Is it normal i think we should stop welfare?
welfare, food stamps, and section eight housing why do these things even exist? We live on a planet which is based on survival of the fittest. So why are we allowing people to eat, have a place to live, and have a little spending cash on the side. It may sound cold but I feel that we should just allow them to starve and live on the streets. Its not fair to people like me that work my ass off for what I have. While their are people out their who do absolutely nothing and plan on doing absolutely nothing, and thanks to welfare they live just as good if not better then me. Not to mention i work at a grocery store and you will never guess who the rudest people are the people with food stamps its ridiculous. One time these two fat disgusting ladies were saying how i probly don't make much money. Then when it was time for them to pay they didn't have enough money on their food stamp card.