Is it normal i think we should eliminate gender, and sexual reproduction?

The biggest issues in society is gender issues and sexual disease, disorders, crimes, and discrimination to sexuality. We are in an age where we can make babies artificially. I think we should do something like in the superman movie and make all babies gender-less.

We should give them all certain traits and send them to jobs they will be suited for. We would no longer have molestation, pedophiles, rapists and we will no longer have to worry about protecting LGBT members from discrimination.

Since sexuality itself will not exist. As well as this we have gender discrimination and gender confusion problems like GID(Gender Identity disorder). A person should not be discriminated against from Gender.

A girl did not choose to be born a girl and a boy did not choose to be born a boy. In GID a person feels they are another gender other than the one they were born with. I think part of this disorder might be caused by society's gender roles.

If we have no gender it does not matter what you do. Gender is irrelevant, and so is sexuality. That has nothing to do with character and since this is something So many judge on I think it would be more beneficial to mankind of we simply got rid of these factors. Than people could stop bickering over such stupid nonsense and we would have a wiser more intelligent society. That is not distracted by nonsense.

We have advanced so far as to fix every other flaw. Why not separate ourselves from this last genetic defect?

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 114 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 82 )
  • dom180

    Actually, you can't make babies gender-less at birth. You can only make them sexless :P

    Sexuality and gender add a lot of colour and vibrancy to the experience of being a human being. If it's possible to get rid of discrimination without getting rid of sex and gender identity without getting rid of sexuality, surely we should? You could also get rid of racism by making everyone the same ethnicity, and religious conflict by ending freedom to religion, but I think personal freedom to be a unique individual is far too important.

    Sexual violence and discrimination do not happen because we are different, sexual violence and discrimination happens because of the way we are socialized.

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    • shuggy-chan

      im just doing all my reproduction asexually

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    • iEatZombies_

      Buddy! How you doin?

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      • dom180

        I'm doing awesome, thank you. I hope you are too :)

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  • disthing

    Who would want to live in your idea of a utopia? One where every aspect of a person's personality is prescribed?


    Also, I think you have an unrealistic idea of our current ability to manipulate genes. We can't just throw in certain desirable traits and take out undesirable traits - it's far more difficult than that at the moment.

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    • dom180

      Once again, you said it better than I did.

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      • disthing

        Actually I think you said it better than I did :/

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        • dom180

          I'm glad someone thinks so :P I don't know if it works this way for everyone else, but for me reading your own words in a comment section feels a bit like hearing your own voice on a recording. I wonder if that effect has a name.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Eliminating discrimination and teaching people from an early age not to commit sexual offenses seems like a better idea than stripping people of their personal freedom...

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    • I really don't think this is as simple as you believe it to be. Not to mention we already have laws against it and it still happens. So its not like we don't already have stuff in law to prevent this but it still happens.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        No, it is not simple. Your solution is not only less simple, it is oppressive.

        And holy fuck, like putting "laws in place" matters at all. Criminal laws are not intended to protect, they are intended to deter and punish.

        Tolerance is possible. Creating a society that does not discriminate so harshly is possible. It is just slow and difficult.

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        • Why do you believe that laws are not meant to protect? I guess that rape laws are not to stop people from being raped but simply to punish that poor old rapist.

          Also how is making children oppressive? Does that mean having natural babies is oppressive too? I dont think you are using this word in the correct context.

          Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner

          So artificially making children is Unjust, cruel and burdensome? Now who exactly is this burdening?

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            I have never seen a law get out of a car and stop a rapist. I have never seen a law stop a child from being molested. Laws are meant to deter and punish. If they "stopped" anything then I guess this country has no crime, right?

            Artificially selecting which traits are better than others is oppressive. Suppressing what makes us human is oppressive. What do you do if parents want to make natural babies? Make a law to stop them? Like the law stops rapists? Ha.

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            • So you are saying if a police saw a person being raped they are suppose to allow it? Would you allow a rape or kidnapping if you saw it and could stop it? I guess you never heard of "Conspiracy to" you know that's a crime too right? "Conspiracy to commit a felony" is still a charge. Even if you never went through with the crime. So there is a flaw in this thought process.

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  • Just to clear this up for all the readers who assume this meant castration this would not be creating harm to anyone. It would be done gradually and just start introducing the artificial children and not simply going around removing the genitals that Anyone has now.

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    • charli.m

      mases with "artificial children".

      You seem to have deleted comments again. Lets jusst skip the whole bit where you pretend you don't know what do it on practically every story you make.

      Your reply to my comment you deleted:

      Anonymous says:
      @ charli.m

      Are you aware that star trek is fiction and they have sliding open doors before it existed? People have gotten ideas from fiction before. So if you really want to stop progress why not start there? With automatic sliding doors.

      No, I was not aware that sliding doors were inspired by a fictional series, but there's more than a slight difference between mechanical engineering and genetic engineering.

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  • green_boogers

    Charles Darwin disagrees with the OP. Sexual reproduction mixes genes within a species much faster than asexual reproduction does. Thusly, sexual species adapt to environmental changes much more quickly than asexual species.

    My take? To be the fittest, you have to fuck. And, care for your offspring.

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  • gorillaphant

    This is not the biggest issue facing society.

    If you want people to cease the bickering, start by making that change yourself.

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  • ...the last genetic defect? Are you kidding me? Did you not take a biology class? Go on google and find tons of genetic diseases we cannot cure so far, so gender is the LAST genetic defect we have to worry about. It's not even a defect, gender is completely natural.

    I am wondering what genetic defect made you. That was mean, sorry. Anyways. I think your view on the world is highly unrealistic and twisted and I feel sorry for you.


    Anything outside those parameters is worrying and leads to defects. You can't simply make someone not a girl or boy. And you are customizing children from birth and forcing them to go into one profession for the rest of their lives? No thanks, I happen to enjoy sex and freedom. I am pretty sure society would be more intelligent without people like you. A+ on creativity though.

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    • charli.m

      You and your actual use of intelligent and rational thought...whatever shall we do with you :P

      Thumbed you back up, anyway.

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      • shuggy-chan

        yes a rare breed on IIN. A logical person without some social retardation to incest or "in love" with there teacher/therapist/coffee cup.

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        • charli.m

          ...are you badmouthing my coffee cup, bitch?

          Them's fightin' words :P

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          • shuggy-chan

            i just dont think you should be slurring your cup like that in public

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      • Aw haha thanks! I probably take some things too seriously...and am a little mean...but man do some people irk me, ya know??

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    This whole tumblr and nonbinary thing is reaaaally getting out of control, isn't it...

    Anyways, OP, I'll have to disagree. If it pleases you, then volunteer to take part in some experiment regarding this, but eh, I'll pass. I wouldn't want religion forced on my baby, just as I wouldn't want de-sexing them to be forced. Let people make their own decisions?

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    • Never said anything about forcing religion on others people children.

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      • ScooterNyne

        They were making an intelligent comparison using an already existing and much more REAL human rights topic so that they could better help their readers understand the gravity of the situation.

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      • ㅤㅤㅤ

        What? I never said you did. I was using it as a comparison. I wouldn't want religion forced, just as I wouldn't want this stupidass sexless thing forced.

        Let people make their own decisions when they reach a certain age.

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      • jeremybrown50k

        You idiot humans in one army. All animals have gender, and non of them have a problem with it. Only idiot humans have nothing better to do than think of craps like these. Go cut off your thingy no one is telling you not to, but you cant change another person's views. We humans no matter what you say belong to the animal kingdome, and gender exists within all animals in existance from elephants to ants. People are dieing of starvation, war, and all you think of suffering is a girl being a girl and hating it? She is lucky to be alive,and be one cause millions of babys are being aborted every year. What is their right in society? Did they chose not to live? Go castrate yourself, but dont tell others what to do!

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        • Some thing reproduce Asexually and some can even change gender at will. I never said we did not belong to the animal kingdom and you clearly cant read since I never said anything about cutting off anyone's reproductive organs.

          Yes, and we would not have so many starving children if people living in homeless areas could no longer reproduce. Its not like people in these extremely poor countries and areas have access to birth control and they still choose to procreate anyways. Despite the fact they cant even feed themselves.

          If we produce people that can no longer reproduce all the children we have will be planned. There will be no need for abortion, no rape, no molestation, and no unwanted pregnancy's. That just fixed these four major issues that no one yet seems to have a reasonable solution to.

          So please explain what issues you have against artificial children? That has absolutely nothing to do with castration or controlling any children you currently have.

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          • jeremybrown50k

            No animals reproduce asexually. I am not talking about only children starving, and over population is not the only cause of starvation, though a chief cause. If no children are produced at all, the human race will cease to exist. Artificial children? Whats difference would there be if children are reproduced naturally or artificially if they are produced anyway as long as parents agree to it. We are animals, and we will continue it the animal way. If you go for the artificial way but neither would help over population. What we should concentrate on is finding another hospitable planet like Earth and colonizing those planets and dominate the galaxy. Let us ignore the shitty branch of biology and concentrate on the field of astronomy and rule the Universe!!

            As for gender, only the minority hate their gender and like all animals cats, lions, giraffes, we deserve to be either male or female, we deserve to have sex with each other, and those wo dont like it and wants to be like non living beings like computers, can go for experiments to convert themselves to androids.You go for it!!

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            • Well you clearly do not pay attention. I said that people would stop reproducing and children would be created artificially. The artificial children would also no longer reproduce and than more artificial children would be born. See the cycle? So NO! the human race would not stop existing. You really didn't even read this post did you? Why even bother with you.

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  • ravensmoon666

    I don't agree with this. This is coming from someone born female but is male and female mentally. Yes GID Is a big issue now-a-days but taking away our sexual organs will not fix anything. Who knows you may have a child who feels like they are deformed because you took away their gender/sex. Not only that there are plenty of people TODAY who will fight this because sex plays a major role in todays world. -Actual sex not gender-

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  • wii3willrule

    Not a bad idea. However, for right now I think that so long as we have children sexually, we should not assign them roles or genders, instead have them figure it out on their own, ya know?

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  • Lillyrosee

    wow, this post caused a really big discussion.

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    • wii3willrule

      Big discussions are awesome, if they are done in a non-sentimental and pro-progress kind of way.

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  • Energy

    I actually love this idea, and feel the same way. Life would be sooooo much easier.

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  • ScooterNyne

    Genetic flaw? If we were all gender-less and lacking sexuality our species would cease to exist.

    Here's my straightforward and admitedly resentful opinion. Your idea is not only absurd in that it lacks every aspect of humanity associated with living, but suggests a down right lack of mature, critical thinking. It's like saying, "To get rid of racism we have to genetically modify humans to not see in color". Whenever I hear these clowns go on about "abolishing gender" and the "LGBTQABCDEFG community being oppressed" I just wonder how we ever managed to raise a society full of a bunch of disrespectful pussy's.

    It's real simple. There are 2, count em, TWO problems.
    (1)Everyone these days is a little sensitive bitch who can't handle another persons criticism, opinion, or "hurtful" comments.
    (2)Everyone these days is a disrespective swine with no appreciation for diversity in culture.

    Having a penis, a vagina, being gay or straight isn't the issue here. It's the lack of respect for diversity. lack of respect for gays, straights, white, black, male, female, big, small, ect. ect. Diversity is what makes humanity, nature, and life so beautiful. You take away everyone's gender or sexuality and the whole world will become color blind. Which, to me, sounds like a pretty shitty world.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    That is what homos want

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  • Satanic_Cereal

    Some people are getting way too angry at this. I think. It's not like OP is threatening to come find you in your sleep, erase your gender, and have you wake up the next day, with no sexual orientation. You can disagree with the idea, and I don't blame you. But there's worse things to be angry about. I wouldn't want people to be altered this way, either- though I can also relate to it as a fantasy. Sometimes I get uncomfortable with the fact that we're all either boys or girls- and gender roles that I can't change. The way people treat me differently, based on gender, whether I like it or not. Some things about it are embarrassing, other things uncomfortable. There's been times when I wondered why I have to either be a boy or a girl, and everyone else does too. I wouldn't want to *actually* take away something from a person that is part of their body or human nature, though. It's just a feeling that comes up, from time to time.

    Who knows, maybe 10,000 years in the future, consenting adults will be able to turn themselves into androgyns- by their own choice, with advanced technology. They could live in colonies together, where everyone is an androgyn. (but wait until they are grown-ups to decide for themselves. Don't do that to babies) Everyone else can remain the way nature intended. It only seems like a fantasy, to me. I'm not OP.

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    • ScooterNyne

      I think it's a good thing people are angry. Controversial topics that get people riled up like this means that there are some out there who are still actively thinking about the future and what shape they want the world to be in while they are alive and after they die. People who are passionate about humanity and the issues we face everyday. Debate creates progress which creates a better world.

      And people have a right and an obligation to lash out at people who honestly believe in taking away human rights. People say that this is just an example. Fine. No my genitals are not endangered from this post. But if you push an idea so far, and give it volume and believers, eventually you'll have a person in power thinking the same thing. And the next President we elect, or the next Dictator in power will start making this sickos dream a reality.

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      • Again you are missing I never said anything about removing anyone's genitals. It would be artificial children introduced to the population overtime. So you assuming we should cut off everyone's privates is missing the point entirely.

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    • Satanic_Cereal

      Let me clarify; There's no reason to get angry at this poll- because it's not like this stuff is *actually* going to happen. This is a fictional "What-if?" type story. I think you all should give your opinions-- but no need to chew out OP.

      I don't understand why people look so much, for an excuse to bark at someone.

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      • iEatZombies_

        I agree.

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        • green_boogers

          Since sex is the cure for neurosis, the proposed hypothetical idea is hypothetically disturbing. Nobody actually gives a shit unless they live in a hypothetical world.

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  • sillygirl77

    This is cookoo bananas...

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    • wii3willrule

      Only as bananas as the concept of going to the moon or curing diseases. It's called scientific advancement.

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  • I think that is a terrible idea. I am very against genetically modifying humans. I remember a similar concept to this from a novel set in a dystopian future.
    Maybe instead of punishing all of humanity for the bad actions of a few people, we should punish high level sex offenders with casteration, but don't condem everyone for it.
    Also everyone thinks theyre discriminated against whether gay, black, autistic, fat, etc. maybe people should simply learn to be more tolerant instead. Who would want to live in a world where everyone is the same anyways? Sounds like a boring place to me.

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  • Mekkars

    Oh so for the actions of a few you want to penalise the rest of us.

    What kind of sick freaking weirdo are you?

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    • The point is not punishment. The point is to force the fools of society to progress. If we remove gender and sexuality we no longer have to worry about these problems.

      Think about all the females and men that never fulfilled their lives since they were stuck with a kid too early, All the people who grow up mentally screwed up since they were sexually abused, all these people that believe being part of a group gives you the right to abuse another group? We would have a lot more successful people if we simply took the factors away.

      If half of society is falling before they can succeed we have a less successful society. The first thing also determines often how good a quality of life the child has as well as how poor a person ends up.

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  • iEatZombies_

    I like my fiance's penis, you can't take that away from me. I'll hurt some innocent puppy. I like puppies.

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    • Not saying to cut it off. The idea would have to be in future generations. So it would not really have an effect on the inhabitant now. It would have to be a gradual thing. Doing something like this to current generations is impossible other from castrating them.

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  • Are you the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning?

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  • imadragon

    Wouldn't that be punishing the victim though? When people are discriminated against because of gender or sex you don't take away their gender and sex, you punish the one actually doing the crime. I think gender has to much to do with identity to be taken away, and I don't think that it would be a good thing if people were to much alike.

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    • Yes how are we going to punish someone for being sexist, racist or prejudice. Its not always a crime you know.

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  • Mark92

    No, not normal.

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • mrkrule

    Really? The BIGGEST problem? Not war or racism?

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  • xov._

    no one should judge anybody thats the point

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    • Yes, but you should know better than to believe all of humanity can be that mature.

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  • mscurriouus

    I don't think gender is a problem per se, but it is socially beneficial to drive conversations to force people to reevaluate every so often. Hive mind is such a strong tendency that I am convinced individualism must always be valued, in order to keep the elbow room to put this tendency in check. It can be daunting. It can be tiresome. It is the only way to truly change or improve a culture. We just have to accept the work and stay strong.

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  • GreyWulfen

    I agree on the fact that this is one of the great problems of our time, but yet, this method goes in the other extreme, which really isn't a good thing.

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  • sega31098

    This is the 2nd 0% story I have seen in IIN, the first one being one of my own.

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    • The what?

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      • sega31098

        Second story voted 0% normal.

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        • Somebody ruined it, its @ 16% now. Ive seen a few of them. One being my own as well.

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  • YouJustGotSERVED

    Its called gender identity DISORDER for a reason. Gender roles will never change. Its been in our race for millions of years, and is present in animals too. Look at our chimpanzee and primate cousins.

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    • mscurriouus

      Don't forget the bonobos. They're completely opposite from chimpanzees. Gender roles have changed many times. Look into the way some of the Native American tribes were ran, the Lakota is one example. Look in areas of southeast China. Go take a World Civ class. A huge chunk of gender roles are socially constructed.

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