Is it normal i want to do a fast?

Ive been reading about several ways to improve your health and one is a fast with just juice and broth for a few days. It's supposed to detox and balance symptoms of yeast overgrowth. I mentioned it to my mom and boyfriend and they both acted like I'm nuts for considering. I don't think it's that far out...?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Freedom_

    Juice is actually pretty filling, especially if it's fresh from the fruit/veggie. I don't think it's crazy, I'd like to try a fast someday too.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I do the Master Cleanse every so often.

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  • lightandlove

    mono diet (like apples, melon, juice etc.) for one day a week is a good idea, but doing it for longer time might not be as good for you as you had hoped. I think a good healthy diet on a regular basis (with something naughty like chocolate on some occasions) would do more good to your health. I did some fastings (no food at all for up to 4 days at a time) and it is definitely not as good as mono/light days once a week and healthy eating otherwise. I also think that you should be careful with fresh juice as it is very concentrated... Also, to improve my health every morning 20 mins before my breakfast I drink a cup of warm water with juce of 1/2 lemon + 1/4 tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda (to reduce acidity of lemon) + 1 tea spoon of honey. I add bicarbonate as otherwise it is too acidic on the teeth - or use a straw to sip it through. I have been doing this for a year now. It does wonders to my health - and I also lost almost all of my stomach as a result ;)

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    • Thanks this is helpful

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  • flyingnostalgia

    Fast as you never had

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  • thegypsysailor

    As for yeast overgrowth and detoxing, that's pretty much bunk.
    Fasting on the other hand can be very good for you, but only if you use fresh squeezed juice. Both processed juice and broths have way too many chemicals in them to balance the damage the chemicals do, against the benefits of fasting.
    I'd read up on fasting from a reputable source, not some idiot pushing a new fad or wonder cure.

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    • itsnotnormal4

      You pretend to sail the world from your mother's basement.

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