Is it normal i want to moderate this site?

Long time user (almost 6 years) and used to frequent here almost every day and to see this site wither and die due to the actions of some particular users saddens me greatly.

I wish I were a moderator so I could ban these users immediately.

is it normal I wish I were a mod?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 34 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 75 )
  • mystery7

    Is there even a moderator on this site?

    I think the mods are asleep at the wheel.

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    • I think they're just so busy they don't have time to frequent here every day?

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  • flyingnostalgia

    You should give it a try, but then again i think this site is on the point of no return.
    btw are you Darkoil?

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    • It's not that far gone, I'm convinced I can fix it, and no I'm not.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Be careful what you wish for

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    • I'd love it. IIN has lost it's way and just needs a quick clean up.

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  • CountessDouche

    It would be nice to have a moderator who was more proactively involved...and just here more often. If someone could delete comments from the trolls in addition to banning the accounts more frequently, they'd probably give up. Maybe you should email the management- if you'd do it for free, I don't see why they wouldn't give you a shot.

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    • Exactly this, I'd be more than happy to do it for free. Just give me the tools and let me make this site great again.

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      • Crow

        Do it and keep us posted, man!

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      • CountessDouche

        Do it! This place needs it.

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  • BlackyHancock

    If I was mod on this site I'd rule with an iron fist/mouse.

    Extreme trolls would be gone as quick they made their accounts. SEAL Team Six would be despatched in the dead of night to sort them out.

    FBI would be masquerading as users like autumn and djpatties

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    • That's the spirit.

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  • Captain_Flatulitis

    I just don't understand you self righteous posters and story creators who refuse to accept what your eyes actually show to you regarding differences between races of people. You adamantly will not give up the political correctness crusade and refuse to accept reality for what it is.

    I don't care how many accounts I have to make, and how many times I get banned. I will continue to say what I want to say, how I want to say it, and when I want to say it. I don't care if anyone's feelings get hurt and I don't care if it could be perceived as insensitive.

    Life is harsh, life is cruel. Accept that.

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    • NakedStevesJigglyBits

      You're such a hypocritical piece of shit. "i'm right, everyones wrong." . You like to offend but are easily offended. You bitch about political correctness but demand to be heard and taken seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you besides a basic lack of human decency?

      If you act like a jizz bucket don't be surprised if people treat you like one.

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      • Captain_Flatulitis

        You don't even understand what the term hypocrite means. Its also a term true hypocrites use as an insult (read you). See being a hypocrite would entail being critical of your stupid screen name while mine is just as stupid.

        I don't need to be politically correct and I don't need to accept equality. If YOU disapprove of that well that's just something YOU will have to accept or perhaps you can fuck off, I don't really care either way, as I will never meet you in real life. I'm not offended by what you or anyone writes about me or to me. That is YOUR wishful thinking.

        This isn't real life Steve, you see that's where your term of "human decency" has actual meaning, this is just the Internet.

        Time to get out of the basement and get some sunshine, Steve.

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        • NakedStevesJigglyBits

          The difference between you and me is that I enjoy life and people in general while you're the miserable one who has to spend his time on the internet voicing his dissatisfaction with life and people because you don't have the balls to challenge your assumptions in the real world. You'll find that the more people you actually go out and meet the less you will generalize.

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          • Captain_Flatulitis

            Sure you do Steve, that's why you find it so necessary to tell me that you enjoy life and people in general. What you are doing in saying "I'm miserable" to me is projecting. I also find it funny how so many of you sheep seem to target me and what I say, if you don't like what I say just ignore it or thumb it down I guess as if that matters. You seem to think its your duty to castigate or even censor my opinions, it isn't.

            I don't need to voice my satisfaction with life (or lack thereof according to you). You know why? Because #1. It has nothing to do with this website. #2 Who cares? How ironic it is that you talk about my supposed assumptions when you, yourself just made a very presumptuous assumption about me. Remember your use of the term "hypocrite"? I do.

            You talk about me generalizing people, if you look back through my posts you will see I rarely, if ever, use racist terms, other than screen names. I use it for screen names sometimes because I find it funny. If some people are offended by that, well they will just have to get offended and deal with that. If they think it is perhaps immature well they can think that. It wont change me doing it.

            I happily await your response Steve.

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            • NakedStevesJigglyBits

              I'm done arguing with you, you festering boil oozing with pus. Be a good boy and say your prayers before bed and one day maybe you'll get to see an actual vagina so you won't have to use your imagination & vigorous hand motions.

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            • NakedStevesJigglyBits

              You're such an immature douche. You're miserable and you love listening to yourself piss and moan.
              You bitch when people are nice to others who have problems and complain that it's political correctness. Then you whine that its censorship when people tell you to shut up. Like myself, they probably get sick of listening to your bullshit. Grow up.

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  • LGGAR Why did you remove your comment?

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    • LittleGirlGaggedAndRaped

      Because I'm a little smarter then that. They are my comments to delete.

      Why did you remove my comment? You are anonymous and should have no vested interest in deleting my comment but you did. Like a judge your supposed to be impartial. You have an interest in being a mod with this behavior?

      The question I ask you is why did you remove my comment?

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      • I didn't remove any of your comments. I don't remove comments unless they are off topic or distasteful and yours was neither.

        I was waiting for your reply and when I came back you had removed it.

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        • LittleGirlGaggedAndRaped

          1) I replied to coumans message 2) You replied to my message to couman with a question regarding my account 3) I replyed to your message. 4) I deleted my initial comment to couman wiping out the entire thread starting at my reply to couman. I didn't know that's how it worked.

          The reality is I deleted your comment as well as mine. Why? Because I'm the god damn mod and I can do that. haha

          You looking forward to the new Pee-wee's Big Holiday Movie 2016?
          Some people say he's a "wack-job" what do you think?

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          • Not my type of film. More of a horror fan myself.

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  • FJK_frm_AK25

    Baby that thon the thon thon thong

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    • Captain_Flatulitis

      You have the IQ equivalency of a loaf of bread. Not fancy multi-grain or gluten free bread. Just plain white bread.

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      • handsignals

        You mean you want to give your opinion and block people who disagree with you.

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        • Captain_Flatulitis

          No, I just debate people who disagree. I also have no idea why you responded to my comment.

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          • handsignals

            I'm confused arr you the OP?

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            • Captain_Flatulitis

              No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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      • FJK_frm_AK25

        Wonder bread

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      • FJK_frm_AK25


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  • thegypsysailor

    So start your own site and moderate that to your heart's content.

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    • Make one for me.

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      • thegypsysailor

        I'm several rungs below a chimp when it comes to computer literacy.

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        • Forestheart

          At least you're truthful sometimes.

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          • LittleGirlSadisticalySodomized

            Don't leave this site misery loves company.

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  • Captain_Flatulitis

    I'm a long time user of this website as well. It used to be a bunch of post adolescent pre adult children that would come on to the site to lament the frustrations of their virginity or the fact their mommy divorced their daddy and now they don't like mommy's new boyfriend, blah blah blah. And other users of presumably the same age bracket would comment to them along the lines of "there, there, it will be alright". Even if you weren't a troll it was quite difficult to resist the temptation of trolling this silly children who clearly had no idea of how harsh and cruel life can and is at times.

    Now we seem to have attracted a new set of users, users who understand "freedom of speech" doesn't mean "freedom of speech as long as it is politically correct". And aren't afraid to say how they really feel or what their eyes actually show to them instead of regurgitating agenda driven liberal media nonsense.

    I'm excited to say the least, I think this website has been taken in bold new directions and I wont be going anywhere, anytime soon. No matter how many times I'm banned.

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    • No, you see, that's were you're wrong. People have forgotten that freedom of speech is a privelage and not a right. Freedom of speech doesn't entitle you to be an asshole. Freedom of speech doesn't entitle you to promote rape, racism, hate and child molestation. Freedom of speech doesn't entitle you to bully, harass and target individuals on this site. That's not freedom of speech, that's just wrong.

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      • Captain_Flatulitis

        Rights are a privilege, in fact if you look up the word "privilege" you will probably find the word "right" in the definition.

        What is "racism"? The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics specific to that race that distinguish it as inferior or superior.

        Now with that definition being said I have an honest question for you. Take a look at European civilization and compare it with African civilization.

        Why do you think there are such vast differences between them?

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        • Your definition of racism is wrong. Racism is discriminating someone of there race or culture, pure and simple. No one has the "right" to discriminate.

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          • Niggers_on_powertrips

            Again you just have a differing opinion on the actual application of how the definition is interpreted. I interpret it as my choice based on real world observations, you take the conclusions I come to as racism.

            You also interpret "racism" as a negative. I just view it as simple logic.

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            • There is no such thing as an opinion on the definition of racism. Your opinion is wrong.

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      • Niggers_on_powertrips

        No, that is exactly where you are wrong. I saw through this post immediately. There is no legally binding contract to set up an account here, and users are free to say what they wish.

        You just disagree with opinions outside of your own.

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        • It's not an opinion when it's wrong.

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          • Niggers_on_powertrips

            Who says it is wrong? You? Who says it is being an "asshole"? You? That's your opinion. It doesn't mean you get to censor my opinion. And yes you need to familiarize yourself with freedom of speech rights. If I am not putting anyone's life directly in danger i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater, I have every right to say what I want.

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            • TheWrinklySailor

              You're a moron.

              You don't have a "right" to freedom of speech on a privately owned website. This website is not a government entity, it was created by an individual who can set forth whatever terms of service he wishes.

              Any moderator would be here to objectively enforce the terms of service, which can be anything the site owner wants. If he wants to ban anyone who uses the word orange, then he has the right to do so. You've violated the TOS of this website on multiple occasions, which is why you have been banned on multiple occasions.

              If you don't like it, go start your own website, you whingy twat.

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            • No, you don't have a "right" to say what you want. That "right" becomes invalid when you promote hate towards other people.

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    • NakedStevesJigglyBits

      So speaketh the Bucketfull of Braindamage.

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      • Captain_Flatulitis

        Steve my man, what's up bro? How's the ladies treating you?

        Did you lose your virginity yet? You don't need to bother with a mom insult, its not even silly nor approaching funny.

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        • NakedStevesJigglyBits

          Just exercising my freedom of speech Capt Fellatio.

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          • Captain_Flatulitis

            Fat chicks usually aren't picky, instead of focusing on stuffing your fat face, focus on stuffing the fatties fat face.

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    • LittleGirlGaggedAndRaped

      Damn Captain, you're gettin some virtically disinclined votes on this one.

      It seems you've struck a nerve, exceptional posting. Hats off

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    • dindu_nuffin

      The Trump Effect

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