Is it normal i've been sick for 2 months?

I've had the flu for about 2 months now. Whenever I think it's gone finally and I go partying, it's back and I can't get out of bed and have to sleep for 12 hours. I've been on antibiotics twice during this time because it's been getting to heavy and it worked as long as I was on them but then it gets back. It's starting to get really exhausting.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Antibiotics are not to be used for the flu. Misuse of antibiotics is only makes them ineffective.
    I doubt that you actually have the flu from your description, but some sort of much more serious problem. Your only intelligent course of action is to go to a doctor immediately, since it could be anything from an immune deficiency to mono, as stated above.

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    • bucho's_butt

      That's so retarded when doctors prescribe antibiotics for colds and flu. I have a friend who is convinced that they help him and he always goes to get antibiotics when he's sick with anything. How a doctor could be that out of date and unethical is really alarming.

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  • snarkygirl

    It sounds like mononucleosis. Get a test but know that the test can come up false negative. I had mono and felt like crap for around 3 months. Either way maybe antibiotics isn't what you need.

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  • CountessDouche

    First off, maybe stop partying when you're just getting over being sick?? Second, I agree with that snarky bitch :P up there; could be mono, but the symptoms don't usually include nausea like the flu.

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  • Lonely2

    It sucks ...but sometimes certain illnesses linger and linger..I had a sinus infection for 2 months one time and it finally went away and I was totally back to yes, it happens

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  • I_Hate_My_Life123

    You should try boosting your immune system to help fight of the pathogens faster.

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