Is it normal i think they should get rid of school or at least redesign it?

School does not cater to all children and so all children do not learn. The "No child left behind" does nothing but give these students easier classes and lets them fall behind but still pass them.

However we need to understand not all people or children are exactly the same so why teach them the same? We should be making special classes designed to cater to a child's skill and push them towards that goal.

Not demand an engineer can sing, and a singer knows how to fix a car. This will also stop bullying. If a child likes science putting them with other children that like science will not get them bullied as easily. Putting them with a bunch of people that excel in PE might get a bunch of people thinking they are strange.

(University's already do this)

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69% Normal
Based on 42 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • dom180

    I think it's very important that kids have a breadth of skills. No kid knows for sure what they will want to be as a grown up when they are still very young, and giving kids a wide education gives them the power to choose when they are older. I don't like the idea of an education system that forces kids to make such massive life decisions when they are too young to make them responsibly. You get a workforce which has no mobility.

    I also think school is not only about preparing kids for employment. It's about shaping them into well-rounded, multi-capable human beings. I'm sure the singer will be glad you taught him how to fix a car when his car breaks down, and the engineer will be glad he can sing in tune when it's karaoke night :P People are more than jobs, so people need to be educated to do more than one thing or they are helpless to function in the real world without being excessively reliant on other people.

    I agree that the way we do education should be changed, but I don't think you're moving in the right direction. I don't believe kids arbitrarily hate maths or science or sports or any other subject. Kids hate subjects which are not taught in a way that suits them. Poorly-suited teaching is counter-productive because it teaches kids that they cannot achieve in a certain field even though that isn't true.

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    • Satanic_Cereal

      I think these are good ideas.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you are an American, talking about the American school system, I think you have the wrong idea about what the system is there to provide.
    The American school system, K-12 is no longer an educational system, it is a babysitting service for all the parents who choose not to raise their own children. That there may be things that a child can learn at these babysitting centers is just a holdover from the bygone system.
    Anyone who actually would like their children educated knows that an education can only be had in the private schools system. Since these schools are prohibitively expensive for the general population, pretty soon the middle class will disappear and what's left will become drones whose only function will be to facilitate the "good life" for the new aristocracy.
    Educate the populous? Don't make me laugh.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I do agree with designing school differently. I was one of the kids who had the hardest time learning with the other students because of my attention span. I am a textile learner meaning that I have to actually be doing something physically in order to learn (doing science experiments helped me a lot more than actually watching someone else do it or hearing how to do it). Unfortunately, most of what they teach in school applies more to audio and visual learners. I guess it would be hard to appeal to all students considering everyone learns differently, and when you have one group of kids that are audio learner, another group that are visual learners, and another that are textile learners you'd have to teach each style or separate the groups but that would mean a lot more teachers who know multiple ways of teaching.

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    • They do that in trade schools.

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  • Sog

    They do have "honors" or "gifted" classes where they move at a faster pace and cover more material. Isn't that kind of what you mean?

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  • Artbuggy

    Yes, the public school systems are lacking. This is coming from someone that went through a public school system in Ohio, and strange enough we were told that our school district was one of the good ones. "excellent school district" they said.

    no one in my graduation class was fooled, even the most successful ones took their honors cords and diploma and got the hell out of there.

    I have not the slightest idea what to do about it. I just know that it wasn't good. so what I did was let my mom in on the secret and she dipped into a good chunk of her savings and now my younger sister goes to a private school.

    It won't do her any more harm than a public school would. and then there's the chance that this education will be a good one.

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  • handsignals

    The School of Hard Knockers

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    School is designed to teach you how to read write do basic math let you know the world is round, and how to sit down and shut up for 8 hours at a time. What else do you want from a free govt operated school?

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    • In that case it should not be a requirement.

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  • cupcake_wants

    If I could re-make the school system, I would change a lot of things. I used to wonder why Timothy O'leary said to 'drop out' when he just wanted love for all.. in my opinion it's because he knows school is a bit of a scam. College is WAY, RIDICULOUSLY OVERPRICED!!! Plus there are a lot of things that the 'powers that be' in high government, i.e. illuminati, has influenced lies and half truths to make us cookie cutter people that they want. THere is a lot of 'forbidden archaeology' meaning, human and Earth history that has been fabricated, on top of other things that are just plain inaccurate.

    If it were up to me, everybody would learn how to use the different herbs to take care of health problems, not be medicated with toxic pharmaceuticals. There is a show i happened to watch on the Veria channel called hot on the trail that is a lady that teaches you how to go into the wilderness and use herbs and plants that are very healthy to make food. It dawned on me, why wasn't i taught THIS in school?? I wish I would have been taught to use such plants as lambs quarters (healthier than spinach) and that dandelions are not weeds but prevent such things as diabetes. There is a high agenda reason why we have been deprived of such information.

    Also after learning about the sacred geometry, such as the flower of life. This has been found in dozens of ancient cultures because it has meaning.. and I find myself wondering.. WHY DIDNT I LEARN ABOUT THIS IN SCHOOL????? If you've ever watched the show Ancient Aliens you might find yourself wondering why we weren't taught any of these things before either.. I feel deprived of all the information I was never taught.

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  • dickwashington

    for the type of classes and separated classes and classes specifically desinged for students described above that would be at such a high cost especially for a public school you want your kid to learn a certin thing a certin way than you can pay for them to go to private school

    in my own opinion i think learning a whole multitude of different subjects in school is a really positive thing math science history and english (kinda) and at least at my school we were allowed to choose our own electives for things that intrested us i mean they didnt have the wildest selection but it was better then nothing

    and i personally do not understand this whole stop bullying thing i mean kids are little bastards to certin extent i think getting picked on a little bit is good for a kid it shows them what the real world is gonna be like and how your not always gonna be so safe and secure sometimes you have to be assertive and dominat to get what you want and you cant let anyone elses bullshit get in the way

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    • First off not all people can afford private school. Secondly all people are forced to go to school if they learn anything or not. Why force someone go to an institution to get bullied and beaten and not learn anything? Does that sound at all productive? Also how do daily beatings apply to the real world? Are you expected to get beaten when you go to work? Should a child be focusing on the fight they will get in at lunch of learning the material?

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      • dickwashington

        obviously this is a sensitive subject to you im sorry for being blunt before!

        so maybe your right not all people can afford private, people are forced to go there perhaps then we should only educate those that can afford it imagine your life if you did not know how to read or write or even do basic math forced to do hard labor for the rest of your life because you were to stupid to do anything and instead of just getting beat on all the time why not try takeing a kung-fu or boxing class at the YMCA or some shit and how for being bullied applies to the real world is just a metaphor you gotta learn to stand up for yourself dont let any body telll you what to do or make your feel afraid you gonna just let people walk all over you for the rest of your life you think the high schools bad the shit train dont stop at high school just wait until you got bills to pay working for some douch bag and the love of your life leaves you for some dick head yeah try that one out for size tell me how it feels to live paycheck to paycheck

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        • Not everyone goes to school to learn. Forcing people to do this when they don't feel like it is not going to make them productive.

          Its also very disruptive to the rest of the children who try to learn and have to deal with belligerent children sticking gum in their hair, bullying them and not listening to the teacher when they are attempting to teach.

          Why force a child who wants to learn to go to school when all that will happen is they get bullied. Its very difficult to learn when everyone else is being disruptive.

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        • Satanic_Cereal

          I agree with Anonymous on the bullying part. No kid should have to face violence. Being scared at school, is not good for a kid. I don't care what reason you think it's good for them. Even if adults deal with difficult things, that doesn't mean children are ready for that. Maybe adults can handle their problems better, if they have *not* already been traumatized by problems that were too much for them, in childhood. I think children are supposed to be free of violence and fear- to give them more ability to strengthen their character in ways that are actually good for them (learning things, discovering who they are, building their morality). Safety during childhood, would prepare them for adulthood, better than violence. Not everyone has the means or ability to take boxing classes (though that's ok as an option), nor should any kid be expected to deal with violence on their own.

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  • Pakulu_Papito_Poppadom


    pakulu make lot money from naan bread and not gon to school and i get lots sex becaus of my money. i own gas station and camel

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