Is it normal i think todays society is too dependant on technology.

I hate how people these days cannot do without their internet/phone/electricity/etc. I know people who will throw a fit if the electricity goes out. Humans lived for +250,000 years without electricity and now if someone doesn't have it they don't know what to do. I like when the power goes out because I will relax and sit on my porch playing my banjo and drinking beer. I realize I am using the internet right now but I would do just fine without it as well. I have plenty of things to do that don't require electricity. I often hope for a long term global power outage just so they are forced to deal with it. Society needs to realize we are forgetting how to survive without it.

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83% Normal
Based on 42 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • purple1498

    Technology is cool and all but it makes people weaker, stupider, fatter, and lazier.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    You realise that your beer was brewed, packaged, canned and cooled by technology. If power fell out for longer you won't laugh as much.

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  • q25t

    "I often hope for a long term global power outage just so they are forced to deal with it. Society needs to realize we are forgetting how to survive without it."

    Well over 6 billion people on this planet are dependent upon technology, especially electricity. Global food production is only as high as it is now because we have massive pieces of machinery that allow us to sustain an ever greater population, as well as herbicides, pesticides, and genetically modified foods that increase output immensely. Without these things, food shortages would be quick to follow, war then would probably break out over the scarce food (assuming we can actually get to each other), and most of humanity would die.

    Also, a long-term power outage isn't even really possible. A period of time where the global production of power is severely lessened is quite possible through nuclear holocaust or other global catastrophes (although power is then the least of our worries). The problem of the matter is that millions of people (I work with several) have the fundamental ideas of how electricity and power supplies work and could replicate the technological advancements that you want to try to do without. The fundamental principles behind batteries, producing electric power by means of burning fuel and other methods are really not all that complicated once you have the information.

    That all said, if you want to go and try to survive in the wild for a while, by all means you are welcome to. If either of us is in a Lost type of situation, you would be more likely to survive.

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  • Shackleford96

    "and sit on my porch playing my banjo and drinking beer"

    Sir, you just won several cool-points with that remark. May I join you with my conga drum?

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  • dom180

    There are lots of things we're dependent on. There are people who are dependent on books, music, their friends, cars... etc., and almost everyone is dependent on having clothes and a place to live in. Do you also hate those people?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    This is so true. However people don't like talking to me. So I come on the computer or text people on the phone. Its a type of social interaction. Since people around me just don't like hearing anything I have to say.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    yes you get a room full off people they don't talk to each other they talk via text on their smart phones.

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  • Ixu

    a lot of people depend on modern medicine (which exists as a result of technology) to keep themselves alive. i'm sure you hate those people too

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  • anti-hero

    Shouldn't you have written this in a newspaper then?

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    • Like I said in the post, I realize I am using the internet. That doesn't mean I can't do without it. I'm not against using technology, I'm against dependency on it.

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      • anti-hero

        JK bud.

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