Is it normal i will probably commit suicide if i end up working behind a till

This is a serious question. I did two weeks of work experience and I felt hopeless because I am so inadequate at it. The little self-esteem I had plummeted. My heart filled with dread every time I woke up. I endured hours and hours of pointless, hopeless boredom.
If I had to face that nearly everyday despite my possessing more potential, I think I would have to end it, in combination with other hopeless factors in this existence.
I am working hard for it not to happen. I am driven by fear.

Voting Results
46% Normal
Based on 26 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Darkoil

    Trust me you will contemplate killing the customers first.

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    • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

      So very true.

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      • wistfulmaiden

        Im plotting their untimely demise right now...

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    I've been a cashier for two years now. everyday feels as if I am undergoing the world's slowest lobotomy. Although your feeling are akin to mine, I don't believe it is normal. While it is just a college job for me, I know many others that want to spend the next seven years accumulating hours behind the till so that they can reach the top pay of $17.45/hour.

    I believe your feeling this way indicates that you were meant for something bigger. Perhaps it's just me projecting my hopes.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Get yourself some xanax. If you cant cope with life it helps a lot.
    There are much worse jobs than a cashier...roofer, factory worker...janitor in the sewer, chicken sexer, you get me. Its not a fun job but there is much worse

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  • RainbowFlash

    It is normal to feel the way you are feeling, but as you are probably aware.. fear drives out reason.

    How many cashiers do you think spend their lives behind the till? Near none.
    To be honest, it can be a relieving job. I am an IT contractor and work in high stress environments. A job behind a till between major jobs is a relief. It is mindless and lets me earn money during some relaxing downtime.

    Don't let fear control your life. YOU are in charge of where you go in life.. if you end up behind a till, by choice or necessity.. it will be a temporary position. The best thing for finding a job, is having a job already. It is actually one of the things HR looks for, it shows that you can work and are in the routine of working.

    Remember the truth, it will dispel the fear.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Why would you settle for a job that you feel that way about? There are a gazillion things one can work at, so why not choose one you will enjoy? Just remember, you won't be starting at the top and you may have to put in some time learning your job.
    It really doesn't matter how much potential you have, we all must pay our dues in the beginning.

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  • Lulilummu

    This doesn't really help you, but you'll kind killing yourself a lot harder than it sound.

    This is what WILL help you. Lets say you are capable of killing yourself. If you don't fear death, why fear any challenges life can throw at you.

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  • dasugaknows

    Listen, i was a cashier a very very long time ago when i was a teenager and i hated every minute of it. There really are other jobs out there that are better. Good luck.

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  • reminiscent

    I had no idea what you ment by working behind a till so I had to google and found out its a cashier.
    ok I dont think thats the worst you have social anxiety? I can understand not wanting to do that job if you do because you have to interact with a lot of people.
    There are plenty of other jobs you dont have to interact with so many people why not job hunt?
    Why are you being forced into this job?

    Also not everyone is good at everything and seems a bit ridiculous to me to kill ones self because your not good at something. You need to boost your own self esteem by finding something you are good at... could be in a work place or just a hobby.

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