Is it normal i want to kill my neighbors' kid?

My neighbors have a kid, a really annoying one, he plays with other kids. But the problem is that he plays football AT LEAST 4 HOURS EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK, EVERY TIME!!!... IN MY SAME STREET!.

He yells, and yells, and keeps yelling. For 4 hours, non-stop.
And because I have my gaming room facing my street, I can hear every detail of their yelling.

I have a heavy, feeble hunting rifle with pellets and a Light and powerful machete and I can't stand this anymore.
The only thing I can do apart from that is just having the headphones at max volume and slowly killing my ears...

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43% Normal
Based on 42 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yeah so yallre gonna hit the kid with a machete and shoot him with yalls rifle?

    see yalls in the big house

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  • wistfulmaiden

    We have a kid around here that just shrieks and grunts all day, all the time. No idea why but the parents look inbred so maybe the poor kid is mentally sure gets annoying.

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  • notaterrorist

    go out and tell him to fuck off. If his da comes round tell him to fuck off. if he refuses to fuck off, punch his head in. if you can't take him, hit him with a stone

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    • Ace9


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    • Short4Words

      you forget to tell him to shank his fokken nan

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      • notaterrorist

        that's just silly

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  • westoptic

    You're inside playing video games, and you're pissed that kids are outside playing. You have perfectly summed up the fuckedness of this generation.

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  • G(d

    I wouldn't trust a pellet gun to do the job, go with the machete.

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  • MonkeyD.Luffy

    or tell the parents you were abused at a football game and that you have ptsd and your therapist told you that they shouldnt play in the streeta nd suggest a park or something

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  • MonkeyD.Luffy

    pop the football

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  • PeterFile

    Batter the lil cunt its the same down my street but theres 3 of them & fuck me Mommies a cop so nobody allowed to say a thing i'm close to doing the bitch cop for bringing 3 fucking retards into the world boom boom die bitch die

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  • Flaze

    Why don't you get out of your gaming room, and go play football with him instead?

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  • Dot123

    Do it. Make it look like an accident.

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  • Shackleford96

    Why don't you just go out there and ask to play football with him? You probably aren't that good at it (no offense, I'm just assuming), so naturally, he'll get irritated. You just have to be more irritating than he is.


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  • modernism

    4 hours a day? That's a lot of football. He might end up being an NFL Player when he grows up.

    Might wanna be nice to the kid so you'll get sent a nice check 20 years from now.

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  • LuxM4G

    Well, I'd strongly advise you to talk to his parents. If that doesn't work, check if any neighbours have the same complaint, nonetheless, call the police, it's forbidden to play football in the street. Don't let yourself become infuriated by it, it's not the kids fault.

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  • chained_rage

    Your street?

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  • dirtybirdy

    Ya ok. You're in your game room, uh huh, and the kid is outside, mmkay, so you're upset that he's outside uh huh while you're gaming in an imaginary room in your parents house or some shit with weapons that you don't have but would use on a kid playing outside uh huh cus he's disturbing your gamer time dum dum get a job.

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    • FJK_frm_AK25


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  • Ellenna

    Capital punishment of a child for yelling? Have you asked him to stop yelling? Have you spoken to his parents? Have you tried anger management? Ifhe's playing on the street, have you reported it to the poice?

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