Is it normal i think we should stop welfare?

welfare, food stamps, and section eight housing why do these things even exist? We live on a planet which is based on survival of the fittest. So why are we allowing people to eat, have a place to live, and have a little spending cash on the side. It may sound cold but I feel that we should just allow them to starve and live on the streets. Its not fair to people like me that work my ass off for what I have. While their are people out their who do absolutely nothing and plan on doing absolutely nothing, and thanks to welfare they live just as good if not better then me. Not to mention i work at a grocery store and you will never guess who the rudest people are the people with food stamps its ridiculous. One time these two fat disgusting ladies were saying how i probly don't make much money. Then when it was time for them to pay they didn't have enough money on their food stamp card.

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55% Normal
Based on 22 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Pulling welfare would only punish the children of people who actually did make the irresponsible decisions. No amount of "survival of the fittest" talk can justify leaving the young of our species to die due to unfit parents. Children can't be expected to survive on their own.

    In addition to that, survival of the fittest doesn't really apply to our species anymore. Our species prospers so much more when we live in a cooperative community (even if the cooperation is forced, in the case of welfare). I can't begin to imagine the advances in technology, education and knowledge and general that would have never happened if everyone on Earth just said "fuck it, survival of the fittest, we all fend for ourselves".

    The average family doesn't even use welfare for very long. They use it as a way to make ends meet until they either find a job (usually the situation is caused by sudden unemployment) or move or what the hell ever. A lot of hard working people end up getting fucked by life and having to seek out the extra support.

    I'm not saying that it's cool for people to get what I have to work for - I work 2 jobs, 62 hours a week minimum, plus Army Reserve duty literally whenever the fuck those guys want me and I'm a student. Trust me, I'd love to be able to have my bills paid and only have to go to school... no nevermind, I'd get restless. I just don't believe in sinking the ship just to punish a few bad passengers.

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    • atomic_pinata

      Soon most americans will be on welfare.

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    • if survival of the fittest doesn't apply to our species then explain third world countries. for children they have a specific program called WIC in which you can only by merchandise that will benefit children. that's the only program i like because it has extremely strict policies. I also don't want to see children suffer. it is just the people that abuse the welfare and food stamp programs that make me extremely angry. i know their are people who only have it because they absolutely need it and they are the only ones who should get it. but how do we sort out who does and doesn't need it?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Maybe you don't know what survival of the fittest means...

        Survival of the fittest is survival to REPRODUCE. Not survival to thrive. Not survival to build a society, survival to REPRODUCE. What is the 10/10 main complaint that people have about third world countries? That they reproduce too damned much. They may not be thriving but they survive to reproduce. If survival of the fittest is the true criteria, than these assholes that have so many children, whether or not society feeds them, are much more fit than those of us who do well in society and never reproduce.

        There really isn't a sure fire way to ensure that each and every person who is on welfare isn't abusing it and the amount of time and effort it would require to monitor each and every case would cost way more money than the welfare system itself. I don't disagree with anyone who is angry about it - I'm from the hood, I am VERY familiar with how shitty life gets for people who are raised by assholes who sit on welfare checks and do the bare minimum to survive - but without the welfare, those children would have even less.

        Every social welfare system is going to have its downsides but, as I said before, I don't believe in sinking the ship just to get rid of a few bad passengers. The individuals who game the system are a minority.

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  • There are 2 types of people on welfare.

    The first type is who most people complain about. They are often on drugs and have too many kids. The DSHS is full of them and they generally have no ambitions other than to collect welfare and be lazy.

    The other type is people who actually deserve it. This includes people with disabilities who cannot hold a job, war veterans, retired people, and other people who are on welfare due to unfortunate situations.

    Those people are often hard working people who do what they can, but life has given them unfortunate situations.
    You could say, Fuck them. Why should I have to spend my money on other peoples problems.
    Well there are a few good reasons to help them.
    Anyone could potentially become those people. If you were to ignore their health and put them on the streets it may seem it wont effect you, but it will effect society. That is because by helping them we give them a chance to get back on their feet and contribute to society again. Of course some will, and some wont, but for the ones who wont, it is a small price to pay.
    Shouldn't the point of society be to work together and support those who need a lift. Maybe someday they will help you too.

    Because of this system, obviously some people will choose to take advantage of it. That is inevitable, but is also a small price to pay.

    People complain about their tax dollars going to welfare, but it is truly one of the smaller issues that money is spent on. There are billions of tax dollars spent on all kinds of corrupt shit.

    I do think a good solution for society is mandatory sterilization of certain people who have lost the right to reproduce, but that is a whole other topic.

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    • i agree with everything you said. it is the first group you mentioned that makes me feel this way and most of the reason for this post.

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    • HoneyBadgerChic

      Bugs for president

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    • RoseIsabella

      You da man, Bugs!

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    • harddrystickysocks

      Best response to this debate that I have read in a long time. Bugs for mayor of seattle.

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  • sillygirl77

    I think people should have to do volunteer work or vocational training to collect welfare. A hand up not a hand out. If someone is disabled that's a different story they should just get the help.

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  • I agree very much with your post. Unfortunately the systems horribly abused even though there are decent people in it that do need a little bit of help to get by even though they are hard working people. The problem you mention is something I struggle to understand myself. And one that government struggles with as it relates to separating those that need the help from those that abuse.

    The further and further we get from a natural balance or "survival of the fittest" as you described is only gonna end badly.

    Just know that you have the right idea, no matter how much bullshit liberal guilt is thrown your way.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I was friends with someone who I've mentioned here a few times. She has been on welfare and all sorts of other shit for like 14 years. She does not deserve the help. She has gotten worse and worse over the years with heroin and just being a scumbag in general, not caring for her kids, getting pregnant more times than anyone can count, etc. Back when we were 26 she got an entire new set of teeth for her filthy whore mouth. No charge to her of course. Oh blah, Im done putting thought into this chick. I hope she dies.

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  • thegypsysailor

    After an injury that left me unable to work for 6 months (on dr's orders) I had to accept some government assistance. I found it astounding how many people drove to the social services offices in Mercedes and Lexus cars.
    If I was running social services, one employee would be in the parking lot taking down plate numbers to have those people investigated. It seems to me if someone's down on their luck, they should trade the high end car out for a Toyota and use the cash from the trade to support their families.

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  • Motorhippy

    People like you have no idea what you're talking about, people like you have never been in it, you don't know a damn thing about the places you talk down on because you're so afraid of what the news tells you. Living in places like that and growing up in one is a vicious self destructive cycle of which you have no understanding.

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    • Motorhippy

      And the notion that most people on welfare are on drugs is bullshit, total bullshit, upper middle class-upper class white people in America spend more money on drugs than any other place in the world.

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  • Yes as I had said there are people who have legitimate needs and benefit from assistance. Just because of that doesn't make welfare a "successful" program and "necessary". And spewing the liberal guilt trip of "just because you've had it easy, doesn't mean everyone has" is just more bullshit and more of the same coddling we continue to do for people who just refuse to be responsible.

    I have no illusions of forcing people to live a life that "conservatism" dictates as being "correct". There are plenty of people who continuously take advantage of the system without any repercussions whatsoever and that will only end badly.

    Life is harsh, life is cruel. Cry me a river already. Tell me exactly when those people became my responsibility and save your liberal guilt bullshit for a sucker.

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    • dirtybirdy

      Heyyy buddy...who ya talkin to

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  • howaminotmyself

    Many of those who have lots of money don't actually deserve it. And many didn't earn it themselves.

    The system is flawed, I can agree with that. However there will always be people who take advantage of any system. Many do actually use it for its intended purpose. I'd rather a few abuse it than for none to have it at all.

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  • JD777

    I hear ya, but wouldn't want the social programs eliminated. Some people have a need, but way too many people abuse the system. I can't believe the crap food these people can buy with food stamps/cards.

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    • exactly and on several occasions they have come up to the register with 4-5 hundred dollars worth of food! Its all good food expensive merchandise and sometimes they don't have enough money to pay for it all. So they have me take the meats off their bill. Which means i have to throw it away because once meat warms up we can't legally sell it. Makes me especially mad when they get hundreds of dollars worth of food using food stamps then they whip out a wad of twenty dollar bills to pay for make up and video games and crap like tha. i sit their with my mouth open thinking where the fuck did that stack of cash come from and why do you need food stamps.

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  • westoptic

    You welfare bitchers are worst than the welfare users. Like, get the fuck over it. Not everyone is born into a perfect circumstance. I've never had to use welfare or government assistance but will support it to my dying breath. Letting underprivileged people suffer and die isn't a fucking solution to anything. Try living a week in their life for once instead of being a judgmental dick about a situation you refuse to empathize with and understand.

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    • Unfortunately your viewpoint is the one that the mooches and leeches use to make the people who actually work and are responsible feel bad about the mooches poor lifestyle choices.

      Sure there are people who do legitimately need some extra help, but there are just as many, if not more, who just sit on their ass all day long, drinking beer or smoking weed and feel content to just do that. And than they throw out the "don't judge me" bullshit when people call them out on their continued poor choices. Those people don't deserve compassion or assistance, they should live on the street until they are forced to take responsibility for themselves. And if they resort to breaking the law they should be locked up.

      Nobody promised life was gonna be easy or fair and giving up when life throws hardship your way is bullshit.

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      • westoptic

        Anecdotal examples of lazy people do not constitute the entire population of people who use government assistance. It seems to be a heartfelt, conservative strategy to throw people out on their asses to suffer in the streets when they don't live a lifestyle that you deem acceptable by your own standards. So increasing the homeless population will benefit society how...?

        I don't give a fuck what people do with their own money. I see people who have never used assistance their entire lives that live in the same manner that you describe. Unless you're doing something to change their situation, guess what? You're just as lazy and useless as you think they are. I hear more people bitch and share stupid posts about welfare on a daily basis than actual people on welfare bitching about it. Like, get the fuck over it already.

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        • Your one of the people who end up bringing down a civilization either because you are one of the leeches or for some ridiculous reason buy into their bullshit.

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          • westoptic

            I'm a leech because I care for my fellow humans that you prefer to look disdainfully down upon? Because I've seen people legitimately starving and trying to get by on government assistance? Because I'm from a Province with one of the highest rates of unemployment and lowest rates of job creation, highest rates of cancer and disease in my country? In case you missed the part where I said I've never been on welfare, allow me to reiterate: I've never been on fucking welfare. I've worked my ass off my entire life and so have many of the people you look down upon, I've just been lucky and I was born into a situation where I didn't have to decide between paying the bills or getting groceries.

            You are the reason civilization is like this; because you are selfish and self serving and because you choose to lump everyone into a convenient little "lazy" umbrella because it's easier than actually opening your eyes to the stark reality a lot of people are living. You're full of bullshit, and you parrot all the fucking lies all the rich people and upper middle class tell you from their pedestals.

            You want to change the way the system is? Then shut the fuck up, get the fuck up and go help these people. In case you've never cracked open a book, educate yourself on the poverty cycle. You think society would be better off without the government helping people? Then go live in a fucking cave where no one elses existence will bother you, because you're worse than the people you complain about. It's easy for you to judge and insist that "poor" people must look poor, they must suffer because of their situation, eat terrible food because it's inexpensive, wear old clothes because they don't deserve new ones, and foresake any possible luxury they might cling to because they don't deserve a quality of life. Fuck you. You fucking asshole.

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            • The funniest thing about people like you is you're all the same and so easily understood.

              I don't need to understand how or why or whatever reason there may be as to why people exist in poverty. People have been living in poverty since we started walking upright. You, delusionally, think it's suddenly gonna end by "educating" people. Well guess what some people don't wana better themselves, some people don't wana learn or do anything "work" related to improve their quality of life.

              Grow up already and save your liberal guilt trip for someone more gullible.

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