Is it normal i think to catch a predator is cruel?

Don't get me wrong, when a pedophile seeks out young children they should be arrested and sting operations are useful, it's the only deterrent even though many do it with the risk of being incarcerated. I just think shows like that and whatever other projects Chris Hansen is on relating to that are somewhat cruel. Many people that get caught say "Ohhh, I knew that was going to happen!" or "Yes, I've seen the show before, I know how this works". So the show itself still doesn't deter them from pursuing young children, that's how bad their psychological addiction is, they indeed have a problem. But now instead of just being incarcerated and rehabilitated, they are humiliated in front of millions which I feel puts them at a bigger risk of suicide. Again, when intentions are made they must be arrested, but I feel creating a show out of this is exploitation, it's like a freak show.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • There was a guy who killed himself after being on that programme. Most of the men on that site are sad wannabe pedos. I think they should be arrested but also go thru psychiatric help.

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  • mrydan28

    The virgin Mary was 14 when she had Jesus, my 13th great grandmother Pocahontas was pretty young when she got married. My point is thank god they didn't have overage girls posing as underage girls back then, lots of these sick creep perverts would have filled the jails because of their,as you put it "psychological addiction" That show is sad, these guys think its gonna be the best day of their life, turns out to be the worst. I dont find it entertaining or insightful, and its sad others get off on seeing someone's misery. I'm pretty sure the show is real. Wondering why there aren't spinnoffs like to catch a drug dealer.

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    • Protagoras

      Lmao, yeah.... "What are you doing here?"

      "Uhhh, I'm just trying to sell some pot"

      "Are you aware of how young the boy is?"

      "Not really... is Jacob coming back or-?"

      "What was going through your -"

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  • nikkiclaire

    Well we know the is it normal crew couldn't give a shit as merely posting the word suicidal is enough to trigger the "feeling suicidal" response. Content be damned.

    Anyway I believe the people on the show have to give their consent if I am not mistaken, before their image is used. I could be wrong. Regardless I am pretty sure that show and shows like them are fake.

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    • Protagoras

      Their rights are void in regards to being able to consent their image on television since they are being arrested.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Regardless i still think the show is fake.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Really, source? Not saying you are wrong just curious to know. I swear I've seen blurred out criminals on Cops before.

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