provision. Hear me out. Many people sold themselves into slavery because they were mostly well cared for and then they could provide for themselves and their families.

    And last but not least, not approving of homosexuality is not "homophobia". We don't like it, we aren't afraid of homosexuals. We should be allowed to have our opinions on these things just like you have your opinion that we're supposedly idiots.

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    • suckonthis9

      If you recognize that there are many 'brands', as you call it, of a religion, why do you continue to perpetuate this?

      Why are you creating division in society?

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    • nowhereboy

      Your post frustrates me.

      You can't pick and choose which bits of christianty you believe.

      Yes you should be allowed to make your own opinions on things, so should everyone.

      This is why religion is a joke my freind.

      Think for youself man.

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      • Denominations like 7th Advenstist and Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Hell. I think Mormons also do not believe in Hell but I am not sure about that.

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        • uPSIDEOFDOWn

          Mormons definitely believe in Hell. I was raised Mormon. Now you know :)

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          • Thank you.

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            • SamuraiGallade

              Jehova's Witness. Aren't they the ones who fell for the lies some man from Arizona or Ohio or some other state told? With the glasses and book? I think they're quite misguided.

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