Is it normal i want this much plastic surgery?

I want:

1. Jaw reconstruction - I hate my round/square face shape.

2. Nose job - My nose isn't perfectly straight and it spreads and looks huge when I smile.

3. Something to fix my crooked smile - one side smiles more than the other.

4. Face-lift to get rid of natural crow's feet, eye bags, and smile lines - I have crow's feet and ugly creases under my eyes when I smile and I'm already getting smile lines in my 20's.

5. Hip dip filler - I can't stand a hip dip figure but was cursed with one anyway.

6. Reshaping my eyes - I have plain looking eyes.

I'll look like a completely different person and IG some people will call me fake but I don't like my body or face and want to change it.

Voting Results
11% Normal
Based on 18 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • litelander8

    I went to high school with a chick that was super ugly. She got a fuckload of facial work done. Now you can’t tell if she’s ugly or has a health complication.

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  • Mammal-lover

    See I used to want some face work done but decided against it body work yes though. I do want m yh eyes adjusted though.

    You may want to talk to a therapist about this as its generally a mental problem of sorts wanting to chang ed your whole appearance

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  • McSorley

    I'll never understand why people willingly put foreign crap into themselves just to look worse, most of the time. Let's face it, unless the doctor is God, you can totally tell when someone's had work done.

    Duck lips and those giant Kardashian asses look completely ridiculous. Plastic surgery also requires upkeep, so you're going to be "upgrading" yourself for life and end up looking more plastic and fake as you get older.

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  • ellnell

    Sure if that'd make you happy but i've rarely seen plastic surgery that doesn't turn out looking awful especially when you do that much. It never ends up looking good or natural. Personally i'd just focus on learning to be happy with my body. Confidence shines through and can make anyone look good.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I want lip fillers and a boob job but nothing super drastic. It’s normal to want to improve your appearance.

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  • Clunk42

    You sound like a wimp with low self-esteem.

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  • Sanara

    Be careful with plastic surgery. It can sometimes make things even worse and you will find countless examples of that among celebrities. I have some things I dont like about my own appearence as well (Im sure almost everyone has) but Im not gonna take surgery for it.

    Aside from that just regular surgery of any kind has some risk that something may go wrong. But either way its your choice

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  • SmokeEverything

    What actual problems is your phyiscal appearance causing? Think of the drugs booze and ATVs you could buy with that surgery money

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      always buy used atvs

      depreciation on new is galacticaly huge parts are cheap and theyre real easy to work on

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      • SmokeEverything

        I don't buy anything new. There's enough used stuff that already exists. Plus like, youre buying a quad specifically to beat the piss outta her.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          i splurge on new toothbrushes and mattresses

          its like im a billionaire over here

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          • SmokeEverything

            Haha I got no money. Im 31 sleeping on a mattress thats older then I am. At a point where brushing teeth is basically just painful.

            There's enough old lawnmowerrs nobody needs to buy a new lawnmower. Same goes for quads and go karts and stuff. Cut down some old skis and bolt em to an old bike frame, you got a decent sled. This is the stuff they should teach in school

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              well theyre sure makin shit shittier & shittier to thwart people fixin it

              also secret information unavailable hardware drives (goofy shaped screw heads) quickly changin production runs (4 different carbs used in the same model year) and expensive modularized parts (that proprietary sized o ring aint available you gotta buy the whole motor)

              these assholes make it as difficult as they can in order to make people throw their hands in the air and head to walmart for a new whatever it is thats even worse to fix

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  • --

    Yeah, its normal to want to look better when you are ugly.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Problem is people with too many plastic surgeries just look kinda creepy. Look at michael jackson. He's scary af.

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