Is it normal i want to live in alaska?

I don't have experience in most of the type of jobs you'd find up there. Can you start your career over and learn something new in a couple years like a trade or something?

I want to get away from:
hot weather
high cost of living
POC (they don't like cold weather)

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 11 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • KholatKhult

    Lol, I used to visit Alaska w couple times a year a few years ago. Alaska and Russian villages have a lot in common.

    I think you have a disconnected view of Alaska, it is not a white state, there is a large Native population and a large Native culture, you will have to assimilate.
    Also living there is not cheap. At all. It is also very disconnected, supplies are few and inbetween. There is also a lot of substance abuse and a lot of crime. Very high suicide rate. And connecting with that, a high level of poverty, unemployment, and mental health crisis.

    Standards of living are very different, not a lot of properties with true indoor plumbing unless you live in the city. You have to understand ‘remote’ living has high costs, imported goods are insanely expensive.

    You can avoid almost all of this by living in the major cities of Alaska, but like all major cities, they will be diverse, liberal, and expensive

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    • RoseIsabella

      I've always heard that Alaska is the rape capital of the United States.

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  • Whatintarnation

    The mosquitoes carry you away up there.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Milk is like $20 a gallon up there!

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    • jethro

      I lived up there for 9 years and I never paid that much for milk. It was about the same as it was in the lower 48. Don't believe what you see on reality TV.

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      • RoseIsabella

        It would still be too cold for me though.

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    • What about housing and other supplies like toilet paper or bread?

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      • RoseIsabella

        I dunno, I only know about the milk, because of shows I've seen about people living in Alaska.

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    • ospry

      Not if you milk the cows yourself!

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      • RoseIsabella

        That's true, but it's also a lot of work for me, and my chronic pain.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Alaska is beautiful. During the winter theres frozen lakes they pay truckers to go over and in one winter you can make like 200k

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    • Can anyone do that job as long as they have the right truck and know how to handle/maintain it?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        You gotta be reasonably healthy to pass your dot physical. You gotta know how to change tires and do basic things if your truck breaks down. Its pretty dangerous thats why it pays well. No ones coming to help you for along time if somethong goes wrong. I wouldnt do it and I am already a truckdriver. But it pays well and you only gotta work a few months a year

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  • malaparte

    Be prepared to work long hours for room and board in a dangerously-run cannery full of people who don't speak English very well. Expect crime and poor people who see roadkill moose as a cheap dinner.

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  • Kmoshea5

    I don’t see anything unnormal about picking a city of your choice and committing to being a resident of that city? When my parents divorced, my Dad ended up staying in Missouri and my mom went to Colorado. I’ve been in Denver Colorado since then and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

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    I'd never live up there in the cold with crackpots.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    You're mad that pocs don't like cold weather?

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    • RoseIsabella

      I don't think he's mad about it per se.

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        Well, he's upset enough if one of his reasons for wanting to move to Alaska is because pocs don't like cold weather.

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        • Your logic is disjointed.

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