Is it normal i want to go to college, but i don't.

I'm going to go to college for computer engineering next year, and I'm happy about it. But I cannot stand snobby little college kids who think they know how the real world works and thinks they're so much better than everyone who didn't go to college. They wouldn't survive for a week on the streets. I hate when people go on the Internet and post about how much they hate "uneducated" people and think they should be sterilized. Since these people are so educated and so superior, why don't they do some research on the recovery from tubal ligation? A person who dropped out from high school is just as much a person and deserves just as much dignity as anyone else. If someone's a meth-head or a lazy bum, criticize them on that. Adolf Hitler was educated. Is it normal that I'm dreading going to college because I'll be a first-generation college student and I don't want to have anything in common with the fuckheads who insult my family? And anyone who refers to a child as offspring or part of a litter is an inferior human being. Sometimes I wonder if it really is wrong to hate everyone that isn't from the Carolinas. But it is, I guess.

Oh, and I know this will be a shocker, but some people have lives that aren't about how much money they can get.

And no, that probably isn't a proper paragraph, but I'm writing my thoughts down, not writing an english paper.

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64% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    Hey, I was just glad to get away from those high school brats when I could. When I first entered college, I was amazed at how much more mature people were, and I felt a lot more at ease than I ever could in high school. I was at a junior college, so I don't know how much of a difference that made, but when you get there, don't concentrate on the people. Concentrate on your goals. After all, this is just one step in your life.

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  • q25t

    What area of the country are you in and are you going to a smaller university or a larger one?

    I can answer for small or large if you're anywhere near the Midwest.

    If you're going to a relatively small college, stop worrying. People that think like this are in the minority. They are there but they're eveywhere. I couldn't tell you if this applies to the rest of the country.

    If you're going to a larger college, then you can simply ignore all these people and make friends with the people who you don't despise. Also, this bit probably applies to every large university in existence.

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  • Pyro-NJ

    ^ This

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  • ibreathelectric

    See I felt the way you do about high school. I HATED it. The people there acted word-for-word how you described them. But when I got to college I had a totally opposite experience and I absolutely love it. Maybe you need to transfer colleges or something, because I assume at least a portion at that age are mature enough to not annoy the living hell out of you... however small. But at least be open to making friends you may have overlooked who might share your same feelings- there's people out there, believe me. Besides, when you get out of college none of that stuff matters anyways. Just like high school.

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  • kelili

    Who cares? Just go and study

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  • PumpkinKate

    ^ I hope venting helped.

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    • It did.

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